Zhu Yuanzhang: Is this Zhu Youjian’s father?Or on a dead woman?
Cao Cao: Yo!I would like to hear, Miss Zhang, can you tell me more about Zhu Changluo?

Liu Bang: Cao Cao, your presence is really indispensable in this regard. How about Miss Zhang talk about it?It’s not that I like it, it’s mainly because I want to satisfy Cao Cao.

Li Longji: How can we not satisfy our Prime Minister Cao!
Cao Cao: You are really pushing me.

"This Mingguangzong Zhu Changluoming was the eldest son of Shenzong Zhu Yijun. He was the 14th emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His reign was Taichang. He died after only one month in power at the age of 39. He was known as the Emperor in January in history."

Zhu Di: One month!

Xu Da: Isn’t this the shortest reigning emperor?
"When Mingguangzong Zhu Changluo first came to the throne, he wanted to be a promising king."

"At the time, Shenzong was amassing money and there was a large amount of silver left in the palace. Between July 22 and August 160, Zhu Changluo made two consecutive payments totaling [-] million taels to reward the frontline defense troops in Liaodong and the north. .”

"At the same time, Zhu Changluo ordered the withdrawal of the mine supervisors and tax supervisors who had caused official resentment and public outrage in the late Wanli period, and recalled the ministers who had been punished for their remarks during the Wanli period to fill the vacant official positions."

"When it comes to ability, you can't see it in a month, but lust can definitely be seen. When it comes to the death of Zhu Changluo, we have to talk about one of the three major cases in the Ming Dynasty - the Hongwan case. "

"In the first year of Taichang, Ming Guangzong was seriously ill. Li Kezhuo offered red pills and claimed to be an elixir."

"Mingguang Zong died after serving. Some people suspected that it was Concubine Zheng of Mingshen Zong who instigated the poisoning. A series of actions were immediately launched to trace the culprit. During this period, party strife and personal hatred were mixed in, and many people died due to consecutive crimes."

Li Shimin: It’s related to immortality again, this thing is really harmful!
"When Zhu Changluo came to the throne, Concubine Zheng was worried that Zhu Changluo would retaliate against her because of past suspicions, so she took two measures."

"The first is to collude with Zhu Changluo's favorite Li Xuanshi and ask Zhu Changluo to make Li Xuanshi the queen. Li Xuanshi reciprocates and asks Zhu Changluo to make Concubine Zheng the empress dowager."

"The other is to offer beautiful women to Zhu Changluo to please Zhu Changluo."

"Zhu Changluo accepted all the beauties sent by Concubine Zheng as ordered."

"The number of beauties sent by Concubine Zheng was 8. (8 or 4, I don't know which record is correct, they are all recorded in Ming history) Zhu Changluo, who loves beauty, naturally indulges in pleasure every night when facing beauties."

"My body, which was already weak due to the oppressive life, suddenly had to take on so many political affairs, and was greedy for beauty. I retired from court banquets and supported it with female musicians. I was lucky to be in charge of the imperial court for the second time in my life, so I was basically exhausted. .”

"On the [-]th day of August, my health was failing, and medical officer Chen Xi was summoned for examination."

"On August [-], Zhu Changluo, who wanted to be a good emperor, dragged his sick body to meet the ministers. When the ministers saw the emperor, he looked haggard and his appearance was suddenly reduced."

"He looks like a ghost, but he doesn't control himself and still hangs out with these people."

"One night, in order to seek stimulation, Zhu Changluo took a red pill. As a result, he became manic, laughed wildly, and was extremely excited."

"The next morning, Wu Zan, who was attending the bedchamber, quickly invited the imperial doctor Cui Wensheng for diagnosis and treatment. Cui Wensheng didn't know that the emperor suffered from yin deficiency and kidney failure, so he thought it was evil heat inherent in him, so he prescribed a powerful medicine to relieve fire and laxatives."

"As a result, Zhu Changluo suffered from diarrhea for more than [-] times in one night and was in critical danger. Now, he got into a big disaster. The court was full of quarrels and curses."

"The important minister Yang Lian wrote a letter accusing Cui Wensheng of misuse of laxatives. Cui Wensheng retorted that it was not misuse, but the emperor's use of red pills that caused his serious illness."

"The Donglin Party members immediately emphasized that not only did Cui Wensheng use the medicine improperly, but he also took the red pill and ruined the emperor's reputation. Zhu Changluo, who was in critical condition, was lying on the bed, seemingly obsessed with the red pill and wanted to take it." "Honglu Temple Prime Minister Li Ke Zhuo immediately took a red pill, and after Zhu Changluo took it, there was no movement."

"In the evening, Zhu Changluo asked to take another pill, and Li Kezhuo took another red pill."

"As a result, after a while, the emperor covered his heart with his hands, stared, struggled a few times, and died. Zhu Changluo had only been on the throne for 30 days, and the reign name had not yet been decided!"

"In the end, Han, a minister who had just joined the cabinet and had no involvement with either party, submitted a letter to calm the public opinion."

"Li Kezhuo was sentenced to exile, Cui Wensheng was demoted to Nanjing, and the Hongwan case was settled. However, the Hongwan case still has its aftermath."

Li Shimin: Hey!Isn’t this red pill the elixir of life?Is it aphrodisiac?

"This red pill is a special aphrodisiac, which uses girls' menstrual blood as the medicine."

"Red pills, also known as red lead pills, are a special aphrodisiac made in the palace."

"The method of making it is very special. It takes the first menstrual period of a virgin and puts it in a gold or silver vessel. It must also add the first drop of dew at midnight and some medicines such as black plum. It must be boiled seven times and concentrated into a pulp. Add frankincense. , myrrh, cinnabar, turpentine, urine powder, etc., mix them well, refine them with fire, and finally refine the honey into pills to complete the medicine."

"During the Jiajing period, in order to prepare the "Red Pill", a total of 1080 girls were selected from the palace."

"In February of the 26th year of Jiajing, another 2 girls between 11 and 14 years old were selected to enter the palace. In December of the 300st year, another 31 people were selected. In September of the 300th year, 34 girls under the age of ten were selected. In November of the same year, another 160 folk women from Huguang were selected, and 200 palace ladies were selected in the first month of 43 years."

Qin Shihuang: This kind of medicine can appear!
Wu Zetian: Disgusting!It's so disgusting, you can eat it!

Kangxi: This is similar to wanting to live forever. As long as you can live forever, the formula of this medicine is nothing.

Queen Ma: Zhu Changluo regarded this as a life-saving medicine. It was almost the same as taking the elixir of life. But I didn’t expect that even I, the Ming Dynasty, could not escape these four words.

"Although the case was resolved at that time, there was another disturbance later."

"During the Tianqi period, the eunuch Wei Zhongxian was in power, and he wanted to overturn the Hongwan case."

"As a result, Sun Shenxing, the Minister of Rites, who denounced Fang Congzhe, was expelled from his official position, stripped of all his official titles, and sentenced to exile."

"The Donglin Party members who criticized Cui Wensheng were also punished. Gao Panlong threw himself into the pool and died."

"During the Chongzhen period, Wei Zhongxian was punished and the case was reversed."

"After Chongzhen's death, the Southern Ming Dynasty once again used this theme to provoke party strife until the Ming Dynasty was completely destroyed."

"The party strife caused by this little red pill is simply causing harm to the country and the people. Everyone should take a warning."

"Zhu Changluo has only been in office for a month and has nothing to talk about. Let's change the subject and explain why Emperor Chongzhen said he was a mediocre king."

"Zhu Youjian is indeed diligent, but he is too confident. He only believes in his own judgment and decision, and does not listen to the opinions of ministers. If this situation is implemented, things may backfire."

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