Chapter 125

It's New Year's Eve again, looking at the little dolls crawling around on the kang, Feng Ran's head hurts!
Who said that the girl is the mother's little padded jacket!

That's someone else's!

This one in her family is simply a little devil!

"Mother, mother, your cute little baby is back!"

A little baby, less than three years old, wearing deerskin boots, walked in with a figure-footed step and his little hands behind his back!

"Brother, brother, hug!"

When the little girl on the kang heard the sound, she got out from the pile of messy things, with a big painted face, her little arms spread out, and her soft little milky voice almost made her melt!
The little kid glanced at his mother!

His face was not very good, he was obviously very angry!


"I'm back. I didn't stay at home during the snowy day. I went out there to go wild!"

"Hey, it's not that my mother and sister are sleeping soundly. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I followed Grandpa and the others to the pickle factory to help!"

Feng Ran!

How can a little boy of less than three years old help?

Looking at his mother's suspicious eyes, she obviously didn't believe that he could go to the pickle factory to help!
Looking at his small arms and legs, Meng Xiaobao shouted in his heart, age is a stumbling block on his way forward, limiting his desire to develop his career!

How can stupid human beings understand the sorrow of genius!

"Come on, eldest sister, let your brother see your new invention today!"

When she heard that her little brother wanted to see the fruits of her labor, the little girl immediately lowered her head and rummaged through the mess!
"Bang, bang, bang!"

With a dark face, Feng Ran watched the things on the kang flying around!

Meng Xiaobao's scalp tightened, and his brows frowned!

The eldest sister’s movements are so nimble!
When the little girl straightened up among the messy objects, the mother and son next to her didn't look very good!

Seeing his mother's unfriendly eyes, Meng Xiaobao's heart skipped a beat!

"I'll take care of it"

"I looked at the eldest sister, mother, why don't you go to the inner room and lie down for a while!"

"Well, I'll go in and lie down for a while. You keep an eye on her and don't let her get into trouble!"

"Don't worry, mother, keep her well behaved!"


Although this boy is young, he is better at taking care of a baby than she is. The little girl eats, drinks and poops. As long as he is here, there is no need for others!
Feng Ran nimbly put on her shoes and got off the kang, and disappeared in front of the two of them in a blink of an eye. At that speed, it was as if there was a ghost chasing her behind her!
Isn't there a ghost chasing after it?
Finally relieved, Feng Ran lay on the kang with his back stretched out and breathed a deep sigh of relief. He was so tired from raising a baby!
Especially her family, they are a house-destroying maniac. She just got up a little late, and that little girl trampled the house into a state of disgrace!
Clothes, quilts, tables, chairs, Fengran looked at the messy room and decided to ignore it!

Whoever gave birth will raise her, she has been tortured enough!

Feng Ran closed his eyes and entered the space, wandered around in the space, looking at the mountains of supplies in the space.

Gotta find some time to get the stuff out of there!
After the new year, I will go back to the city, buy a house, purchase property, and have my little one go to school. All of that will cost money!
In the past two years, she didn't take anything out or turn it in, but that person still gave them a batch of rewards every year!
She dares to accept that person's offer!

What she gave can make this era of backward technology advance at least a hundred years!
Now those technologies are still being explored, and in the research and development stage, once they are released, they will cause a sensation in the entire continent!
Thinking of the letter sent by the old man of the Chu family a few days ago, who bluntly asked their family to return to the city!
Sealing is a headache,
Back to the city!

It's just that there is no comfortable life!

(End of this chapter)

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