Chapter 137

Meng Chuxiao was finally pulled away!
Seeing Meng Jiamao lying limply on the ground, everyone in the Meng family couldn't help but feel bad!
After being aggrieved for so long, someone finally let them out!
"You guys take your fifth uncle back and call the health worker to come over and take a look!"

Boss Meng said that even if the juniors were not happy, they had to carry the man back. Meng Yunlin took the lead and several others carried Meng Jiamao to the backyard!

"You're playing harder!"


"Oh, forget it! With that temper of Lao Wu, I might as well give him a beating!"

The fifth one is the same, this family is better than that one, but he can live a comfortable life, but he has to think about something.

In the dull and depressing atmosphere, 1978 has passed, and 1979 is ushered in with vitality!

This year is a turning point!

Thousands of educated young people have changed their destiny from time to time, embarked on the long-awaited train, and entered the long-awaited campus!
In 1979, on the fourth day of the first lunar month, a bonfire was set up on the threshing floor in Lijiawa, the stove was set up, and tables, chairs and benches were filled all day long!

The little ones are running around, the old lady is in charge of the family in the east, the family in the west is short, the older girl and the younger daughter-in-law are discussing with each other how many new clothes they have bought this year!

The crowd was laughing and laughing, chickens and fish were being slaughtered at the stove, and the chopping boards were bang bang!
In the educated youth courtyard, the men sweep the floor and the women scrub. Today is the last time they clean this small courtyard that has lived in for several years!

The college entrance examination time was announced at the beginning of the year, giving them enough time to review, so everyone from the Educated Youth Academy signed up to take the college entrance examination!
When the notice came out, some people cried and some laughed. However, before the people who failed the college entrance examination had time to grieve, an order caused a sensation all over the country!
The educated youth returns to the city!

Generation after generation of aspiring young people have responded to the call and gone to the mountains and countryside!
"I used to dream about going back to the city, but now that I really have to leave, are you still a little reluctant to leave?"

"Yeah, I've been picking up beans that have been left out for three years. I haven't gone to work in the past two days, and my hands are itchy!"

"What's more, I remember that you knocked over a dustpan on the first day you came to work, and we followed it until midnight!"


"Okay, Li Dachun, expose me, you wait, I will promise not to write to you when I go back, hum!"

"Don't, it's all over the world. I don't know when we will meet. If you don't write a letter, how can we contact you!"

"If you don't write it, I'll kill you!"

"Jiang Hua, woo, can't be so cruel, woo woo..."

"You man, why are you still crying..."

"Jiang Hua, Lin Lin, woo woo woo, Xiao Ru, woo woo, I can't bear to part from you!"

"Brother Lin, what happened in the kitchen? Why are you still crying!"

"how could I know!"

The person who asked the question choked, and moved the broom aside embarrassingly!
No matter what, Jiang Zhiqing dumped him!

Jiang Zhiqing came from the capital, so it was strange that he would go back to that remote small county with him!
"Brother Lin, that's all for you and Jiang Zhiqing?"

"Well, my mother is getting older and wants to have a grandson as soon as possible. I don't want to delay her!"

"Didn't some of them take their children to college?"

Lin Haifeng shook his head. Pregnancy and childbirth will take at least two years!

Two years,

They still have a couple of years left!

Jianghua is 22 this year!
He is 24,

After graduating from university, it was already thirty years old, he didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't gamble!
"And you, you came from the same city as Zhu Zhiqing, and you were admitted to the same university!"

"Brother, their family doesn't agree with us being together, saying that there is a generation gap!"

"The bullshit generation gap, isn't it because I dislike the poor conditions of my family, which can't compare to hers!"

"Zhu Zhiqing is not that kind of person. If you have any misunderstandings, find someone to clarify. Don't keep silent. With your temper, don't keep everything in your mind and let the girl guess!"

"Zhu Zhiqing is cheerful and willing to coax you, so just be satisfied!"

"Thank you Brother Lin!"

"Thank you. I'll keep in touch from now on. I'm looking forward to drinking your wedding wine!"

"Hey, I will definitely send you an invitation to Brother Lin when the time comes. You have to come!"

"it is good!"

"Heh, heh, heh..."

(End of this chapter)

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