"The officials of the imperial court were inactive and had no sense of responsibility. However, the British Empire, the world's hegemon, came to cause trouble, causing the Qing Dynasty's international status to plummet."

"However, fortunately he did not encounter the Taiping Rebellion. If he saw the Eight Banners and Green Camp of the Qing Army being beaten violently by a group of God worshipers armed with primitive weapons, he would probably die in silence."

"After Emperor Daoguang passed away, his son Emperor Xianfeng succeeded him. He was the last emperor with real power in the Qing Dynasty."

"Emperor Xianfeng is also a mediocre person, but he met a good teacher. He is somewhat similar to Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty. He is very good at pretending."

Li Longji: Is this another person pretending to be filial and deceiving me?

"Actually, Emperor Xianfeng is not as good as Emperor Yang of Sui. One is at least really strong in civil and military affairs, while the other is incompetent in everything!"

"This Emperor Xianfeng is similar to Yang Yong and Yang Guang, because the throne was really not intended for Emperor Xianfeng at the beginning."

"Xianfeng's biological mother was the famous Empress Xiao Quancheng. The mediocre Emperor Daoguang loved this woman most in his life."

"Most of the women around Daoguang are simple and straightforward ethnic minority women who regard themselves as noble, like Concubine Jing of Borzijit."

"Only Concubine Quan is good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is gentle and considerate."

"But of lower origin."

Liu Xiu:? ? Did I hear it wrong? What kind of hobby is this that people without talent would prefer?

Liu Bang: The emperor is mediocre and his woman is too smart. You let him put his face there!

Li Jing: Everyone has his own hobbies!

"Everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables! Perhaps in Emperor Daoguang's heart, a woman like this can satisfy his male chauvinism."

"Daoguang is mediocre. Whenever he is troubled, he can only complain to him before he is understood and relieved."

"As time goes by, we become more connected."

"Concubine Quan gave birth to Xianfeng, but Concubine Jing who entered the palace died of her eldest son, and gave birth to the famous Prince Gong Yi long after."

"And the emperor has appointed Concubine Quan as the queen."

"Concubine Jing is very resentful, but her position has been determined, but there is nothing she can do about it."

"As long as nothing happens at this time, Xianfeng will be the future emperor."

"But an unexpected thing happened - Queen Xiao Quancheng died of illness!"

"The young Xianfeng was sent to the palace of Concubine Jing to be raised. It was thought that Queen Xiao Quancheng sent him directly to Concubine Jing to protect her son. Then both son Xianfeng and Concubine Jing would be prosperous and devastated. Concubine Jing could only Protect Xianfeng without harming him."

"After the death of Empress Xiao Quancheng, Daoguang's feelings for her did not diminish, and he did not make Concubine Jing his queen."

"Concubine Jing's status has always been lower than that of Queen Xiaoquancheng, so Xianfeng and Prince Gong have always been different from their concubines until they ascended the throne."

"Yang Yong and Yang Guanghe are almost the same."

"Compared with the Qin, Han, Tang and Song dynasties, there was one system that was more advanced in the Qing Dynasty, and that was the secret establishment of a crown prince."

"Although the secret reserve system is not the most advanced, in feudal society, it is the most advanced way to establish a reserve."

"The reason why the prince was secretly determined is because the Qing Dynasty had an advanced concept of succession."

"The throne is passed to the prince who has both talent and virtue."

"In other words, the Qing Dynasty is different from the previous dynasties. Even in peaceful times, if a prince wants to inherit the throne, it is not enough to be reincarnated faster."

"Being reincarnated into the emperor's family can only mean that you have obtained the qualifications to compete, but it does not guarantee that you will win at the starting line."

"Xianfeng's name is Yiyi. He is only one year older than Yi, but his talent is slightly mediocre."

"Although Yi is second in rank, he is clearly capable, so the late emperor Daoguang had a hard time choosing who to be his successor." "Daoguang thought of a way and informed them to ride and shoot in Nanyuan to further test them."

"At this time, I have to thank Du Shoutian, a brilliant teacher of Emperor Xianfeng."

"Du Shoutian knew that Emperor Xianfeng was completely defeated by Yi in the two required subjects of the emperor's entrance examination."

"These two exams, one is called Tiaochen Shizheng, and the other is called horse riding and martial arts."

"If you go to participate in riding and shooting, you will definitely not win. Since Xianfeng can't win in the explicit subjects, he can only make a fuss about the hidden subjects."

"As for whether you can succeed or not, that is not something you can decide as a teacher. It depends on destiny."

"What is this hidden subject?"


"The emperor's children are different from the children of the common people. Whether the children of the common people are filial or not is easier to measure."

"Children of ordinary people, your child has one tael of silver, and if you use half of it to treat his illness, you will definitely say that the child of this family is filial. Even if he gives flowers to the elderly, he will praise his filial piety. If he is a royal family, he cannot use money to measure it."

"Because you use my money to honor me, this doesn't count."

"Then how does the royal family measure it?"

"It depends on his virtue and whether he is worthy of the position."

"Yiya's teacher Du Shoutian knew that this was a critical moment, so he gave his disciple some advice, saying that your riding and shooting skills are far inferior to those of your younger brother, so we can only find another way."

"So when hunting, Xianfeng followed his teacher's instructions and neither mounted his horse nor shot an arrow. When he saw his father, he was empty-handed."

"Daoguang was very puzzled and asked, what's wrong with you?"

"Xianfeng knelt down on the ground. He said that my father taught me to be benevolent. It is spring now, and the female animal is pregnant. I will shoot it to death, and even its unborn children will die. How can I It’s not too cruel.”

"When Daoguang heard this, he felt that this child was quite kind and he was very satisfied with him."

"Another time, Daoguang was in poor health and summoned two children to hear their opinions on national affairs. Du Shoutian gave Yili another idea."

"Daoguang first met with Sixth Elder Brother Yi and said that I was in poor health and might die soon. How should I govern the country?"

"Yi is very eloquent and talks endlessly about the strategies of governing the country. His father is very happy and says that this child has a lot of potential. Please step aside first."

"When Yi Ya came in and saw his father's sick appearance, he knelt on the ground, kowtowed to his head and burst into tears. He couldn't say a word."

"Daoguang said, I asked you to share your opinion. Why don't you say anything?"

"Xianfeng said, when I saw my father become so ill, I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't say anything. I just want my father to be healthy and live a long life. I don't think about anything else."

"Daoguang was very touched that this child was still filial, so he decided to pass the throne to him."

"Actually, Yi Ya behaved like this because his teacher told him that you are not as good as Sixth Brother in terms of eloquence, so you have to "hide your clumsiness and show your filial piety."

"Yiya's final victory was actually related to the teacher's teachings and even more to Daoguang's preference."

"Not a faint king, but a mediocre monarch. He lacks the courage, ability and insight into the current situation to turn the tide. He is a rule-abiding emperor, a bit overly cautious and very lacking in opinions."

Yang Guang: I'm just pretending, and I don't pretend to have anything. Aren't I just treating my father? I am indeed better than my elder brother in riding and shooting. How can Emperor Xianfeng pretend to be better than me?

(End of this chapter)

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