Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 137 Chapter 2 Examination

Without letting Jiang Yu'an take action, Jiang Yuning single-handedly eliminated all these bandits.

Although they are all soul masters, their strength is not very strong. They are just some great soul masters and soul masters. They use Tang San's hidden weapons, which can be solved by ordinary people.

The corpse blocked the road, Jiang Yuning kicked Jiang Yu'an down, "Go and do something to make you look useful."

"What?" Jiang Yuan got up from the ground in confusion and looked at Jiang Yuning who was sitting in front of the car with a cool posture.

"Clear the road." Jiang Yuning twitched her lips. Her sister's IQ was really worrying.

"Oh." Jiang Yuan took out her big sword from the soul guide. It was pink. Jiang Yuning laughed out loud as soon as he saw it.

"What a fancy thing, you actually like this."

Jiang Yuning felt that she shouldn't laugh at her sister's aesthetics like this, but this was too... girlish.

Jiang Yu'an blushed, wondering why Tang San had to blame her for the stupid things he did.

It was too late to take it back now. She could only bite the bullet and pick up the sword to clean up the pile of corpses.

She was used to just grabbing the sword when she went out alone, but now she had forgotten how outrageous this sword was.

Pushing the corpse to both sides, a path was cleared in the middle for the carriage to pass. Jiang Yu'an put her pink sword back into the soul guide. Next, she had to be very cautious and never take this thing out.

Jiang Yuning drove forward, and Jiang Yuan jumped on the carriage.

There was a smile on her lips that she couldn't suppress.

"What's wrong with your aesthetics? Your clothes are all red and green, and your weapons are all pink?"

Jiang Yuning bumped Jiang Yuan with his elbow. It was so funny that he had to laugh.

"It's none of my business! I didn't do it! Tang San gave me this thing! There are three thousand gold soul coins!" Jiang Yu'an shouted loudly in embarrassment to make himself look more imposing.

The smile on Jiang Yuning's face faded when he mentioned Tang San, "His aesthetics are really bad, and you are not suitable."

"What's appropriate or inappropriate? I won't ignore you anymore!" Jiang Yu'an muttered in a cursing voice.

The two of them exchanged words all the way to the next location, and the rest of the journey was smooth and smooth.

Jiang Yuan took out a piece of information about this place, well... According to the above introduction, this was once a secret room that was not completed, but when it was almost completed, many things happened and the people who built this secret room died here.

There are also many rumors that people who pass by here die mysteriously, and their bodies disappear.

Although there are many rumors about this, it has never been confirmed because there have never been any corpses here, not even blood.

But it is better to believe that something is there than to believe that it is nothing. No one is willing to take his own life as a bet.

Even powerful soul masters don't believe this. Some have come to see it, but nothing happened.

Jiang Yuan squatted on the ground and looked at the ordinary well in front of him. The surrounding area was very empty.

So why would any idiot build a secret room in a place like this? Why not build it under his own house?
Jiang Yu'an looked down and saw that it was indeed an ordinary well with nothing in it. The water in the well had reached the level that his hands could reach, and there were still a few leaves floating on the water.

After looking at it for a long time, she only came to one conclusion: the water was quite clear and could be drunk after cooking.

Jiang Yuning tied up his horse and moved next to Jiang Yuan.

Since there are rumors, she feels that there is something here.

She stepped hard all around the well and carefully groped on the stones beside the well.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yu'an tilted his head. Are you wiping ashes from the well?

Suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and she began to explore along with Jiang Yuning.

Sure enough, she had been beaten so much by Jiang Yuning that she had forgotten that there was such a thing as a trap.

After searching around for a long time and finding nothing but ashes on her hand, Jiang Yuan put her hand into the well water and washed her paws.

No one lives here anyway, so she shouldn’t be considered evil, right?
The calmness of the water surface was broken, making the well wet. There was a sudden suction in the water, and Jiang Yu'an was forcibly pulled into the well.

Jiang Yuning subconsciously pulled Jiang Yuan's feet, but the suction force was so strong that the two of them were brought into the well water for a moment.

What's surprising is that you can open your eyes in the water, and you can see water all around but you can't feel the presence of water.

The clothes floated and didn't seem to be soaked in water. The two tried it and found that they could breathe.

So this is not water?
Jiang Yuning took Jiang Yu'an's hand, and Jiang Yu'an took out a luminous pearl from the soul guide and started searching around.

This turned out to be an underwater building, with a tall giant door standing there. The two swam toward the door.

"This is too magical." Jiang Yu'an looked around in wonder. Even though she knew that Douluo Continent was a fantasy world, she was still surprised by the scene in front of her.

Swimming all the way to the door, Jiang Yu'an and Jiang Yuning patted and pressed everywhere, and even tried to push the door forcefully, but it didn't move at all.

"What's going on?" Jiang Yu'an glanced at Jiang Yuning helplessly.

"Go up first."

Jiang Yu'an nodded, and the two of them headed upstream together.

The moment they emerged from the water, they suddenly felt that there was still a difference between the air below and the normal air.

The water above should be ordinary water. The two of them got wet as soon as they came up.

The two of them ran back to the carriage in despair to change clothes. Jiang Yu'an used his soul power to dry Jiang Yuning's hair.

"We can't do it here, just go to the next one."

Jiang Yuning turned around and asked Jiang Yuan's opinion. She felt that there was no need to fight over this kind of thing, because the information they collected was not short of this one. If it was really the only difference, they would come back in the end.

Jiang Yu'an had the same idea, and the two of them had a depressing lunch and started on their way again.

However, that place still made her a little wary. She felt a palpitation in her heart when she went down. She would come back to see it later when she became stronger.

She had a hunch that she would eventually come back sooner or later.

The next three went much more smoothly, and they quickly found the place and successfully solved the problem.

Jiang Yuning held Jiang Yuan in her arms. This was the last one. Jiang Yuan was chilling in her arms. No matter how Xiao Ning meowed on Jiang Yuan, she showed no sign of waking up.

Cold sweat dripped down her forehead, Jiang Yu'an lay struggling in the dark space.

She thought that the last soul bone was an external soul bone, but she didn't expect it to be so uncomfortable. The previous soul bones were absorbed too easily, and now the things growing out of the bones are densely packed, itchy, painful, and numb. The feeling of being unconscious made her want to go crazy, and she twisted and crawled on the spot.

"Ah... aha..."

She rolled on the ground imagelessly, tears rolling down her face and sweat streaming down her face.

When leaning on the ground, you can clearly feel the two unknown bulges.

She could only feel better by hitting her back against the ground.Jiang Yu'an was on her lap, and Jiang Yuning could clearly feel the two bulges on Jiang Yu'an's back.

She didn't know what it was, nor did she know that the soul master class had an external soul bone. She touched the two protrusions with her dazed hands.

The back of her clothes was torn, revealing her smooth and white back, but the two bloodshot bulges were particularly obvious and shocking.

Jiang Yuning's fingers felt cold, and she touched the two bumps on her body. The cool touch made Jiang Yu'an feel a little comfortable in the space.

She unconsciously raised her buttocks and pushed the two things into Jiang Yuning's hands.

Jiang Yuning breathed a sigh of relief and put his hands on Jiang Yuan's back, still holding her around.

Jiang Yu'an knew that her good sister outside should have noticed it. She was so moved that she couldn't express it. She would give Jiang Yuning a kiss tomorrow.

The hands that Jiang Yuning was massaging had begun to feel sore, and Jiang Yuan's back was becoming more and more terrifying, as if the skin would burst in the next second and something would come out of it.


Jiang Yu'an groaned, and his huge wings flew her out, half hanging in the air, one black and one white, with sharp feathers and bright and bright colors.

Jiang Yuning stared blankly, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

When they go back... do they still need a carriage?

Jiang Yu'an opened his eyes weakly, his vision was blurry, but he felt that the perspective was not right.

She blinked, and when her eyes cleared, she realized that she was hanging in the air.

"Jiang Yuning! You are wicked! You hung me up again!" Jiang Yu'an had no strength but screamed angrily.

Jiang Yuning crossed his arms and stood there indifferently watching Jiang Yuan curse.

Until Xiao Ning couldn't stand it anymore and pointed at Jiang Yu'an's back with her paw.

Jiang Yu'an turned her head hard and discovered another pair of wings behind her.

"What the hell?" she blurted out subconsciously.

The wings retracted at that moment, and Jiang Yuan fell vertically from the sky.

It’s over!She looks so handsome!

Jiang Yu'an subconsciously covered his face and even forgot to put a shield on himself.

Jiang Yuning reached out and fished it out, and Jiang Yu fell safely into her arms.

Feeling that he had not landed, Jiang Yuan lay on Jiang Yuning, and did not hesitate to praise her, "Bullshit, bullshit, Jiang Yuning! You! That's it! My God!"

"Shut up." Jiang Yuning covered Jiang Yuan's mouth, why was he still talking so much when he was half dead.

Looking at Jiang Yu'an's back, the wound was gone and no scars were left, as if everything just now was her imagination.

"You won't have to experience something like that every time you use that in the future, right?" Jiang Yuning stretched out his fingers and rubbed the place that was just raised.

The flesh was newly grown and was particularly sensitive. When Jiang Yuning touched it, she was so itchy that she laughed, but because she was too tired and had no strength left, she laughed twice and slumped down, then stiffened her back and laughed again.

"No way...hahaha...don't...don't touch." Jiang Yu'an broke free from Jiang Yuning's clutches.

Then she felt the presence of wings, and with a thought, a pair of huge wings appeared behind her, and she rushed into the air.

The wings were very handsome, and they were two-color. She felt even more handsome, and immediately prepared to perform a handsome flight for Jiang Yuning.

When she flapped her wings, she started to fly awkwardly in the air before even flapping twice.

Flying is particularly important for her balance control and physical strength, and even the control of the soul power input on both wings. Jiang Yuan flew back and forth in mid-air, and finally crashed into a dense tree. This time she did remember to put up a shield for herself.

There was no injury or pain, but her life felt dark.

Why should she be embarrassed over and over again in front of Jiang Yuning!

"You're not dead yet? You're not dead yet." Jiang Yuning stood under the tree. He could only see one of Jiang Yuan's feet drooping, while the others were blocked by the leaves and couldn't be seen clearly.

Jiang Yu'an allowed himself to slip from the tree trunk and then fell to the ground, his shield shattered.

"I think... these two wings should not come from the same thing. I may have absorbed two external soul bones..."

Jiang Yu'an tried to regain his respect by making strong arguments.

Jiang Yuning didn't think much about it at all. Young birds are not born with the ability to fly. Jiang Yuan insisted on pretending.

She reached out and lifted Jiang Yuan's back collar, dragged her all the way back to the carriage, and changed into another piece of clothing.

Just for these wings, will she have to leave two holes when making clothes for her in the future?It seems a little weird.

There is no doubt that absorbing soul bones increases soul power. Jiang Yuan sat on the carriage and started practicing. Of course, she did not reach level 60 directly this time, which would be a bit outrageous.

She is only level 56, and the increase this time is the life of her soul ring.

I originally thought there was no such link, but unexpectedly it turned out that there was still one, and the soul ring would only be given after it could be upgraded.

Jiang Yu'an released the soul ring, and circles of soul rings fell beside her.

The originally purple soul ring became more and more purple, the second soul ring also changed from yellow to purple, and the third soul ring turned into deep purple.

This soul ring configuration looks good.

Jiang Yu'an opened his eyes and steeled himself to show off a meal with Jiang Yuning.

Even if you are sleepy, you have to eat first, otherwise you will wake up hungry.

After eating, she hugged Xiao Ning and squirmed into the carriage, closed her eyes and started to sleep.

Xiao Ning struggled unwillingly for a few times, but did not move. She resigned herself to her fate and began to sleep in Jiang Yu'an's arms.

Jiang Yuning simply didn't hurry so as not to disturb Jiang Yuan's sleep.

Soul masters really surprised her. There were many magical things. Even what soul masters came into contact with and what ordinary people came into contact were like two different worlds. She thought that if she worked hard enough, she would close the distance between them. Only now do I realize that the difference between soul masters and ordinary people has never been their hard work.

As the strength of soul masters increases, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people no matter how hard they try. Look... soul masters can fly.

Why doesn't she envy such a world, but this world is never fair.

She covered Jiang Yu'an with a quilt and wrapped her feet in the quilt.

Her An An was just an auxiliary soul master. She knew that auxiliary soul masters had no fighting power. Her An An needed protection, but she was so powerless that she could not protect her sister.

Jiang Yuning directly ignored the scene where Jiang Yuan killed a soul beast with a big sword along the way, and his soul bones were cleared in seconds with his skills.

Isn't it normal for auxiliary soul masters to need protection?
(End of this chapter)

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