Douluo: Open the Douluo Continent with pure love

Chapter 150 How does Shura dig human graves?

"You want to go to my house? No, no, can this be done?" The young man waved his hands quickly. His house was broken and dirty, so how could he allow guests to come to his house?

"Isn't it very convenient?" Jiang Yu'an also felt that his words were a bit presumptuous.

"Yes... it's not very convenient..." The young man lowered his head in embarrassment. It was probably due to the young man's self-esteem that he still didn't want others to see his embarrassment.

Jiang Yu'an also didn't know what to say. She had many magical ideas in her mind, but they didn't seem very logical. She felt that the young man might still regard her as a bad person, so she explained: "Actually, I am a Doctor, I saw that there was something wrong with your feet, so I was a little concerned about it. You are really not a bad person."

"Are you a doctor?" The young man's originally plain face suddenly became excited. Before he was excited for more than ten seconds, he calmed down again and said calmly: "Doctor's treatment is very expensive... and there are medicinal materials and so on..."

His family was very poor and had no money at all, otherwise his script would have been delayed for so many years with just a few fractures.

" doesn't cost anything. How can you bring me out a bag of pastries as a reward? If I hadn't met you, I might still be wandering around in the woods. Besides, it's a place where human contact is rare. It's fate that we met each other." "It's natural for me to help you. You'll have to help me out later." Jiang Yu'an comforted him patiently. She didn't want people to think that she was giving alms. How much self-esteem does a young person have? knew.

The young man was still hesitating, but Jiang Yu'an patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, I'm almost freezing to death, aren't you cold?"

The weather was indeed very cold, so the young man quickly followed Jiang Yu'an and led her the way.

His home is at the foot of the mountain, and few people want to live here. Some of the surrounding houses are dilapidated and have no trace of human habitation. The boy and the others cannot afford to move, so they can only continue to live next to this house that is listed as a restricted area. Life.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." The young man opened the door and let Jiang Yu'an go in first. He looked around to make sure no one saw them before closing the door.

Deep in the lobby, there was only a weak fire burning in a small pit. Next to it were two broken wooden beds, with two tightly wrapped people lying on them. However, the clothes were in various seasons.

"Xiao Wang is back?" The woman pushed herself up from the bed, and the slightest effort made her cough. The boy quickly walked over and helped her up and sat on the bed.

"This is..." Jiang Yu'an stood at the door. It was too early to tell Tang San's family. It turned out that there was someone worse than Amen's family, but there was nothing their family could do about it.

"Mom, this is the doctor, you will definitely get better."

"How can we hire a doctor? We are both old bones. What else do you want a doctor to do...cough cough cough..."

The woman was hunched over and her lungs were about to be coughed out.

"Madam, I'd better show you first." Jiang Yu'an was really afraid that she would die from coughing.

The woman was a little frightened when she was called madam for the first time, but because Jiang Yu'an's breath was so peaceful, she miraculously calmed down and her coughing got better.

Jiang Yu'an put his hand on the woman's wrist and carefully checked other places. She frowned. She seemed to have felt this power and breath somewhere before.

She checked the father next to her again and found that it was the same reason that caused the couple to be like this.

"May I ask, Madam, where did you go and what did you do to make you sick when you came back?"

" was the father of the child. Because the family was really poor and Xiao Wang was sick again, he had no choice but to go to the mountains to try his luck. He never came back. I was very anxious, so I went to the mountains to find him. After I came back, I I started to get sick. I thought it was just a minor illness, but it became more and more serious. The village chief also kindly asked a doctor once, but he had no clue at all, so we could only drag it on like this." The woman wiped her tears, dragging her son to do this. For many years, she felt regretful and guilty. The village chief had already listed it as a restricted area, and they still wanted to go in.Jiang Yu'an glanced at Xiao Wang secretly and found that he now looked guilty and unnatural.

"Actually, I'm not quite sure what the reason is. I still need to test it. Now, madam, please relax and don't put up much resistance, okay?"

"Natural nature..."

Jiang Yu'an separated a small strand of his soul power to touch that power. It was very weak, but it was indeed eating away at people's vitality. It was a bit familiar, but not a little bit. Hey!This special meow is exactly the same as the power in the god-given soul ring she absorbed!
In fact, she has always had a suspicion, because the power in the god-given soul ring she absorbs every time is completely different from the aura of the god test. She always thinks that this god-given soul ring may be collected by her god from other places, such as It was said before that Shura created an evil god to suppress him...

Let’s take a bold guess, the god-given soul ring actually belongs to the evil god, and that evil god originally lived here?
No wonder she thinks this place is easy to turns out it has something to do with her.

Jiang Yu'an took out the breath from the two bodies, and the woman suddenly felt a long-lost relaxation in her body.

"Okay, can I take a look at your feet?" Jiang Yu'an stood up and looked at the young man. Her soul skill was a group one, so it could heal them all at once.

The young man's father also gradually woke up in a haze. He had very little time to wake up. "I am... not dead yet..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Someone saved us." The young mother cried with joy. They no longer need to trouble their son. Life will get better, and it will definitely happen.

Jiang Yu'an said he wanted to show Xiao Wang his feet. I didn't know what the young man was thinking. His face turned red, and his originally dark skin became even darker due to the redness.

"What's going on? Come on, we need to treat your parents together." Actually, Jiang Yu'an wanted to say that this old man didn't let you see how he was swaying his feet. He thought you were the one who was molested. Here's the big girl.

But with the blessing of the doctor status buff, she endured it.

"I...I'm going to wash my feet."


The young man quickly escaped from the house, fetched a bucket of water from the well, and washed himself carefully. Jiang Yuan's feet were frozen in the cold weather.

Jiang Yu'an put on clean shoes and asked him to sit by the fire to warm his feet. He checked his bones and found that they were already crooked. To be like a normal person, they would need to be broken and straightened before treatment.

When the young man heard this, he knew how painful it would be, but in order to be like a normal person, there was nothing he couldn't bear.

"Excuse me, I want to heal my foot!"

"Okay." Jiang Yu'an handed him a handkerchief for her to bite. She pressed her hand easily on his foot, and the originally crooked bones were broken again.

The young man's pupils were dilated in pain. Jiang Yu'an took some firewood that the young man had picked up and fixed it for him. In the shocked eyes of the three people, the soul rings lit up, and black light fell on several of them. Their condition improved visibly to the naked eye. (End of chapter)

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