"It has to be said that Li Shimin's trick was very high. He certified it and showed mercy outside the law, so that these people who were about to be beheaded were given a new lease of life and benefited society."

"It was also Li Shimin who had the courage and magnanimity. Later, the story of this emperor spread widely in society. The people became self-reliant, had enough food and clothing, and the crime rate dropped significantly."

"In the sixth year of Zhenguan, when the Zhenguan rule reached its peak, there were only a dozen death row prisoners imprisoned in Chang'an. In a country with a population of tens of millions, such a ratio makes one have to admire Li Shimin's achievements in governing the world. ."

Li Shimin: Being benevolent to the people is with the king. If the king does nothing, people will be happy. If the king has too many desires, people will suffer. Therefore, I suppress my emotions and harm my desires, and restrain myself and stand on my own.

I don’t believe that after so many uprisings, people still don’t take the people seriously?When the Sui Dynasty was rioting, I knew that the people were the foundation. If I couldn't control myself, if I didn't consider the people, I wouldn't be able to sit in this position for long!
Wei Zheng: Governing a country is like planting a tree. If the roots are not stable, the tree will fall. The people are always the root.

Qin Shihuang: During these uprisings, I found that I had underestimated the power of the people. If Hu Hai had not ascended the throne, the Qin Dynasty would have disbanded sooner or later because of the people.

Wu Zetian: Your Majesty the First Emperor, it would be good if the laws of the Qin Dynasty were changed. The moment you know that the Great Wall is to resist foreign enemies, you are no longer a tyrant, and all that is left is the criminal law.

Bao Zheng: As an emperor, you must first put the people first. If it is not good for the people, it is not good for yourself.

"At the beginning of his reign, Li Shimin indeed put the people first and restrained his own actions, which is an example for everyone."

"After Li Shimin fully saw the terrifying and powerful power of the people, he always reminded himself that he must restrain his indulgence."

"In his own words: If it hurts people, I won't do it."

"In the fourth year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin ordered the construction of the Qianyuan Palace in Luoyang as a palace for his future travels."

"At that time, Li Shimin had just ascended the throne and the country was weak. The people had been oppressed by Yang Guang for too long and had not recovered their strength."

"So when Li Shimin and the ministers decided on the matter, Zhang Xuansu immediately wrote to the emperor, telling him that the people had just suffered from Yang Guang's tyranny."

"Their families and money have suffered great losses. Where are the resources to build a palace?"

"Now if a large amount of people and money are levied from the people, how heavy the burden will be on them."

"How is this different from Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty?"

"After Li Shimin saw the memorial, he immediately woke up to his behavior and said to the ministers around him: "I didn't consider that the matter would be so serious. Fortunately, someone reminded me, otherwise I don't know what kind of mistakes I would have made." All construction projects were immediately canceled at that time.”

"In the sixth year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty's regime basically stabilized, the country's strength was slowly recovering, and the people's lives improved."

"Therefore, in order to show the great power of the Tang Dynasty, many ministers requested Li Shimin to hold a Zen ceremony, but Wei Zheng objected to this!"

"Wei Zheng said: "Even if a normal person has been ill for a long time and just recovered, he wants to carry a stone slab and walk hundreds of miles. This is impossible. Now that the country is just getting better, we can enjoy this. In happy moments, all previous efforts will be in vain, and hard-won popular support will soon disappear. "

"Of course, this is what Li Shimin didn't want to see, so he immediately gave up the idea of ​​becoming a Zen."

"Li Shimin has always understood empathetic thinking and put people's preferences and daily behaviors within his own consideration."

"He thinks that decorating the palace and going to the swimming pool is what the emperor wants, and the people don't like it."

"If the people are not willing, the emperor must give up. During his reign, he gave up the construction of many palaces, which greatly reduced the burden on the people." "During the Zhenguan period, Li Shimin's thought of serving the people can be seen everywhere."

"Everything he does is based on the principle of serving the people. The country is people-oriented, and people are based on food and clothing. Only when the people have no worries about food and clothing can the country prosper."

"He also believes that the only thing that can bring peace to the people is a wise emperor."

"Only when the emperor behaves can the people be happy; if the emperor is ignorant, the people will suffer."

"In order to give people a calm political environment, Li Shimin tried to save labor and battles."

"If a monarch can maintain a good way of governing his country, the people can live and work in peace and contentment."

"In order to alleviate the suffering of the people, Li Shimin ordered the number of officials to be reduced by 640."

"He also ordered more than 3000 female officials to be released from the palace so that they could find their own spouses."

"At the beginning of Li Shimin's succession to the throne, he planned to seal all the children of his family, but he was blocked by the ministers."

"In order to better appease the people, Li Shimin attached great importance to the selection and appointment of officials. He regarded whether he could treat the people well and the requirements for field inspections as the criteria for selecting officials."

"In order to implement this policy effectively, Li Shimin ordered that the names of all governors and governors in various places should be written on stone tablets."

"And write below these names the good and evil achievements of these officials in their work, and record them as the standards for rewards and punishments of these officials."

"Li Shimin's implementation of people-oriented thinking is reflected in his humility in accepting the suggestions of his ministers."

"As a great emperor, he should know the suffering of the people."

"So he called local officials to the front of the hall to learn about people's lives."

"In the process of understanding, Li Shimin discovered a lot of confusion in the early Tang Dynasty."

"A country cannot always have good weather. At the beginning of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty was still unstable. At this time, there were famines internally and external troubles externally."

"People had to sell their children in order to survive. Such behavior was completely legal in the society at that time."

“Who would be willing to sell their own flesh and blood if they were not forced by life?”

"After Li Shimin learned about this phenomenon, he decided to order the money to buy the child back and return the child to his parents."

"This move fully demonstrates the emperor's determination to do good to the country. It also allows us to see how caring and friendly the king of a country is to the common people. Such an emperor will quickly gain the support of the people."

"The second point is that in the early Tang Dynasty, after the people had just experienced famine, their lives were plagued by locust plagues."

"Such a situation created a huge backlash for society at the time, mainly because we all knew that wherever the locusts passed, crops were in a mess. This was a huge blow to the Tang Dynasty, whose economy was still recovering at the time."

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