Chapter 113

After leaving the two of them, the three of Feng Ran stopped after walking a few steps!
"Sister-in-law, let's hide behind and look at the chaos ahead!"

"Brother Ergou is back to pick up the bride!"

Feng Ran glanced at the intersection,
Good guy!
The intersection was blocked by a big girl and a young daughter-in-law, Er Gouzi didn't know where he was dragged to!
The bride in a bright red wedding dress was surrounded by people, and the red hijab on her head had been ripped off by that bastard long ago!

The bride's snow-white face was smeared with ashes, and the corners of her eyes were red with anger!

Seeing her hand in her pocket, Feng Ran probably wanted to take out her handkerchief to wipe her face!
Thinking of some historical dramas I have watched in the past, the corners of my lips can't help but rise!

Li Xiaoran's hand was empty, and he turned his head to see what handkerchief was there!
He turned his head and looked around, wanting to see that troublemaker took the handkerchief away!

Someone pushed hard on the left side, and a group of people fell on one side. Li Xiaoran was unprepared, staggered, and almost fell!
Fortunately, there were many people, and they fell on a little girl on the right.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you!"

"It's okay, sister-in-law,..."


Before the little girl could finish speaking, another person pushed her sideways, and Li Xiaoran was hit to the left again, and now the little girl lay on top of her!

There is laughter all around!

Li Xiaoran got up. He didn't have time to say sorry now, so he just did it again!
"123 go!"

"I'm making a bride!"

Li Xiaoran was dizzy and dizzy from the panic!

The bones are about to be smashed to pieces!
My belly, waist, and legs are all burning!
The spine is almost broken!


"Stop pushing, yuck!"

Feng Ran is tall, and the scene inside can be seen clearly!
"Big girl, the situation is not right, go and tell them to stop making trouble, something is wrong with the bride!"

What's wrong with the bride, she was pushed and panicked a few times, what could happen!

In the past, they always made trouble with brides like this, and nothing happened!
"Sister-in-law, you are just a little kid, how powerful can you be!..."

"Go ahead, it will be too late when something happens!"

"Hey, sister-in-law, just wait here while I find someone to bring the bride out!"

Meng Daya ran into Daguchang and found Ergouziniang who was washing vegetables!

"Auntie, where is the bride you are looking for? Go and bring the bride out!"

"What's wrong with the bride?"

Er Gouziniang stood up from the low stool, touched the apron with her hand, turned her head and walked out.

"I see that something is wrong with the bride. The people in the city are not as tough as our country girls. Children don't matter. It's better to bring them out first!"

Who is the second son of a bitch, there are so many capable people in Lijiawa, but only her man can be the captain!

How could it be impossible not to hear this scene, the aunt of the Meng family must have seen that something was wrong with the bride, so she ran over to find her!

"Auntie, your fifth aunt said she was going home to get a knife, but she hasn't come back yet. The aunt went in and brought out the bride! You should take care of it!"

"Hey, okay,"

Meng Daya came and left with a word, but it was hard for her to refuse what the second son of a bitch said!
When the two walked to the middle of Daguchang, the two bitches were stunned!
These people are crazy,

How can you mess up a bride like this!
No one can stand being squeezed around like this!

"Quick, quick, make them stop!"

"One, two, three, let's go!"

"It's almost crowded, shouting slogans!"

Ergouniang was surrounded by people who were booing, and she was so frightened by Ergouniang's voice that she stepped back!

Touch your nose and step aside!
(End of this chapter)

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