Chapter 135

Meng Jiamao retreated to the corner embarrassingly, the corners of his eyes and lips were slightly upturned!

The old man threw the pipe and pot directly, and smashed it at Meng Jiamao!

"Get out!"

Meng Jiamao covered his chest and glared at old man Meng with a stiff neck!

Old Meng grabbed the tea bowl and was about to sip it, but Old Mrs. Meng grabbed him!
"Old man, what are you doing?"

"I want to beat Lao Wu to death!"

"Boss, Sanwazi, do you really want to piss us two old bastards to death?"

These are his parents!
"Mom, what do you want us to say? If you want to give the wife of the third child to the fifth child, then you can do it! I agree!"

Old man Meng's expression eased, the teacup in his hand was taken down by the old lady, and he glared at his worthless son!

Meng Lao Wu immediately lowered his head and bit his lips tightly, lest he couldn't control himself and laughed out loud!
The three-year-old daughter-in-law does not work, and there are more than 50 yuan a month. He can go to work for a few days and designate that he can get more!
More than 50!

It’s higher than the wages of workers in factories in the city!
You don’t have to go to work every day!
In the future, he can also drink and eat meat, and ride a bicycle casually!

Meng Laowu didn't want to stay here for a minute, he wanted to go out for a couple of laps!
"It's okay to give Lao Wu a job, but my parents have to go and get the wages from the people in the village!"

"Boss, what do you mean by that? The factory doesn't pay wages on a monthly basis. Who do you want us to get?"

"If you don't want to give it to me, just say so. Don't try to fool me and your father!"

"Uncle is not talking nonsense, I also agree with Meng Jiamao taking over Fengran's encirclement!"

"Back when Feng Ran came up with the prescription to let the village build a factory, it was because she couldn't bear to see the hardships of the people in the village!"

"Of course, the second thing, as you have seen, is that he is lazy!"

"When she took out the recipe, she made one request, which was to have her name in the pickle factory without getting paid or working!"

"As for the wages given to her by the factory, we didn't even take my share!"


"My accountant has inquired. You two are paid 34 yuan and 58 yuan, both of which are paid on a monthly basis!"

"Boss, tell me, Sanwazi said he didn't receive it, so the money went there. Did you swallow it?"

"More than 90 in a month, boss, how can you swallow it!"

"No wonder your eldest daughter dares to marry a sick man!"

"No, Lao Meng's family is not divided, so you can't get this money alone. The money sent back by the third child was used by you to marry your daughter-in-law, and the marriage of your daughter is over!"

"This time the money must be divided equally. Each of your children has more children, and they are all older than mine. You will waste all this money without waiting for my children to do things. This can't be done!"

Meng Jiamao rushed to Boss Meng in two or two steps, stretched out his hand and asked him to take the money, without hiding his greed at all!
"Fourth, go to the accountant's house and get the account books!"


"What's the account book? You're not allowed to go there. If you have any questions, just tell your family members clearly. Don't go outside and make noises. You're not afraid of being embarrassed!"

Granny Meng is also angry now!

She said that it was just a job arrangement, and the boss was there to push around. I dare you to do this again!
She knows Sanwazi, if he said he didn't take it, then he didn't take it, so although this kid is a mess, he won't talk nonsense to fool people!
He was saying that the old couple of the Chu family loved him and sent large and small parcels here all day long, and he was not short of money!
The fifth said that the money was paid, and the accountant dared not tell lies!

Then this money, except for the boss, who would dare to be ignorant of it!
It's no wonder that in the past two years, the boss, the second child, and the fourth child have done as much as she has given them, and no one has been arguing with her!
They swallowed so much money together, I'm afraid the daughter-in-laws in the family know it, so they hide it from the fifth child and the old couple!
Old lady Meng's heart throbbed in pain. She wanted to be strong all her life and was complimented all her life. She never thought that when she got old, she would be disgusted by her son who had worked so hard to raise her!
(End of this chapter)

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