Chapter 130 129 Stinky Fish

Jiang Yu'an didn't fully expect those people to inquire. Of course, inquiries about such bizarre events were more common in small villages.

Putting on ordinary clothes, Jiang Yu'an found a small village, rented a house in the town, bought a bag of melon seeds, and walked to several villages on weekdays when she had nothing to do. She had already figured out the uncles and aunties in the past few days. During her usual chatting time, she was asked to sort out each village, and the schedule was extremely full. Of course, Jiang Yu'an, who had schedule conflicts, chose to go for a walk in all of them and then leave with the best.

The people in the village were originally a little dissatisfied with Jiang Yu'an, an outsider, asking about the internal secrets of their village. However, Jiang Yu'an was sweet-mouthed and would share the seeds with them. They gradually accepted it, and sometimes they would let Jiang Yu'an interrupt and tell her every detail. Branch melon in melon.

Jiang Yu'an's eyes lit up when she heard this. Seeing that she, a young child, still loved to talk to them, a group of old men and women, they talked even more enthusiastically. They wished she could dig out eight generations of their ancestors.

Before leaving, these old men and women kicked up a bagful of melon seed snacks when they returned home. They told everyone they met that the new girl in the village was pretty, had a sweet mouth, and was generous with her actions.

When Jiang Yu'an left half a month later, the old men and women in several villages still felt a little regretful. I don't know whether it was because they regretted that no one listened to them and had told them many times that they were hungry and rotten melons, or because they regretted that they would never get snacks from Jiang Yuan again. .

Jiang Yu'an held a thick stack of paper, on which were written various bizarre events, large and small, including addresses. If there was no accurate address, he did not write it down.

She sat in the carriage and crossed out the outrageous news that was false at first glance. After all, she didn't believe in the sudden appearance of light, the sudden collapse of the sky and the death of a whole town. , because soul masters can indeed do it, but no one has heard of such big news when she asked others about it. This only shows that the credibility of this matter is not so high. Of course, she will not throw away the paper. Let’s check it out again if you get a chance.

Finally, after being scattered, there were only thirteen people left who had accurate addresses and seemed to be quite reliable.

She rented this carriage for two months. After all, she was not sure whether she would be able to rent a car where she would go. She didn't want to look for a place in a sloppy and disgraced manner and end up being disliked by others.

Based on the principle of proximity, Jiang Yuan went to the nearest place first. Rumor has it that there are monsters in the water that can eat people. Every pedestrian passing by would be dragged into the river. At least thousands of people died.

This rumor is somewhat credible, at least the driver knew it, and all the nearby villages had moved away, so there was only such a water source nearby.

Jiang Yu'an suspected that a soul beast had come here for no reason. There used to be a village here, which proved that there was no such monster.

"Little girl, um... I just sent you here. I don't know what you are doing here. Um... I have an old one and a young one..."

The carriage had just arrived at the entrance of the village. It was still about a kilometer away from the river. Jiang Yuan understood and asked the coachman to stay here and call her loudly if anything happened. He left Xiaoning in the car to protect the coachman. Jiang Yuan trotted towards the river. location.

It's not worthwhile to use soul power. If something happens to something and it just lacks a little soul power, she really won't have anywhere to cry, so the original one is the best!

When we arrived at the river where there was a legendary monster, the water level had dropped a lot. There were no fish or even aquatic plants in the river. It was so bare that Jiang Yu'an was a little surprised.

But at the same time, it also confirmed her suspicion that there is really a spirit beast in this river. Due to the relocation of the villagers and the spread of the matter, no one will come here. Without the source of food, if the spirit beast wants to survive, it will only Can eat various creatures in the water.

However, the creatures in the water are limited. Jiang Yu'an is not sure whether the soul beast in it is still alive, and there are not so many people dead here as rumored, only about seventy or eighty.

Jiang Yuan took out a piece of raw meat from the soul guide and threw it into the river.Before the meat even touched the water, a dark blue creature covered with fur sprang out from the bottom of the river. For a moment, Jiang Yu'an didn't recognize what it was. It looked very different and looked really pretty...

Jiang Yu'an couldn't help but feel disgusted, and seeing that his body was still slippery and covered with mucus, and his open mouth had begun to rot and stink, Jiang Yu'an covered his mouth and nose and felt like vomiting.

Damn it, who wants to harm me!Cuizui!Smash her fruit!

She suddenly understood why although there were soul beasts here, there was no soul master to help justice, and she was not willing to help them.


Jiang Yu'an took out the powerful hidden weapon of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow from the soul guide. She was afraid that the soul beast would struggle and splash water all over her body if she missed it with one arrow. She felt sick just thinking about it.

Aiming at the soul beast's head, Jiang Yu'an did not leak any soul power, for fear that the soul beast would sense it and run away.

With a "whoosh" sound, the arrow was deeply buried in the body of the soul beast, and it sank completely into the water without any struggle. A stench burst out from the water in an instant. Jiang Yu'an collected the innocent souls who died here and ran away without even bothering to study. What a strange species that is.

If it needs a name, I suggest calling it Stinky Fish, vomit...

After getting on the carriage, Jiang Yu'an urged the driver to leave quickly. Even when she put down her hands, she felt a stench lingering on the tip of her nose.

Cats' sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of humans. As soon as Jiang Yu'an came in, Xiao Ning looked at her with a look like "Did you secretly eat shit?" while he kept retching.

Damn it, she suspected someone was trying to harm her and the evidence was solid.

Rushing all the way to the next location, I shouldn't be able to reach the destination, but I can feel a small town nearby. Of course, this is not what Jiang Yu'an can see. This is what the driver said. Jiang Yu'an can know a hammer, and her mind is full of confusion. Waiting to die but forced to open for business.

After practicing in the car for a while, Jiang Yu'an thought it was time to cook, so he put two large pieces of raw meat in Xiao Ning's basin. Jiang Yu'an took out a small stove and calmly cooked two bowls of noodles for himself and the driver.

The appearance is really ordinary, there is a layer of meat slices on top, and it is still cold. When you eat it later, you have to put some in the bottom of the bowl to heat it up, and sprinkle some chives. Jiang Yu'an stuck his head out and asked the coachman if he wanted to eat coriander. After trying it and then resolutely rejecting the reply, she felt a little regretful. No one loved such a great thing as coriander. She finally discovered this in the Star Forest. She was so happy at the time. She was so happy in that area. Even the roots were dug up.

As the sun set, Jiang Yuan and the coachman sat side by side at the front of the car, gnawing on a fruit, blowing the evening breeze and petting the cat. This was the life she had longed for...

 Nonsense literature is really easy to write

(End of this chapter)

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