Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 102 Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition 9

Chapter 102 Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition 9
"Why did you call me out?" Jiang Yu'an's tone was a little cold, and Tang San also knew that Jiang Yu'an was angry.

"Sorry for making you worry..." Tang San carefully looked at Jiang Yu'an's face. Compared to Jiang Yu'an's eyes, which were completely dark, Tang San could clearly see Jiang Yu'an's current expression in the night.

That is without expression.

This would look a lot like Jiang Yuning, very scary.

"What am I worried about? I have nothing to worry about. Your father will protect you."

Tang San knew that it would be fine if Jiang Yu'an made trouble, but this situation was the most difficult to coax.

"An'an, I'm sorry... I don't know how to apologize to you, and I know it's too selfish to tell you to wait for me, but if you are willing to wait for me, I will come back to you even if I risk my life."

Tang San raised his hands and swore with great caution. He had never lied to her, and he would always remember what he promised her, but promises are the most illusory things...

"It is said that fairy grass has spiritual power..." Tang San took out a jade box from his arms and opened it to reveal a red flower, emitting a soft red light in the dark night.

Tang San cut his hand and dripped the blood on the flowers. He looked straight at Jiang Yu'an, his eyes unable to tolerate any other trace.

After a moment, the flower loosened and fell into Tang San's hand, "This is the heartbroken red... I think An An also knows its allusion... I want to give it to you, hoping that it will always protect the one I love..."

Tang San gently placed the flower in front of Jiang Yu'an, who was fascinated by the flower.

Lovesickness is red... Its allusion is really beautiful, but the name really makes people feel lovesickness.

"Bah! What a lovesickness, you still want my An'an to miss you so much, right? Have your sweet spring and autumn dream!"

Xiao Wu jumped out of nowhere and kicked Tang San away. She didn't forget to pick up the flowers and stuff them into Jiang Yu'an's arms.

Although the name is unlucky, I just heard Tang San say that this flower protector cannot be wasted.

Tang San stared blankly at the scene just now, what's going on?It is certain that Lovesickness Red protects the Lord. If it is given to a loved one, Lovesickness Red will also protect the other person, but why does nothing happen to Xiao Wu after taking it...

Jiang Yu'an was still sad, and was stunned when Xiao Wu interrupted her. When she came to her senses, Xiao Wu was holding her on her back and walking back, holding a softly glowing lovesickness in her hand.

No... She was still thinking about whether to accept it. Why did Xiao Wu accept it directly for her? Then wouldn't she have to wait for Tang San... Although she could indeed wait, she couldn't leave a crematorium for Tang San to pursue his wife. impression?
Can Xiao Wu read the script?hateful!
The next day, the two of them returned to their usual self. No one was angry. The most angry person was Xiao Wu. She was in vain for sowing dissension most of the night. She sincerely hoped that Tang San would never come back in this life. Wait until she has passed. When she reaches maturity, she comes out to pick An An up and abduct her back to her nest.

Today's game is against a team from a country affiliated with Tiandou. Being able to fight through so many teams shows that they have a certain level of strength.

Huang Yuan and Jing Ling have not missed practicing during this period. Although they know that it is unlikely for them to break through to the Soul Sect, what if it happens?Besides, you can’t waste time like this if you have nothing to do.

If you lack talent, you need to work hard to make up for it, otherwise you will never be able to keep up with your teammates.

"Tailong goes up first to test the waters, followed by Jing Ling, Meng Yiran, Xiao Wu, Huang Yuan, they are just two soul sects, you just need to pay attention."

Chu Yan had nothing to explain to this team. He thought it could be solved easily, but the captain was in some trouble, so he threw Tai Long in first to resist the beating.

Their captain's martial spirit was a sunflower, and the yellow light among the flying flowers and leaves was as hot and dazzling as the sun.

This team relied on their captain to use this trick to kill several members of most of the team before.It's just that it's not that useful when it comes to Tai Lung. He has absorbed the fairy grass and the strange velvet celestial chrysanthemum, which gave him an indestructible body. In addition, he was beaten every day, not to mention how resistant he was to beatings.

There is no pain or itching when scraping these flowers and leaves on your body.

The light is very dazzling, but it's not a big problem.

When his fourth soul skill was activated, the ground cracked and jumped, catching the opponent off guard.

It would be good for an academy with no connections to know the situation in its own division, but the situation in other divisions would be completely blind.

The large-scale control of Tai Lung's group allowed him to reveal his flaws for a moment. Tai Lung found the right moment and punched the figure.

The man was pushed back several meters by Tai Lung's punch before he could stop. Tai Lung always liked to pursue victory, so he followed up with another punch with his left hand. He punched four or five times back and forth, and he fell to the ground overwhelmed.

Tai Lung wiped off the opponent's blood on his clothes and shouted with great excitement, "Next one."

Jiang Yu'an and Liu Erlong covered their eyes at the same time. Why are they so good at attracting hatred? Thanks to the audience, they would be notorious.

Although everyone wanted to kill each other in this kind of competition, they still pretended to value peace on the surface. Tai Lung was the first person who not only refused to give face, but also threw the opponent's face to the ground and stepped on it.

The members of the opposing team were very angry, but their captain was already their strongest fighting force. Even their captain couldn't beat them. How could they expect them to beat him?

So much so that they just had angry faces in the audience, and when the referee called for the next one, they all pushed each other and no one dared to step forward.

Tai Lung saw that it was not a serious attack. They were destined to lose anyway, so why did they go up and get beaten?

It was a wise choice for them not to go up. This is called preserving combat power.

It's just that they forgot that now is just a qualifying match, used to show their own strength. Such a timid one was defeated before it even started, and there is no need to talk about the future future.

Their team leader had no choice but to admit defeat after persuading them to no avail.

Tai Lung was confused on the competition stage. Did he admit defeat so suddenly?Don't you really want to fight more?Why are these people like this? Fighting is such a happy thing, but they actually avoid it.

Tai Lung cursed in his mind and stared at the team's back before being kicked off the stage by the host.

"How could they, as soul masters, do this... It would be a shame to lose without a fight..."

Tai Lung muttered until he got near the team, and he didn't stop talking. Jiang Yu'an didn't even complain about him now. His gossip was limited to talking to himself and others. As for why it happened like this, it was probably because he was Tang San probably disliked it too much.

"Tailon, we agreed that friendship comes first and competition comes second... You broke the rules..."

Meng Yiran started to laugh when she caught someone, hoping to see who would later say that she was not practicing martial ethics by hitting people with a stick or pulling their hair.

 Jiang Yuning: Am I an adjective?

(End of this chapter)

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