Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 105 Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition 12

Chapter 105 Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition 12
The man who came on stage at this time was somewhat similar to Yu Tianheng, but I always felt that his eyebrows were too gloomy, which made people feel a bit uncomfortable.

Although I have never played against the Thunder Team before, I can still tell that this is their captain Yu Tianxin.

They are both members of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Yu Tianheng is in Tiandou Royal Academy, and Yu Tianxin is in Thunder Academy. It is impossible that there is nothing in them. The most direct guess is that the two have a bad relationship and are in the same team. Otherwise, Yu Tianheng would not have to go to another college to become the captain of another team, and eventually become the opponent of his own sect's team.

Such a thankless thing, if the two of them have a good relationship, they can go further in a team with two powerful people, instead of the two people of Shenqi who can make their faces change drastically.

They have a better relationship with Yu Tianheng, and now seeing Yu Tianxin, her heart is even more biased towards Yu Tianheng.

"It's still okay, right? If not, let's change someone else?" Jiang Yu'an felt bad. He always felt that the person facing him was not someone who would be gentler in the end out of pity for girls.

I'm afraid that for revenge, I will deliberately do some disgusting things.

"Substitute him. I'll go up and attack hard. He's also thick-skinned. He can still hit him with a stick without any pain." Tai Lung stared at the competition stage worriedly.

"But Yiran clearly showed no signs of planning. How can she fight a strong attack with agility? Are you crazy?" Liu Erlong grasped the armrest tightly. She knew very well that Meng Yiran was definitely no match for Yu Tianxin.

"Can't we admit defeat?"

Liu Erlong shook his head, "No, it's not an emergency. You need to admit defeat before participating in the battle. Everyone, please pay more attention later."

She was unwilling to doubt her nephew with bad thoughts, but in comparison, she still felt that her student was more important.

They couldn't understand Meng Yiran's thoughts, and they insisted on fighting even though they knew they couldn't beat him.

Meng Yiran was holding the scepter in both hands, still looking like the proud little princess. She had been pampered by her family since she was a child, and she would be given whatever she asked for. After coming to Shenqi, everyone got along harmoniously, and she was never disappointed in whatever she had to do. Everyone knows She is also willing to spoil her temper.

It’s just that she knows that what everyone will always remember is the way she won every time with those weird moves, and she will be replaced as soon as possible if she can’t beat something that is easily injured. She also wants to prove that she doesn’t need to be used to others. It doesn't need anyone's special care.

It doesn't matter if you lose this game, as long as you help everyone, and let Yu Tianxin be exhausted until he gets hurt.

There was still blood dripping on the scepter for a long time. At the moment when a drop of blood gathered for a long time and dripped on the ground, the two of them moved their hands at the same time.

Shenqi's heart was twitching, and the collective breathing became much shallower.

Meng Yiran, she was a little girl who cried for a long time if her clothes were torn during a fight, but she had to wear her favorite new clothes every day. Jiangzhu didn't know how many times he mended her skirt.

On the competition stage, Yu Tianxin's fists were covered with a layer of scales. Lightning flashed around his fists. As he pumped his fists, there were bursts of tiny explosions.

Meng Yiran's snake shadow was forced to avoid Yu Tianxin's fists again and again, and retreated again and again.

The scepter was thrown behind Yu Tianxin, and the snake's body started to slide along the scepter. At the same time, she picked up the scepter with both hands and hit the back of Yu Tianxin's head.

"It's hard to use a move twice." Yu Tianxin raised her hand and grabbed Meng Yiran's snake staff and pulled hard.

Meng Yiran let go decisively, and the snake staff suddenly disappeared and reappeared in her hand. She picked up the snake staff and hit Yu Tianxin on the head.

"Idiot, I'm a martial soul. I don't know how to attack the east and the west."

After taunting Meng, she still ran away. Her fourth soul skill had not been used in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. It came from a fast purple bamboo snake, which was fast and highly venomous.Although the poison is not that strong when she is here, and she doesn't have it in her soul ring or soul skills, she does have it in her martial soul. This is why the guy in the game fainted after being hit with four sap blows.

She, an agility and attack type soul master, kept hitting people with her martial soul in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. She was not stupid.

Although she had done this before, she didn't use it much at that time. She still liked to pull her hair.

God always opens some strange windows for her, which makes people feel confused even when they look at them.

Yu Tianxin expressionlessly wiped away a trace of blood from the place where Meng Yiran had just been beaten, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Meng Yiran became alert in his heart and even controlled his position when walking around Yu Tianxin.

Different from Meng Yiran's caution, Yu Tianxin stood lazily in the center of the stage. Her arms began to change, and her hands gradually developed into dragons, and even her neck grew a lot of scales.

"She has transformed into a dragon. She still knows the situation of the dragon transformation. I hope she is aware of it." Liu Erlong felt inexplicably relieved at this time.

It probably suddenly occurred to me that they often went to Yu Tianheng for training. The two of them had similar soul skills. Once they got acquainted, they had some understanding of Yu Tianxin's situation, and they should be able to avoid some dangers in time.

Meng Yiran's palms were a little sweaty, so he threw a few snake blades to test, but they were either blocked by Yu Tianxin or he dodged them casually.

He could even block one of her soul attack attacks by raising his hand at will.

We can only give it a try. After that, she will probably be gone. I hope the kid Huang Yuan behind will take care of himself.

Meng Yiran's fourth soul skill lights up. It is an acceleration soul skill that can increase the speed to 300%.

On the competition stage, Meng Yiran was almost invisible. He could feel a gust of wind passing by him, but he could only feel a gust of wind with his hand, which was very draining of energy.

Meng Yiran glanced at Yu Tianxin, swung his scepter over, and without even looking where it went, he slipped to a distant place and took another snake blade.

Then she stared closely at the wound scratched by the snake blade. Even if it was just a trace, she still felt it was very useful and swung the scepter against the wound.

After going back and forth like this seven or eight times, her physical strength was almost reaching its limit. Yu Tianxin was also particularly impatient with this kind of time-consuming scratching behavior.

After Meng Yiran was exhausted, his speed also slowed down. He calculated the time and position and punched out in the direction where Meng Yiran would pass by later.

The feeling of his fist hitting something real made him happy. Meng was still punched out and rubbed along the ground for more than ten meters. He strode over and lifted her up.

The clothes behind him had long since rubbed off, his back was bloody, and half of his face was swollen.

Blood oozed from the corners of his mouth, and Meng Yiran opened his mouth with difficulty: "I give up."

 When will this place be finished...

(End of this chapter)

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