Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 134: 1 Bishop of Wuhun Hall of Funeral Home

This time he had an acquaintance. Jiang Yuan went to buy a carriage by himself. It was expensive. He heard that this horse was a spirit beast bred by humans. It was much better than ordinary horses, but it also ate more.

Jiang Yu'an didn't really have any talent for driving a carriage, so this burden fell on Jiang Yuning. Jiang Yuning felt that she was a big grievance. Jiang Yu'an's cooking skills were also average. She had to drive and cook.

She suspected that Jiang Yu'an had been living a desperate life before, so she captured her as a nanny.

The architectural style of Xingluo is very different from that of Tiandou, with a feeling of boldness and grandeur.

Like the Northeast where she used to be.

Jiang Yu'an arrived at the place and started her old business, asking around for information about strange rumors. She was no more indifferent than Tiandou. Jiang Yu'an's operation quickly attracted the attention of others.

Two foreigners were asking about this kind of thing in Xingluo, maybe they were here to seek revenge, but it happened that they were two little girls, girls who looked exactly the same.

There was no news that Jiang Yu'an and Jiang Yuning were invited to the branch of Wuhun Palace in Gengxin City.

Jiang Yuan felt bitter in her heart. She felt that Jiang Yuning was going to beat her again. She had caused trouble before she even started. Jiang Yuning's face darkened visibly.

"Bishop, the person you asked for has been brought here."

Miles hugged him on the left and right, with a beautiful woman of different styles sitting on both sides. One fed him fruit, the other fed him wine, and from time to time she placed a delicate kiss on his face and chest.

Seeing Jiang Yu'an and the others walking in, his eyes shone with excitement, looking at them with eyes full of lust, but he still pretended to be serious, "Why do you two want to inquire about such news in the city? But Spies from the enemy country?”

Jiang Yu'an was slightly speechless, and Jiang Yuning rolled his eyes. Gengxin City belonged to the Star Luo Empire, and the city lord of Gengxin City didn't say anything. A bishop from the Spirit Hall jumped out first and took over the honor.

"What's that expression on your face?!" Miles was a little dissatisfied with the two of them. He was the bishop of Wuhun Palace, but they didn't have any respect at all.

But thinking about how the twin sisters would serve him together in the future, he suppressed his anger again.

"What's the matter with the Bishop of Wuhun Palace, who invited us here?" Jiang Yu'an said the word Wuhun Palace very seriously. Anyone with any brains should know that he has nothing to do with their affairs.

But Miles is so horny now that he doesn't care about so much.

"Didn't the bishop just say that? Why do you want to inquire about this kind of thing in Xingluo? You two ladies should give me a good answer."

He had searched these two people and didn't feel any soul power. What kind of flowers could two ordinary people find in his hands.

His eyes became more and more unscrupulous. How could the two people around him who had been following him for so long not know what he wanted to do, and how could they not be happy about it.

Miles was always stingy, and he usually had to work for a long time before he gave them something like a charity. It wasn't like they wanted to follow him, but they couldn't run away. Even if he got tired of playing with him, those people could only Living in the yard is worse than waiting for death as a dog.

If these two sisters come, they must be his favorites. How can they let these two little hooves in? What good can they get if they come in? I'm afraid they will be locked up in the yard like those people. .

The two of them looked at each other, leaning on Miles's chest, while their fingers were still drawing circles on his exposed skin.

"Sir, these two sisters are really ignorant. She is not just saying that you are nosy. Who doesn't know that you are the one who calls the shots in Gengxin City~"

"Yes, yes, it will be difficult for you to come in so disobedient. If you ask me, I have to be trained first before I can serve you properly."

The two sang together, which made Miles feel happy, and his hands on the two of them made the two of them moan.

Jiang Yuning's whole body was exuding cold air and a somewhat suppressed killing intent. Jiang Yu'an held her hand tightly to prevent her from rushing forward and giving Miles a hidden weapon.The lovesickness covered her aura, which probably made Miles think of her as an ordinary person.

This Miles is just a soul emperor, and he is still a loser. The people in the Wuhun Palace are as good as him, so there is really no problem in taking Jiang Yuning out.

The question is, how is she going to solve this problem of killing the bishop of a city? Even if the world forgets her, it will not forget Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yu'an's eyes fell on the two women next to Miles. As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is worse than a poor Taoist. You two are so considerate of Miles, why not go down and accompany him.

He took out a pill from the soul guide with a slight movement of his fingers, picked out a small piece from it with his fingertips, poked Jiang Yuning, and winked at her.

Jiang Yuning: I don’t understand.

"Let's make a scene." Jiang Yu'an pretended to be frightened and hid behind Jiang Yu Ning and whispered.

Jiang Yuning protected Jiang Yuan behind him, his expression concealing anger, and he looked at Miles with a murderous look, "Is this the Bishop of Wuhun Palace? It's really eye-opening. What does it have to do with you for us to inquire about information in Xingluo? You will steal the show. , I don’t know, I thought your Wuhun Palace was going to unify the continent.”

"Okay, what a clever little girl."

Miles' table banged, and the woman next to him laughed loudly when she looked at Jiang Yu'an and the two of them. She was indeed smart, she knew that these two girls couldn't help being excited. It looked like the family was rich. He deserves this kind of humiliation.

Turning around, she gave Miles a heartfelt sigh and forked another piece of fruit for him.

good chance.

Jiang Yu'an used Jiang Yuning's figure to flick out the little bit of poison from her fingertips. The shape was cut into a thin slice by her, and it was easily submerged into the berry.

Seeing Miles eating it without any worries, Jiang Yu'an couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

It's colorless and odorless, and it's still on his own territory. Who can be wary of someone poisoning him from a few meters away?

Black blood flowed from Miles's seven orifices. He stared and pointed at the woman beside him with trembling fingers, ""

The woman waved her hands in panic, "It's not me, it's not me, sir, it must be... it must be them."

The woman pointed at Jiang Yu'an and Jiang Yuning who were standing underneath. The two were seven or eight meters away and had never been close. It was impossible to poison him.

Thinking that it was not feasible to throw the blame to Jiang Yuan and Jiang Yuning, he pointed his finger at the woman on the other side, "It must be her, she was the one who poisoned me."

"You fart! I'll tear your mouth open and I'll see it's you. You fed me the fruit!"

The two of them started fighting with Miles between them. No one cared about Miles' life and death. The scene was chaotic. Jiang Yu'an and Jiang Yuning looked at each other and sneaked out of the Wuhun Hall branch.

"Look, force can't solve the problem, you still have to look at the brain." Jiang Yu'an said proudly.

"You have brains?"

(End of this chapter)

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