Jiang Yuan flew back to Tiandou City in fear. She was just an ordinary soul master. Although she was more talented and had no background, only Dugubo and Lanba Academy could help now, but others could come to help. As a matter of fact, there is nothing to say if they don't help Jiang Yu'an.

Flying was actually not allowed over the city, so Jiang Yuan could only fly to a place with few people. When he ran out of soul power, he would stop to rest and restore his soul power.

After eating and sleeping all the way, we didn't arrive at Tiandou City until the third day.

After she discussed it with Liu Erlong and Dugu Bo, they agreed immediately.

Jiang Yu'an then returned home. Standing at the door of her house, she was a little afraid to go in.

She didn't know how to tell her parents that she had taken Jiang Yuning out but not brought him back, and now her life and death were unknown.

She was afraid of seeing the disappointment and complaints in her parents' eyes.

"An'an? Why are you standing at the door when you're back?"

When Jiang's mother opened the door, she saw Jiang Yu'an standing timidly at the door. She was as dirty as a tabby cat. If it weren't for her unkempt appearance, she might not have recognized that this was her daughter.

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth, "I..."

Jiang's mother didn't know what was wrong with Jiang Yu'an. She glanced behind her a few times, but didn't see Jiang Yuning's figure. She subconsciously asked, "Where's your sister? Why didn't she come back with you?"

Jiang Yu'an's eyes shrank and his face turned pale, "My...sister is protecting me...something happened..."

The voice was very small, like a whisper, but Jiang's mother still heard it.

Jiang's father came out when he heard Jiang Yu'an's return. At this time, he walked over and heard Jiang Yu'an say this.

Jiang's mother didn't take a breath and fell straight back. She didn't take much care of Jiang Yu'an since he was a child. She felt bad for her. Jiang Yuning had grown up by her side since he was a child. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh. She couldn't handle any accident.

"My mother..."


Two exclamations sounded at the same time, and there was a commotion. Jiang's mother was carried into the room by Jiang's father. Jiang Yu'an was so panicked that he forgot that he was a healing soul master and ran to the kitchen to boil medicine.

While brewing the medicine, she gradually calmed down. Now she can either find a supporter or become a god.

In fact, there is not that much way to go, because she seems to have offended most of the major forces on the continent. Wuhun Palace was offended by Tang San, Qibao Glazed Sect, her relationship with Shrek was not good, and Ning Rongrong was offended. They are Shrek's people, although they probably don't remember them now.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect offended Yu Xiaogang. Although her relationship with Yu Tianheng was okay, they did not remember her.

As for the Haotian Sect... I guess I can't do it, I'm not familiar with it.

So she has only one way to go to the dark side. She wants this god position even if she doesn't want it. She must want it, so that even if Jiang Yuning dies, she still has hope of resurrecting her.

After thinking about it, she placed the prepared medicine in the room and left quietly.

She had to complete the divine test while looking for traces related to the so-called divine seal. Using herself as a lead, they would come out sooner or later.

But before that, she needed to strengthen herself, the Soul King was still too weak.

Looking at the third test that appeared in my mind, the city of killing...

This place really surprised her. That place seemed to prohibit soul power?Didn't you say banning soul bones?It’s just that the wings may not be used for the time being. The wings require soul power to support them, but the soul skills attached to the wings should still be usable.She had only been back for a short time, so she probably wouldn't have left much of her presence. Jiang Yu'an came out of home and rushed to Gengxin City overnight.

She went to the Blacksmith Guild to customize a batch of simple concealed weapons, and bought some weapons for backup. Naturally, she would not doubt the practicality of the weapons made by Tang San, not to mention that when Tang San got rich, he would successively modify this large weapon for her. Sword, nearly [-] gold soul coins have been invested in this sword one after another. It is not a problem to hold the weapon soul.

The problem is that her actual combat ability is a bit average. There are many militants in Xingluo, which should improve her actual combat ability a lot. It just so happens that her wallet is almost empty this time.

Jiang Yuan took out a mask that he had not used for a long time, put it on his face, and resolutely walked into the big spirit fighting arena to be beaten.

No one will remember her existence, even if she comes every day, there are many people coming and going in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, she is just one of many people, she will not change anyone or anything, even if she wins or loses None of her people had the slightest impression of her.

She is becoming more and more comfortable in this big soul field, and she doesn't have to worry about who is targeting her. Just remember her first.

Her actual combat ability has steadily improved, which makes her very satisfied. During this period, her soul power level has increased by one level. She is now level 58.

After staying in the Great Soul Fighting Arena for a few more months, her strength was not much different from that of a beast soul master of the same strength. While the other party was still using soul skills, she did not use soul bone skills, she just held a big sword and People fight hard.

During this period of time, her body was full of injuries, big and small. She would go to the Soul Fighting Arena during the day and go back to practice at night. She had a full schedule every day.

The little girl who once had to be hung up by Tang San to train could finally train to the death every day.

More than half a year has passed, and Jiang Yu'an is only a little short of level 60. She is planning to go back to Tiandou and ask Liu Erlong or Dugu Bo to get a soul ring for herself.

After all, there is no divine test... there should be no such thing as a divine soul ring.

After packing her things and living in this place for more than half a year, although her boss never remembered her, she still went to file a lawsuit.

I don’t know what happened to my mother-in-law. She left so suddenly and she will probably be beaten when she comes back.

She was still preparing to fly back, but the carriage she had had was sold by the hotel after she left. In the end, the boss dismissed her because he didn't remember that she had ever lived here.

There is a canyon that needs to be passed on the way, and the level of danger is not high, so Jiang Yu'an is still somewhat relieved.

If she didn't go through here, she would have to take a long detour and fly for seven or eight days.

Jiang Yu'an didn't let himself fly too high. There were many flying soul beasts in the canyon. If he flew too high, they would easily get upset and come over to fight with the two giants. In that case, the gain would outweigh the loss.

She observed her surroundings as she flew, carefully avoiding danger.

A sharp bird call suddenly sounded, almost causing her to lose her balance and fall. Jiang Yu'an looked down and saw a fiery red bird being pinned to the ground by a bear, its wings torn apart, and its feathers flying in the air. Although the bird It hurts but refuses to open its position.

Getting closer and closer, Jiang Yu'an heard the childish chirping voice that was not too loud.

Was he actually protecting his child?

She couldn't help but think of Jiang Mu again, and sighed again.

He took out a more powerful hidden weapon from his soul guide, rubbed some poison on the arrow, pointed it at the black bear's eye and pulled the trigger.

A hidden weapon penetrated its head, and it fell to the ground and struggled a few times before finally dying. (End of chapter)

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