Chapter 158 Methods
Tianqing Niubo didn't think they could do it, and he knew that this boy didn't insist on saving Sister Xiaowu. According to Sister Xiaowu, his relationship with this person was really not good. Now that it has become like this, they want to It’s no wonder that everyone seems a little powerless, I can only say that this is God’s will...

But why should it be like this...

Tang San slowly woke up on Chu Yan's back, his energy was exhausted and his face was still a little pale, "I heard it, don't worry, Xiao Wu, I will definitely come back to life..."

It wasn't because of anything, he could sense that Xiao Wu's soul existed in that soul ring, but it was still in a deep sleep state due to the sacrifice just now, and he should be able to wake up soon.

Yuqingmeng water lily has a super soul-protecting effect. Even if there is only a trace of Xiao Wu's soul, Yuqingmeng water lily can preserve Xiao Wu's soul. This does not mean that he will live with Xiao Wu for the rest of his life.

He has two martial arts souls, and giving one martial soul's soul ring to resurrect Xiao Wu has no problem at all.

As the saying goes, you should avenge yourself.

This material is a bit difficult to obtain, but the first Ten Thousand Years Holy Soul Grass is probably not needed. What we need to consider now is the Ten Thousand Years Ninth Grade Ginseng King and the Ancient Spirit Beast Inner Pill.

Tang San's thoughts coincided with Jiang Yu'an's.

"There is no need for the Ten Thousand Years Holy Soul Grass. Xiao Wu's soul is very active and complete. I have a way to use the remaining two materials, but I may need to trouble Uncle Tang and I to go to the Killing City."

"What's left is to wait for Tang San to cultivate to the title of Douluo."

Tang San's talent was cultivated to the point of being titled Douluo. The originally difficult situation suddenly became easier under Jiang Yu'an's arrangement.

"You want the road to hell..."

"Yes, the nine-headed blazing sun snake."

"We may not be able to enter the Hell Road." Tang Hao calmly thought and analyzed. Although the soul power will not be suppressed again after entering the Killing City after coming out of the Hell Road, the Hell Road must be opened after ten thousand games.

"But we can let Tang San go to the Killing City and force his way through when the hell road opens."

"No! He can't go to the killing city!" Jiang Yu'an looked a little excited...

"Why?" Tang Hao couldn't understand. In his opinion, the Killing City was very suitable for training with the Clear Sky Hammer, and at the same time, he could gain a God of Killing Domain.

This question was originally meant to be asked, but it was not appropriate here. "Let's find a place to talk."

"Go to our place." Azure Bull Python said. They couldn't completely rest assured that a clear solution to resurrect Xiao Wu hadn't been discussed yet.

Tang San has recovered a lot now. He is very happy to see Jiang Yu'an, but with Xiao Wu leaving, he is not too happy either.

Xiao Wu's body was quietly eating the high-grade medicinal leaves she fed in Jiang Yu'an's arms, neither making any noise nor running around.

"The City of Killing is Shura's territory. Those who pass through the Hell Road will obtain the Killing God Domain, which is also a mark made by Shura. A person with the Killing God Domain is equivalent to being on the list of Shura's heirs. At the same time, he can also pass the Killing God Domain. God’s realm is supervising you.”

"So, should I avoid it?" Tang Hao has the realm of killing gods. If they are talking about such revealing things, Shura may just hear them, which will be very detrimental to them.

"No need... If you want to make a move, you will remember how many times I did it when I came here. Now that he can still hold on, I'm afraid he can no longer move."

"Then what does it matter whether Tang San goes to the Killing City or not?" Tang Hao was a little confused by Jiang Yu'an.

"Shura is going after Tang San. There is no guarantee that he will take action during Tang San's divine test. If there is a test for someone to let him kill, or if he is not punished by someone's death, this is normal for him to interfere. Within the scope, then Tang San should take the divine test or not."

Tang San leaned against the tree hole, playing with the stone statue carved by Xiao Wu in his hand, and made his decision without hesitation.

"I dont go."

An An is already helpless. If he is the same as her again, and may even be a rival in the future, then what is the use of this god position?

"If you go, you will take over the position of God King. Giving up Shura is not as simple as giving up this position. There is even another Poseidon. Have you really considered it?"

"Am I so greedy for utilitarianism? An An actually doesn't trust me... It really disappoints me..." Tang San looked at Jiang Yu'an like an abandoned stray dog.

Jiang Yu'an quickly averted her eyes, but a little blood on the tip of her ears exposed her shameful heart.

"I know!" Jiang Yu'an pretended to calm down, "I saw no trace of the third generation of the Golden Soul Palace. Judging from the time I came out of the Killing City, Hu Liena should not have come out of the Killing Capital at this time. We are now If we rush there, we should be able to almost catch her on her way to hell.”

"The King of Slaughter shouldn't let us force our way through the Hell Road so easily." Tang Hao had to interrupt Jiang Yu'an to ask her to stop her unrealistic fantasy, although Jiang Yu'an, an auxiliary soul master, could pass through the Hell Road alone. Very unexpected.

A mysterious smile appeared on Jiang Yu'an's lips, "Not necessarily, the king of killing, but Tang Chen... your whole family has been clearly plotted by Shura..."

"What do you mean...the King of Slaughter is my grandfather?!" The grandfather who once disappeared without a trace actually appeared in the city of killing?
Then why didn't his grandfather recognize him.

"Yes, Tang Chen is the King of Slaughter, but he was possessed by the Nine-Headed Bat King. What he has now is actually the consciousness of the Nine-Headed Bat King. Although Rakshasa knows how to use his hands and feet, Rakshasa is still alive and well. Finding Bibi Dong as the heir to the throne... really requires careful consideration..."

Jiang Yu'an didn't know if Shura could hear it. Anyway, the beam had been formed, so she let go of her yin and yang.

"There are quite a lot of gods on this continent."

There are only three parties in the Douluo Continent, plus a place in the far north, the Star Forest, which is not really that big, but there are quite a few gods they know now.

"There are two more Star Luos... there is also an Angel God in Wuhun Palace. Apart from the fact that the Angel God does not have a very good relationship with Shura, the other gods will give Shura some face, which is a bit disadvantageous for us."

Jiang Yu'an squatted on the ground depressedly. She really couldn't understand why Yan Qi was so brave and thought she could attack Shura alone.

"Then we'd better set off now to avoid any accidents after a long time." Tang Hao stood up, "The rest of the people will ask Brother Dugu to take them back."

"Okay, don't worry when I do the work." Dugu Bo patted his chest. This was something his good brother and his father had told him to do, so it would be done properly.

Tang Hao and the others had no need to participate in the matter, but no one wanted to give up on Jiang Yu'an and let her fight alone. Didn't Shura's memory modification affect them?No, although not, it frightens them. People are selfish. They don’t want to have an existence that can modify their memories at any time and threaten their lives hanging over their heads. They are afraid that the people they cherish will suddenly die one day. It's terrible to be manipulated into forgetting by someone.

People have always cared nothing about themselves, but if anyone's interests are touched, they will definitely unite to become enemies.

Along the way, Tang Hao wanted to mention it several times, but didn't know how to speak. Jiang Yu'an couldn't help but become a little impatient.

"Uncle Tang, what do you want to say?"

"Well... Xiaosan's mother is also a spirit beast. We were hunted down by Wuhun Palace back then, and she was eventually sacrificed to me. Can the method you used to resurrect Xiaowu just be applied to Ah Yin as well?"

He never mentioned the identity of Tang San's mother in front of others, just because he was afraid of being noticed.

"Hmm... I think it's not very applicable. Xiao Wu is a soul sacrifice, and her soul is attached to the soul ring. Your wife should be a normal sacrifice, right? You should be titled Douluo soon, she The soul remains in her body, and she can evolve slowly. Just feed more high-level soul beasts. You won't feed nothing, right? The second thing is that you only have one martial soul, and Tang San lost one. The ring has almost no effect on him, but not you, so I think you should not try it easily."

"Okay..." Tang Hao was a little disappointed.

Jiang Yu'an remembered what method Tang San used to resurrect Ah Yin, but she couldn't remember what method it was.

Tang Hao took Jiang Yu'an to take a shortcut, and the time to reach the killing city was much faster than she expected.

The two of them stood at the door of the tavern. The bartender when Jiang Yu'an came last time had disappeared. I don't know if he had taken a shift or was killed by someone. Jiang Yu'an secretly glanced at Tang Hao.

"Shall we go in directly? Is there no special passage for the God of Death?"

Tang Hao was speechless, "No."


Tang Hao released the God of Killing Domain, and the two jumped from the entrance under the bar. The familiar scene, the familiar smell, and the familiar power inside their bodies were stirring.

His chest felt slightly hot, and Jiang Yu'an slipped his consciousness into it.

[The fifth test, destroy the city of killing. 】

A question popped up in Jiang Yu'an's mind. Would she really catch him and scold her? Where would these people who are addicted to killing go after the city of killing was destroyed?How to deal with it?Are all modes killed?Could this be crazy... She was complaining crazily in her mind, so she watched helplessly as her fifth test information changed from destroying the city of killing to purifying the city of killing.

Okay, okay, Yan Qi, you really are here to monitor me, right?

Forget about that Lao Deng, who has been lying underground for so many years and barely cared for the lonely old man.

The purpose of purifying the Killing City was probably to let her clean up the resentful spirits. Walking on any street in the Killing City, she could feel that she was squeezing through the resentful spirits.

"Should we go find Tang Chen first or what?"

"Looking for grandfather." Tang Hao was almost led astray by Jiang Yu'an, "You should be called great-grandfather."

"Oh." Jiang Yu'an was fearless.

"But we shouldn't need to look for him. He should have sensed our arrival and will find him soon."

As Tang Hao expected, as soon as the two of them finished speaking, Tang Chen, who was parasitized by the Nine-Headed Bat King, appeared in front of them.

"I wonder what the two Gods of Killing are doing when they suddenly come back?" The King of Killing looked gloomy. He didn't want to see any of the Gods of Killing come back, let alone come back without any reason. The God of Killing belongs to the City of Killing. Uncontrollable factors.

"Aren't you going to find a quiet place for us to sit down, King of Slaughter? We're just here to relive it and meet old friends."

Jiang Yu'an smiled and looked at him with a bad heart.

The beard on the King of Slaughter's lips is trembling. What kind of nonsense is this? Seeing an old friend?An old friend who died on the field?He has never heard of anyone who has a good relationship with angels and demons.

"Please." He really needed to bring these two people to his own territory so that he could better ensure his safety.

This body had been almost corroded by it. He looked at Tang Hao and then at Jiang Yu'an, and finally his eyes fell on Jiang Yu'an, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

He was even more excited as he was another spiritual test taker.

Jiang Yu'an smiled softly and didn't take it seriously. If Tang Chen hadn't been injured and didn't pay attention, this little thing would still want to be a parasite.

Not to mention parasitizing her, Yan Qi could crawl over from a distance and break several of its heads.

It is said that Shura loves these things with multiple heads. On the road to hell, there are either nine-headed blazing sun snakes or dark gold three-headed bat kings.

The nine-headed bat king seemed to enjoy himself quite a lot. He built himself a large palace, surrounded by beautiful servants, all of whom were proud of themselves.

"Come here, serve a Bloody Mary to these two gods of murder."

"That's no need. You should keep those good things for yourself and enjoy them. We are here to enter the road to hell again."

The King of Slaughter narrowed his eyes and thought in his mind, will the two Gods of Killing enter the hell road again?He couldn't figure out what use it could do.

But they must have some agenda, and he didn't want to agree to anything that could make them have an agenda.

"You two are gods of killing. The city of killing welcomes you back, but there is no such thing as entering the road to hell again."

"Really..." Jiang Yu'an took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Tang Chen!"

The face of the Nine-Headed Bat King changed. He clearly felt that Tang Chen's soul in his body was trying to take control of his body.


It summoned the Clear Sky Hammer, and Tang Hao also took out the Clear Sky Hammer and started fighting with him.

Most of the surrounding Yingying Yanyans did not come to this place voluntarily, and when they saw them fighting, they immediately fled.

"Tang Chen, that's your grandson Tang Hao, have you forgotten? You hugged him when he was a child! He has grown so big, and he has inherited your title of Haotian Douluo." Jiang Yu'an shouted while Don't forget to set up a shield for Tang Hao. There is still a gap between Tang Hao and his great-grandfather. Without some assistance, Tang Hao really can't stand it.

Tang Hao listened to Jiang Yuan's shouting, and now he didn't want to beat the Nine-Headed Bat King. He wanted to beat Jiang Yuan, but he almost forgot. He was clearly most afraid of Jiang Yuan's words before. Shura was a bit damned inside, but he actually Let her forget such an important thing.

Before Jiang Yu'an could stop, for fear that Tang Chen wouldn't hear, she took out a small speaker from the soul guide, "Tang Chen, Bo Saixi has been waiting for you for many years. How could you let me down? Don't go back to find your Xixi." ?"

Tang Chen felt that he was really going to wake up. If he didn't wake up, the little girl's video in the distance would be revealed to him.

The potential of a person in the face of social death is endless. At that moment, his body burst into red light and his eyes gradually returned to black.

"Stop thinking, you can stop." Tang Chen immediately stopped Jiang Yu'an's muttering. It was too scary.

Tang Hao felt that he could listen to more gossip like this.

"You..." Tang Chen actually wanted to ask Jiang Yu'an how he knew so much, but thinking about it, if he really asked, wouldn't he be indirectly admitting that these were things he had done?
So he turned his head stiffly and looked at Tang Hao, "Are you Xiao Hao? You've grown so big..."

Tang Hao: ...Thank you, I don’t feel very happy when I think of what Jiang Yu’an just said.

"Okay, okay, wake up and burn bridges." Jiang Yu'an took her small speaker and said one sentence that echoed throughout the room.

Tang Chen couldn't help but look at Tang Hao and asked: Don't tell me that this is a descendant of our Tang family.

Tang Hao blinked: That's about it, your great-grandson's wife.

"Um...what's your name?" Tang Chen looked at Jiang Yu'an and asked.

"Jiang Yu'an."

When Jiang Yu'an said his name, he still put down the trumpet to avoid his own social death.

"Okay, okay." Tang Chen was a little silent and didn't know what to say. He obviously had a lot to say.

It was Tang Hao who broke the silent and charming atmosphere, "Grandpa, we came here this time to enter the road to hell again."

"Why are you going to Hell Road?" Tang Chen recalled some not-so-good memories. He was planning to parasitize the Nine-Headed Bat King in the north of Hell Road.

"I want the inner elixir of the Nine-Headed Fierce Sun Snake."

"Well, I remember that there is a little girl who is about to enter the hell road. You can take the opportunity to go in when the time comes." Tang Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with opening the back door for his junior.

"But I'm quite happy to be able to see you before I completely lose consciousness." He was too aware of his body and was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"It's a pity that I still haven't become a god and can't fulfill Xixi's requirements."

Jiang Yu'an looked at him speechlessly, "Has it really been true that no one told you that sacrifices to gods cannot become gods? Bo Saixi can't, and neither can Qian Daoliu, so you still don't understand that Bo Saixi has actually promised you Yet?"

"Why do you know so clearly?" This was almost as if he had heard it on the spot, and Tang Chen's eyes widened.

Jiang Yuan waved his hand, "Never mind, are you really not going to go out?"

"My divine examination has not been completed yet..."

"Are you a fool? Shura never thought about letting you finish it. He just wanted you to make a wedding dress for his future heir. You also don't want to think about why you became the lord of killing and worked hard in this place because you were plotted by Rakshasa. Work diligently for Shura's divine examination place." Jiang Yu'an rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"The Divine Examination, you know the Divine Examination. You are almost gone, and that person's time is approaching. You are still thinking about the Divine Examination. Ask yourself, is power really that important? What was your purpose in wanting to become a god in the first place? ?”

"Yes... I want to marry her..." Tang Chen's eyes were a little dazed, and the red light in his eyes flashed, indicating that the nine-headed bat king was coming back again.

 It’s already fifteen thousand, and my hands are cramping a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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