Chapter 148

"Mom, eldest sister, are the third child and the others home yet?"

Feng Wenjun came back from reporting at school. When he passed under the bridge, An Huizhen, who had returned from the countryside, stopped him and said that he would come to the house with him to look for the third child.

It was only then that he remembered that school had already started, and the third child and the others hadn't come back from the country yet!
The mother and daughter were each planning to get more benefits for their man, but they were shocked when he shouted!
"Xiaojun is back. Are you hungry? You go back to the house to warm up first. Mom will finish drying these two clothes and then go cook!"

Feng Yuzhi rolled her eyes. Her mother was really partial. Don't think she didn't notice that when Lao Liu left early, her mother stuffed money notes into his hand!

"Mom, I'm not hungry. I went to report to the school today and met some classmates. Let's go to the state-run restaurant and eat dumplings together!"

"I heard that the dumplings made by the chefs of the state-owned restaurants have thin skins and lots of fillings, and they are filled with meat. Why do you just eat them by yourself? You don't even know how to bring some back for my mother to try the skills of the master chef!"

Feng Wenjun choked, his face flushed, not from guilt, but from shame!

It's better to say he's a classmate than his crush!
Touching the roll of banknotes in his pocket that add up to less than ten yuan, Feng Wenjun kicked on the wooden barrel angrily!

The barrel was kicked over and water spilled all over the floor!
A bucket of water poured on Feng Yuzhi's legs. Feng Yuzhi kicked the bucket out of the way and raised his hand to grab Feng Wenjun's face!
"Boss, stop!"

Li Guixiang raised her arms, and the clothes in her hands were yanked onto Feng Yuzhi's body!
Feng Yuzhi was stunned!
Looking at Li Guixiang's raised hand in disbelief!
Her mother hit her!
Her mother actually beat her!
"Mom, you hit me!"

"Hit me for this little bitch!"

"Mother, how can you hit me, I protect you so much, how can you hit me!"

"You forgot, when I gave birth to my fourth child, if I hadn't cried and begged Grandma Liu, mother, you would have been buried alive by Grandma Liu!"

"How can you hit me!"

"Mom, mom, I'm cold, mom, my legs hurt!"

Li Guixiang panicked when she heard her cry that her leg hurts, dropped the clothes in her hand, picked her up and staggered upstairs!
Feng Wenjun kicked the wooden basin by his feet, and walked out with a dark face!

As soon as I arrived at the gate, I met Feng Weiguo who was going home for lunch!
"Xiaojun, it's time for lunch, why go out! Go back!"


"Go back and tell me if you have something to do. Why are you making trouble outside?"

When the two returned to the house, Feng Yuzhi had already entered the room, and Li Guixiang was busy heating hot water in the kitchen!
"I'll talk about something later, change my clothes first!"


Feng Weiguo hunched over, pulled up a chair and sat down!
Today the factory selection sheet was posted, and he wasn't on it!

He had already guessed it!
But he just felt uncomfortable!
Why can a person who just joined the factory be selected, but he, a welder who has been working as a welder for more than ten years, cannot be selected?
The apprentice technicians he brought out were all of a higher level than him!

I have been working hard for more than ten years, but after all, I can't compare with others who know how to make money!


"Are you reporting to school today?"


"Well, go to school, study hard, and don't cause trouble!"

"Dad, someone saw the third child on the train!"

Feng Weiguo was silent for a while, then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to him!
Feng Wenjun unfolded it, saw the words on it clearly, and widened his eyes!
"Beijing University, seal fourth sister!"

"Father! There's nothing wrong with it. How could the fourth child be admitted to Beijing University!"

Feng Weiguo was silent!


How could the fourth child pass the exam?

Just now, when I went to the street office in a car with that person to apply for the household registration of the fourth child, he was in a daze the whole way!

When the formalities were completed and the man drove him to the gate of the compound, he was completely dizzy!

Feng Wenjun took a closer look at the name above, it was Feng Simei!
"The fourth child has been admitted to Beijing University, what about the third and fifth child?"

Feng Weiguo was taken aback!
(End of this chapter)

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