Chapter 121

Regardless of whether the means are glorious or not, Sunan is staying at Meng's house!

After eating the smooth and delicious custard, Sunan narrowed his eyes!
"Uncle, I don't want to leave the Meng family!"

The boy's eyes are firm and sincere!
Meng Jiasheng's heart sank. He was determined to rely on their family!

After being coddled for a few days, the boy's face became ruddy, he was more energetic than before, and his eyes also had vitality!
"My big girl is not good enough for you, you can choose another family!"

Choose someone else?

Sunan dug a spoonful of custard and put it into his mouth, squinting his eyes in satisfaction, Meng Jiasheng, who was on the opposite side, was so angry that he wanted to throw his chopsticks and leave!

Braised pork, fried rabbit meat with spicy sauce, egg custard, white rice!
Was this all prepared by that damn girl?
If he doesn't eat, it's not all cheap, this brat!
Meng Jiasheng picked up a big bowl of braised pork and pulled it into his own bowl until the bowl was full before putting the meat bowl back!

What aroused this father-in-law!
He can't grab meat from him now, so why protect food like this?
Sunan reached out and moved the custard and porridge bowls to his eyes, and looked at Meng Jiasheng vigilantly, afraid that he would snatch them if he missed them!
Meng Jiasheng finished picking up the rice in his bowl, stood up and left. It seemed to him that this damn kid was destined to take over his family!
Su Nan slowly ate the egg custard, eating it very slowly and carefully. He tasted every spoonful and every bite carefully, closing his eyes and savoring it!
"Uncle, I will treat Da Ya well!"

Good for you, thanks to this kid who can say it!
He has a medicine jar and it doesn't matter what he wants. How can he be so nice to his eldest girl?

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Su Nan raised the corner of her mouth and chose another house!
Why would he choose someone else!
Meng Jiasheng returned to the house and kicked the stool over!

The eldest daughter saw him entering the house and followed him in. Seeing his expression, her heart skipped a beat, this was not an agreement!

"His father,"

"I'm fine,"


"Go back and clean up the house where the big girl lives, and take care of things for them, so as not to be gossiped!"

After finishing the matter, how can this be done? How can his eldest daughter marry a medicine jar? Su Zhiqing can't even support herself, so why raise her eldest!
"His father!"

"Okay, that's it!"

After Meng Jiasheng finished speaking, he turned around and went out to the main room, and told the old man and the old lady about the matter!
It's almost the end of the year, and the pickle factory has received a lot of orders, and they are busy rushing to work these days!After Meng Jiasheng finished talking to the second elder, he went to the pickle factory!

"Da Shengzi, I heard that your eldest girl is in love with an educated youth?"

"It's Third Uncle, why is it so cold, my father is in the house, I'm busy, so let's go first!"

"Go, go, I'll talk to your dad!"


The old man sighed, Da Shengzi was also unlucky, the eldest girl was first divorced, and then she got involved with a male educated youth in the threshing ground!
Hey, that girl has a hard life too!
Meng Jiasheng walked into the pickle factory with a dark face, and saw Li Changqing who was also dark-faced.

"Changqing, if you are tired, you can find me to lie down!"

"No need, Uncle, I'll just move around, I won't be tired!"

"Well, then be careful, don't get hurt!"


What a good kid, ruined by his mother!

Li Changqing picked up a bag of soybeans and was about to carry it to the next door when a pair of jaded hands stretched out in front of his eyes, in the palm of which lay an egg!
"Comrade Li, here it is!"

Li Changqing raised his head and looked at the girl opposite,
shaking his head,

He does not need it!
"How can you not? I've seen it all. You haven't been home with Ben for the past two days. You only ate at the factory at noon. How can you bear it!"


"Then, you vixen, you little slut, you've seduced someone onto my old lady's head!"

"Don't piss and take a look, just like you, you have the nerve to approach my man, and you don't think it's disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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