Chapter 156
Jiang Yu'an held Xiao Ning's body and stood in the forest. Xiao Ning's hair was bald. She lowered her head and silently covered the bald spots with the hair on her side.

Xiao Ning is a very beautiful cat, she has always thought so. She usually licks its fur neatly and cleanly, and sometimes bites off pretty flowers when she sees them and asks her to plug them in.

"It's so ugly..." Jiang Yu'an's tears dripped down the tip of his nose and fell on Xiao Ning's hair, forming small puddles. "Don't worry, my sister will definitely save you. She will definitely..."

She took care of Xiao Ning's body, sealed it in a wooden box, and put it into the soul guide.

Yan Qi wanted her to kill Shura and everything could be restored to its original state... She knew.

Walking down the mountain according to my memory, I saw Xiaowang's house at a glance. Because his parents' health improved, their house was also renovated. It no longer felt like it was in tatters and could collapse at any time.

Jiang Yu'an stood there in a daze for a while. Xiao Wang saw Jiang Yu'an at a glance. His eyes suddenly lit up, "Master Soul Master! Are you out?"

"Uh... um." Jiang Yu'an nodded lightly.

Xiaowang was very excited and walked towards Jiang Yu'an, "You have been here for three months, I am worried about you."

"Three months?" So long?Jiang Yu'an felt that she had been there for at least half a month.

"Yes, winter is over."

Jiang Yu'an looked at Xiao Wang's clothes and found that they were indeed missing a lot.

"I haven't thanked you yet. My parents are at home now. Come and sit at my house." Xiao Wang's eyes were bright, and the youthful vigor returned to the boy at this moment.

Just when Jiang Yu'an was about to refuse, Xiaowang's mother also came out, "Mr. doctor? Are you out? Is everything okay? Are you injured?"

"No..." Jiang Yu'an was in a depressed mood and his clothes were a little tattered.

Xiao Wang and his mother looked at each other and roughly understood that maybe that area had not been resolved.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is solved or not. At worst, they can just continue not to go there. Anyway, they have never told anyone that a soul master is going to solve the problem there.

"Master Soul Master, please go to our place to rest first. You must be tired." Xiao Wang's mother came over and took Jiang Yu'an's hand and led her into the house.

The chill hadn't completely dissipated, and there was still a fire burning in the middle of the hall. Xiaowang's mother brought Jiang Yu'an hot water and put it aside. "Would you like to wash up and wipe it down?"

Jiang Yu'an hummed slightly, still a little absent-minded.

"Did something happen? Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. It doesn't matter even if it's not handled well. You're lucky that you weren't injured."

"No, it's been solved. I'm just thinking about other things. Don't worry too much. You can go do it yourself." Jiang Yu'an was not in the mood to deal with such concern.

Upon seeing this, Xiaowang's mother silently withdrew, leaving Jiang Yu'an alone to rest for a while.

After simply washing up and having lunch, Jiang Yu'an asked Xiao Wang to take her out.

Although she, the fairy, was very tired, she couldn't do it if she was asked to rest here. As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt powerless. Xiao Ning died in front of her. Jiang Yuning was taken away. He was hunted but could not resist but could only escape. picture.

After finding a cave, Jiang Yuan received the reward for this divine test.

[The life of the soul ring is increased by 8000 years, and God gives a soul ring. 】

Her soul rings have also successfully become more than ten thousand years old. She had not absorbed the level 70 soul rings before, so she should absorb them now.

Crushing the beads in his hand, the soul ring around his body turned black. The color continued to deepen, and the black became more intense. Finally, it began to turn red. Jiang Yu'an did not feel any difficulty, and finally the soul ring completely transformed. It turned red, and there were dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

Two hours later, Jiang Yu'an slowly opened her eyes. In 17 years, she could no longer struggle. In addition, she had repeatedly trained on the edge of life and death in that ghost place. As soon as she absorbed this soul ring, her soul power reached 74. To the level of level, she added the soul power she fed back to her in the fourth ring.

Now it's time for her to go back and take a look...

He spread his wings and jumped into the air. As his strength increased, special effects were added to the wings. At the same time, he felt that the wings were completely integrated with himself.

Following the route in her memory, she flew towards Tiandou City. As she got closer to the city, she always felt that there was an indescribable layer of things hanging over these cities.

It's the power of God. The further behind she is in the test, the more obvious her perception of divine power becomes.

A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, Yan Qi was nothing, and Shura's eating appearance was even more ugly.

Jiang Yu'an tried to break through that layer of divine power, but the divine power in her body now could only be described as drizzle, and she couldn't even give a slight push to the layer of divine power that enveloped Douluo Continent.

She had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​struggling.

She found a deserted place and slowly descended, and walked towards Tiandou City. People were passing by in a hurry, and occasionally someone would wave to her.

Jiang Yu'an looked a little weird. Could it be that those magical powers were done by Yan Qi?Used to isolate Shura?Why does it seem like everyone knows her.

"Xiao Ning, what are you doing?" Jiang Yu'an was attracted by a familiar voice. She used to eat chaos at this stall, Xiao Ning?Jiang Yuning?
She turned around sharply and saw Jiang Yuning.

The stall owner was smiling and waving to her, and Jiang Yu'an instantly felt a chill running through his head.

"You kid, why have you become so dull after a few days? Do you want to eat Chaos? Auntie will make you a bowl."

Jiang Yu'an asked with some uncertainty: "Are you calling me?"

"Ouch, why are you so stupid? Who did Jiang Yuning call you instead of you? Would Auntie recognize the wrong person?"

"Jiang Yuning has been here before?!" Jiang Yuan finally calmed down.

"We were here a few days ago...Aren't you Xiao Ning? someone who looks so similar?" The stall owner was a little unbelievable. He walked up and stared at Jiang Yu'an back and forth, still a little confused. unbelievable.

There were no other thoughts in Jiang Yuan's mind. Her mind was filled with only one sentence: Jiang Yuning was still alive and had returned a few days ago.

It was like fireworks exploding in her mind, roaring and bursting with brilliant sparks.

"Well, next time we talk to aunt, I'll go home first!" Jiang Yuan's face showed an excited look, and he ran and jumped all the way home. Jiang Yu'an is still alive!As for Yan Qi's promise that others would forget her, it seemed insignificant at this moment.

She ran to that familiar place and pushed open the door.

The familiar faces of her parents in the yard came into view. Jiang's father and Jiang's mother simultaneously turned their heads and looked at Jiang Yu'an at the door. None of the parents Jiang Yu'an imagined would come up and beat her up. At this time, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother stood in the yard and looked at Jiang Yu'an. Somewhat uneasy.

The first time they saw Jiang Yuan, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother knew that the girl in front of them was not Jiang Yuning, but the sister whom Jiang Yuning mentioned repeatedly that they had forgotten.

They were indeed a little surprised. They thought their daughter was crazy, but they didn't expect such a sister to exist. The two of them looked exactly the same!
"An'an is back?" Jiang's mother put down the things in her hands and wiped her hands on her apron.

"Come in and sit down..." Jiang's father also said awkwardly.

Jiang's mother rolled her eyes at him, wondering if she could speak. This was their daughter, not a guest.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward for a moment. Jiang Yuan would be a fool if she didn't feel there was anything wrong.

She didn't even know if she should reply "Excuse me".

"Well, your sister told you to wait for her if you come back. She should be here in a few days."

"I understand." Jiang Yu'an nodded.

"She also said that if you are not used to staying at home, you can go to the academy..." Jiang's mother's words were a bit false. Jiang Yuning also guessed that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's acting skills were not that good, and Jiang Yu'an would definitely not feel comfortable staying here.

Jiang Yu'an clenched his fingers on the door frame with some grievance, avoiding the eyes of Jiang's father and Jiang's mother and walked towards Lanba Academy.

Now not only did others not remember her, but even her parents had forgotten her. But why did Jiang Yuning still remember her?Could it be that the relationship between their sisters can resist divine power?
It's impossible to think about it. Something must have happened in the middle to protect Jiang Yuning from the intrusion of divine power.But what is there in Lanba Academy?Why did Jiang Yuning let him come to this place?

Walking to the gate of Lanba Academy, Jiang Yu'an habitually patted the doorman's window.

The doorman was still the kind old man, holding a soaked and yellowed cup and looking happily at the students coming and going in the school.

"Ah, is Xiao Ning back? He came back quite early this time."

One question after another popped up in Jiang Yuan's mind. Why did everyone think she was Jiang Yuning? Did Jiang Yuning become familiar with this place after she left?When did she come back?

She nodded to the guard and continued walking to the campus. The students coming and going greeted her. Jiang Yuan had a magical idea in his mind. Jiang Yuning couldn't use her identity to prevent others from forgetting her. Has he shaped himself into such a person?
Will they share the same identity when they go out from now on?Not to mention it's quite interesting.

Is this also a surprise that Jiang Yuning gave him?Because others will not forget her repeatedly, she exists.

"An'an?" The girl's voice was clear and not very familiar to her.

Jiang Yu'an turned around and looked at the girl in front of her. She was particularly surprised because it was Chu Nianting whom she had not seen for a long time.

The soft-spoken, soft-spoken girl she once was is now a graceful and graceful girl, and it is impossible to tell that she was once a little girl who almost didn't survive.

"Reading?" Jiang Yu'an's nose felt a little sore. It had been a long time since she had felt someone recognize her at a glance. Even Dean Liu had to keep flipping through his diary to remember her existence.

"It's true that you're back..." A bright smile appeared on Chu Nianting's face.

She had always been looking forward to Jiang Yu'an's return. She wanted to see what the Jiang Yu'an who existed as Jiang Yuning in her memory looked like, and whether it was really the same as in her memory.

When she saw him today, she felt that the "Jiang Yuning" in her memory was like this. Sure enough, there was something wrong with their memory.

"I'll take you in. Everyone has been looking forward to your return."

Chu Nian heard this and took Jiang Yu'an's hand, leading her to Liu Erlong's cabin.

Jiang Yu'an was still a little confused. How did Yan Qi handle it for her? Why did some people remember the same thing and others didn't? Her head felt heavy when she came back.

"Dean! Dean! Look who's back!" Chu Nian was even more excited than Jiang Yu'an was when he saw it. He originally pulled her away, but then trotted all the way back.

Liu Erlong heard the call and came out, "An An? Is it really An An?"

When she was overjoyed, she called someone again, "Quick, quick, come back to find Tang San and the others."

Jiang Yu'an stood at the door, not knowing what to say. What happened in the past few months?Did she save the world?Why were these people so excited to see her? Didn't she just leave for more than half a year?Isn't it?It always feels weird, but I can’t explain why.

And Tang San, shouldn't he be in the Killing City now?Coming out so soon?

"Wait a minute... Dean, there is no need to mobilize so many people, right?" Jiang Yu'an felt that he was not rare enough yet, so he asked everyone who was busy to come back.

"Hey... serious things happened in the past few months while you were away. They have been looking for traces of you outside these past few months." Liu Erlong felt a little frightened when he thought of what happened in the past few months.

Their memories had been tampered with without even realizing it, and according to the notebook and Jiang Yuning's account, it had been tampered with more than once.

"What happened?" She hadn't gotten along with anyone for more than a year. She really didn't know anything about what had happened in the past few months.

"Let's talk together when they come back." Liu Erlong led people to the house.

Jiangzhu has been working as a teacher in the college, and she was also the fastest to arrive.

"An'an?" Jiang Yu'an looked back at her and saw Jiangzhu patting her chest, breathing a sigh of relief and saying, "I'm so glad you're still alive and nothing happened."

Jiang Yu'an's mouth twitched, "Why don't your words sound like good words?"

"No way, I'm obviously caring about you." Jiangzhu stuck out his tongue, as if everything had returned to the days when they went to school together.

It's great... It would be so pure and simple. I just want to go to school and train to improve my soul power every day.

"Dean, why is Tang San here too?" Jiang Yu'an always felt that Tang San had not left the Killing City yet.

"I heard that he has been looking for you, hey... I didn't even remember it at the beginning. I needed to read the diary every day. I didn't expect that he would remember to look for you all the time when he had nothing..." Liu Erlong was a little emotional. , compared to her relationship with Yu Xiaogang, which was abandoned after a slight setback, she actually envied Jiang Yu'an.

Jiang Yu'an's expression was blank. She didn't expect that Tang San actually didn't forget her under the influence of his divine power, and she felt sour in her heart.

Maybe she shouldn't have been running away from this feeling. She had never thought of running away before she remembered what happened in her previous life. Why couldn't she accept it after she remembered it? The Tang San she was familiar with now was the one who had always taken care of her. What does the big Tang San have to do with the Tang San in the original work?

"Speaking of which, what soul power does Senior Jiangzhu have now?" Jiang Yu'an felt relieved after thinking about it, and looked at Jiangzhu with a sly expression.

"I'm 45 now. I shouldn't be able to compete with you who are practicing outside." Jiangzhu showed a look of yearning. She still wanted to go out and practice, but she was only an auxiliary soul master, and she didn't have the strength like Jiang Yu'an, or even Her soul skills were too single, which made it difficult for her to form a team, and the dean was worried, so it was natural for her to stay in the college and become a teacher.

Today's life cannot be said to be unsatisfactory. She has no regrets after winning the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition.

"Where's An'an?" Jiangzhu looked at Jiang Yu'an expectantly.

"Hmph... I'm level 74." Although there is an element of trying to encourage others, she usually spends time to consolidate her soul power after gaining it. Her soul power is not empty. On the contrary, she is on the verge of life and death again and again. Wandering, her soul power is very solid.

Jiangzhu and Chu Nian next to him both widened their eyes, "What did you eat? It's so fast!"

Jiang Yu'an curled his lips and said, "I'll make up for the bad luck."

What she had been through in the past few years was a miracle. After the torture of her soul, she was tortured by her body. Finally, there was the torture of her mind. No one spared her from the inside out.

Thinking of Xiao Ning, she felt a little disappointed.

"Good boy, you're almost catching up with me!" Liu Erlong patted Jiang Yu'an on the shoulder without any control of his strength, causing her to grimace in pain.

"Why are you still such a weakling after becoming a Soul Saint? I'm going to hurt you."

"No matter how soul saint I am, I am only an auxiliary soul master..." Jiang Yu'an rubbed his red shoulders.

The people who were notified of going had different distances and came back at different times. Liu Erlong didn't know exactly where they went. However, the area they were looking for before leaving was divided. She only needed to send someone to put one in that area. Just a flare.

No one came back today. Liu Erlong sorted out the dormitory where she and Xiao Wu once lived. Now she can just live in it.

Jiang Yu'an thought about Wuhun Palace's actions a year later, and didn't know how Xiao Wu was doing now. He had to find a chance to bring her out.

As for Tang San, she felt that they still needed to have a good talk, at least about the truth of some things and the things they would face when they were together with her.

If he couldn't accept it, she wouldn't blame him. He was the protagonist and could smoothly become the God King and the Lord of the God Realm. Why should she drag him into the water to face all this with her.

But it feels so good to see friends again...

Jiang Yu'an was lying on a familiar bed in a familiar place, and it seemed that Xiao Wu was about to start shouting in his ears.

She slowly closed her eyes, and this was the first peaceful sleep she had had in years.

She had not dreamed for a long time and had a rare sweet dream. In the dream, everyone gathered together, eating delicious food, singing songs, talking about their ideals, and looking forward to the future. No one forgot her, and everyone was never separated until... In the end everyone is together.

 For those who play big waves, I will update [-] today.

(End of this chapter)

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