Chapter 154

The sky is blue, the spring breeze is warm, and the weather is rare in spring!
The father and son of the Feng family pushed away the bicycles that their neighbor had sent them early in the morning, dragged their bedding and prepared to go out!

"His father, how about I go too!"

Feng Weiguo didn't answer anything. His mother mentioned it last night, and he remembered in a daze that his wife didn't like the fourth child very much in the past!

Don't wait to see you!

Feng Weiguo was in a trance!
There were a lot of things in the factory at that time, and he had been coaching apprentices all those years, and his task quota was half that of others!
It is said that he has apprentices to help him, but in fact he is doing it all by himself. Others come and go from work on time, but he is the only one who works overtime until late at night every day!
He only remembered that the fourth child rarely served food when he was at home, but he had no other impression at all!

But he believed what my wife said!
"Mom, you don't know a single word, how dare you go to school! Don't be afraid of being laughed at!"

"What are you afraid of? I'm her mother. My daughter is promising. What's wrong with me as a mother!"

"If you feel embarrassed, don't crawl out of my belly if you feel embarrassed!"

"No, mother, how could it be, haven't you found someone yet, want to go, when you find him back, you also take that car, let the driver drive, and take you where you want to go for a stroll! "

"That means you don't even know who we are?"

"That old lady is so good at giving birth, how many children, one is better than the other!"

"Okay, mother, hurry up and tidy up the house, my father and I will go and get fourth sister back!"

"Tch, clean up, even the cowardly fourth child, she dares to despise our family!"

"That idiot won't even enter the house when he comes home. When he sees someone, I will kill him if I don't deal with him!"

Feng Weiguo stared at Li Guixiang. This sarcastic woman was his wife!She really doesn't want to see the fourth child!

Feng Wenjun didn't bother to look at his mother's ugly face, so her mother just talked about it, if she really found the fourth child, it's up to him whether he will come back or not!

"Dad, let's go. I have to go to school to ask for leave later. It's hard to find someone if I go late!"

"Let's go!"

Li Guixiang was still chattering, but she didn't realize that the two of them had already pushed their bicycles out of the gate!
"Mom, why are you alone here? Where are dad and Lao Liu?"

Feng Yuzhi sent Xiaowa to school, and rushed back in a hurry, but still missed, the yard was empty, only her mother was left chattering there!
"It's not... people?"

"Bah, don't let me go, treat me like a stranger, and don't come back if you have the guts!"

"Come back and see how I deal with you!"

"Okay, everyone is gone, you can't hear them scolding them, let's go, go back to the house and clean up, don't wait for people to come, we are still in a mess, there is no place to step down, what a shame!"

"Today, there are still people coming! Who said that!"

"Changlin said don't cut off people at home these two days, let me go to the supply and marketing cooperative to order some brown sugar, pastries, melon seeds and so on!"

"Mom, you still have the tickets in your hand. I'll go to the supply and marketing department later!"

Li Guixiang turned away, she still had tickets!
"Mom, you won't end up with all those tickets from years ago, right?"

"No, mother, you don't have any idea at all. Those tickets will be gone after the New Year! I don't see what you bought back. Isn't it all subsidizing the sixth child?"

"Mother, you can't do this, let's not mention that my patriarch, Lin, is included in those tickets, even you, not just the son of Lao Liu!"

"Lao Qi is already ten years old. If you subsidize Lao Liu with everything, what will you give Lao Qi to marry a wife in the future!"

"Xiao Qi still has to wait for two years. Now is the time for Liu to find a partner. If we don't help him, that girl will want to be with someone else!"

"Mom, the seventh child is still young, and my Shuanzi is already twelve years old. We can get married in three to five years. It's rare that you don't think about me at all!"

"Then, what to do!"

"Mom, the fourth child has been admitted to college, and his previous marriage with Deputy Factory Director Zhang's family will definitely not work out!"

"Yesterday, Deputy Factory Manager Zhang spoke up and said that he intended to add a bride price of 500 yuan!"

five hundred!

Li Guixiang stretched out her hand, five hundred, how much is that?

"Yes, five hundred, Deputy Factory Director Zhang personally told my parent, Lin, yesterday afternoon!"

"But fourth child, she..."

"Mom, the fourth child is not successful. Chang Lin said that the fourth child has a great fortune. It is not easy to identify the person behind it. Not only can we not distract her, but we have to provide for her!"

"The fourth child is now the face of our family. If we serve her well, we can use her to contact the people above us!"

"Mom, you have to control your temper, don't offend anyone, and you won't even be able to cry anymore!"

"She dares,"

"She crawled out of my belly. If you dare to disrespect me, I won't take care of her!"

"Okay, you're just trying to be happy with your words. If you really wait for someone to pick you up in a cheap car, you won't even bother to climb up!"

(End of this chapter)

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