Chapter 111

"Brother Ergou, I'm pregnant!"

Er Gouzi was stunned for a moment, then realized by chance, she was already fucking married, and pregnancy is very normal!
"Tell your man that you're pregnant, it's no use telling me!"

"I'm getting married today and I'm in a good mood. If you dare to make trouble, I'll kill you!"

"Brother Ergou, this child is more than two months old!"


"He could be yours!"

"So what if it's me, you fucking shameless seduced me yesterday, turned around and climbed up to Li Changqing!"

"Not to mention whether the child belongs to me or not, even if it belongs to me, what else do you want?"

"Liu Xinmei, don't think that no one will know about the dirty things between you and Boss Zhu once you come out!"

Liu Xinmei shrank her neck, it was impossible, she was so careful, how could he know!
"Brother Ergou, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize the child, I can raise it myself!"

"But you can't wrong me. The higher-ups have investigated the matter clearly. It's someone who falsely accused me, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Oh, it's okay, it's true that no one will see you when you come out from Mr. Zhu with a limp!"

"Liu Xinmei, I'm telling you, I can't get married today!"

"Hmph, I don't mind dragging you to hell with me!"

After Er Gouzi finished speaking, he cursed and turned around and left Haystack!

Damn it, if he had known that shameless bitch like Liu Xinmei was squatting on him, he wouldn't have peed like this even if he was holding himself in!
"You kid has such ink stains from pissing, it must be a pestle!"

"Don't worry, the bride won't be able to eat you! Zhiqing Lin has a small waist and thin waist, so I'll keep you reluctant to get out of bed at night!"


"Go home and hug your wife!"

"Tch, just hug me, as if someone's daughter-in-law is not soft!"

Liu Xinmei followed behind the two people who were fighting, the lively scene in front of her was a bit unreal!

When Li Ergou married her in the previous life, let alone a wedding ceremony, he didn't even buy him a new dress, and the red hijab was borrowed from the neighbor's next door!
The two wore clothes with few patches, held hands and walked around the village, and the wedding was over!

I didn’t go to work on the wedding day, dragged my sore body the next day, got up before dawn, cooked, swept the floor, fed chickens, and ducks!

After dinner, we went to the fields to earn centimeters. Li Ergou's sisters-in-law were all tall and tall, and they basically earned the full centimeters!
She used to be able to hold up to six centimeters, how could she possibly keep up with them!
The in-laws don't like it, the sister-in-law hates it, and the man is a bastard. Thinking that he only lived to be in his 30s in his previous life, he can live it again in this life!
she was

Liu Xinmei,
It's an evil spirit returning from hell!
"A shameful and conspicuous thing, a shameless bastard, you still have the face to come back!"

"Go away, go back to the educated youth courtyard!"

In the morning, I heard from Changqing that the bitch was back from town. Changqing didn’t believe it yet. When she saw this person, she immediately scolded him without caring about her face!

"Damn stuff, little whore, shameless broken shoes!"

"If you do such a shameless act, you still have the face to come back, why don't you drown yourself in the river!"

"You brat, if you dare to hang out with people outside, don't even think about entering the Li family. The letter of introduction from the brigade has been opened, and you have nothing to do with the Li family!"

"Take these lousy things of yours and get away as far as you can. Don't even think about harming our family!"

"whispering sound!"

Liu Xinmei sneered coldly and looked at the old woman who was acting like a monster with contempt!
When she is Feng Ran that fool,

Let her do whatever she wants?

Seeing the mockery in her eyes, Chang Qingniang subconsciously turned her eyes away!
This woman is full of bad intentions, and her eyes tell you that she has no good intentions!
"whispering sound!"

The guy in the den is so brave enough to come out to seek my misfortune!
I really think highly of myself!

Liu Xinmei was not in the mood to argue with this old woman here, it was already midnight when she came back yesterday, the door was locked by Li Changqing from the inside, and no one answered her calls for a long time!

Now it seems that people heard her call the door!

If you don't pay attention, don't pay attention. Anyway, there is no time to use this person!
The old lady has already run out, Li Changqing should have opened the door too, last night he was nestled in the kitchen in the middle of the night, feeling a little uncomfortable!

Liu Xinmei bent down to pick up the package she had thrown on the ground, and carried it out of the threshing floor!
(End of this chapter)

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