Jiang Yu'an began to struggle between the boundaries. She didn't know why she was struggling. She obviously had nothing on her, but she felt that she needed to struggle so that she could survive.

People only need to struggle when they are on the edge of danger...

The colors on both sides merged in an invisible way as she squirmed again and again, dyeing her black and white.

She doesn't want to stay here, she wants to leave, she wants to go home!

What is home? Home is where there are people you care about, right! She has people she cares about, she is alone, how can she stay here, the decision of life and death is in her own hands, she will not give up here...

A severe feeling of weightlessness came over her, and she seemed to be falling.

Memories flowed through her mind like a revolving lantern. They were her own memories and no one else's.

Jiang Yu'an opened her eyes. She was lying in the place where Tang San had been sent, and weeds had grown around her.

She sat up, gasping for air, feeling like she was surviving a disaster.

Her instinct told her that she almost died in that place.

The black and white silk threads on her fingertips were surging, and she was releasing her realm, where black evil aura and white soft light were intertwining.

Between life and death.

The name of her realm.

Different from other people's fields that stack buffs, her field is that when people enter the field, they will recall a wrong thing they have done and conduct self-reflection. The wrong thing may be big or small, but once there is no reasonable explanation And if you go to repent, you will be directly wiped out.

A realm that has no answer for the most evil people, and one that has no use for the kind or hypocritical.

Jiang Yu'an glanced at the direction Tang San left, then got up and rushed to Tiandou City. She didn't know how long she struggled in that darkness, maybe not long? Tang San hasn't come out yet.

She was flying in the sky, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. The atmosphere on this continent seemed to be much more tense than before she left, and the scenery changed too much.

Two days later, she landed in front of Tiandou City. The atmosphere in the city was tense, and there were many people from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?

She walked into the city and went straight to Lanba Academy.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the academy, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

The dean's hut was quiet, and there was no one in the room.


Director Ye's voice sounded, and Jiang Yu'an turned around. Different from his usual high-spirited tone, Director Ye looked much tired at this time, "The dean is in the conference room. Come over quickly."

Jiang Yu'an actually wanted to say that she wanted to wash up, but looking at the situation, she was afraid something worse might have happened.

In the conference room, in addition to Liu Erlong, Chu Yan, Dugu Bo, Tang Hao, and even Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, Prince Xuexing, Ning Fengzhi, Tai Tan and others were there.

"An An is back?!" Liu Erlong stood up abruptly, and everyone frowned as their eyes fell on Jiang Yu'an.

To be precise, they don't quite remember who Jiang Yu'an is.


"Where have you been during this time? Has Tang San come back?" Liu Erlong grabbed Jiang Yu'an's shoulder, a little anxious.

Jiang Yu'an shook his head, "No, I was forcibly pulled into the divine examination. I just came out and didn't see Tang San."

"Is this so..." Liu Erlong sighed. "What happened?"

"Some time ago, Bibi Dong led people to sneak attack on the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus Sect. The Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus Sect was wiped out, and there were only a few hundred people left in the Qibao Glazed Sect. Now Emperor Xueye has been poisoned and is currently in danger... "When talking about these things, Liu Erlong felt tired. There were too many things that happened during this period, enough to make her lose any train of thought.

Jiang Yu'an looked slightly stunned. Was the original work so early? Earlier? A lot ahead of schedule.

Her face darkened slightly and she clenched her fists.

"Find someone to take this to the Po Clan and invite Yang Wudi. Senior Dugu, let's go to the Medicine Garden first. By the way, please arrange for manpower to be available outside the Tiandou Palace at any time."

Chu Yan took the box from Jiang Yu'an and was ready to set off immediately.

Dugu Bo also stood up and accompanied Jiang Yu'an to the medicine garden.

The others looked at each other in confusion. They didn't seem to know who Jiang Yu'an was, and they all looked at Liu Erlong at the same time.

"Everyone, let's listen to An An's arrangements first. You all know An An, but you have forgotten it for some reason."

Ning Fengzhi sat in his chair thoughtfully. He discovered early on that his memory was wrong. For example, the champion of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition was not Team Shrek. Team Shrek was not from Lanba Academy, but from Tiandou Academy. of.

So, does the reason for all this appear in this little girl? who is she? What is the origin, why does something like this happen, and letting everyone's memory be tampered with is not something that an ordinary person can do.

But she seemed to have mentioned the divine test just now? Is there really a god in this world?

This is not a question that should be considered now. Ning Fengzhi arranged for Bone Douluo to follow him and secretly hide outside the Tiandou royal family to prepare for the response.

Although I don’t understand why Jiang Yu’an would go to such unnecessary lengths, is there some problem within the Tiandou royal family? So how did she know?

Jiang Yu'an soon followed Dugu Bo back, and Chu Yan also rushed to Lanba Academy with Yang Wudi.

"Senior Yang Wudi, I'm very rude and have taken the liberty to invite you over. The Youxiang Qiluo Immortal is my reward. I would like to invite you to come with me to detoxify someone."

Jiang Yu'an also had a headache. He originally brought Tang Chen out to prevent this kind of problem, but looking at it, he probably left at some point.

However, he estimated that it would be difficult to provide any support. The Blue Point Tyrannosaurus Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect were still some distance away from the Lanba Academy. If they rushed over to support them, they could only end up hastily.

In the original work, Tang San went in with Xue Qinghe's token, but she didn't have this thing. The relationship between Tang San and Xue Qinghe was not as good as in the original work, so she planned to force her way in and bring Emperor Xue Ye out.

Jiang Yu'an took Tang Hao, Dugu Bo, Chu Yan, and Tai Tan to meet Emperor Xue Ye first. If Xue Qinghe didn't agree with her, he was going to break in directly.

There was a hesitant look on Dugu Bo's face, "Is the prince really having such a problem?"

"Yes, she is fake. She is pretending to be Bibi Dong's daughter. The real prince Xue Qinghe has died long ago."

"What?!" The people around were shocked. The most shocking thing is that Bibi Dong actually has a daughter?

"Yes, let's talk about the gossip later. Let's leave quickly. It's too dangerous to let Emperor Xueye stay in the palace." Jiang Yu'an urged.

The group of people divided into several waves and rushed to the Tiandou Palace. Yang Wudi, her and Dugu Bo went to explore the way first. If they didn't agree, they sent a signal and prepared to break into the palace and rob them.

In ancient times, bandits robbed women of the people, but now Jiang Yuan robs the emperor.

The atmosphere in Tiandou Palace became increasingly weird after Dugu Bo left. Even Dugu Bo, the guard at the door, noticed that someone had changed. The vague sights around him made him extremely vigilant.

The one who regrets the most is Yang Wudi, how could he... a flower tricked him. (End of chapter)

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