Chapter 158

As for the Feng family, ever since the father and son came back from school, they have been slowly depressed!
That day, when Feng Wenjun explained the situation to the guard, someone took them to the principal, and the principal of Beijing University met them personally!

The father and son were so nervous that they were at a loss after seeing such a big person. They were still dizzy when they came out of the Beijing University campus!

The fourth child was indeed admitted to Beijing University, but he was not studying at Beijing University. The principal said it was inconvenient to reveal where exactly he was, but he only said that he would help them!
I was admitted to Peking University, but not studying in Peking University!

It's not convenient to meet them!
The principal of Beijing University can also help them speak!
Thinking of some possibility, both father and son fell silent!

The principal of Peking University politely sent them downstairs, and then asked someone to send them out of the campus. Both father and son were in a bad mood!
Feng Wenjun told Feng Weiguo and went to school!
Feng Weiguo pushed his bicycle with a confused look on his face and walked around all afternoon. He didn't enter the house until dark!
He didn't even take off his clothes when he entered the house. He just lay on the bed in a daze, looking at the dark roof!
How I wish yesterday was just a dream!

A dream from which I will never wake up!

Now, the dream is broken!

Everything will be back to square one!
"Feng Laoshi, I'm going on a blind date tomorrow. I have to go to bed early tonight. You can do this for me!"

"it is good!"

The visitor threw the parts to the ground, and all the pieces of metal were blown into Feng Weiguo's face!
"Come on, buddy, let's go drink!"

"Go away, don't beat me up!"

"That turtle grandson thinks my bicycle is broken!"

"Hehe, what about that? Brother, your eyes were not blinded by shit, so you should just pretend that your brother is blind. Let's go, let's go and have a drink. I heard that the new chef of the state-owned restaurant is very good at cooking. Today we two brothers will have a good time!" "

"Go, go, go!"

"Hey, Feng honestly, I'm in a hurry to get that job tomorrow, so hurry up!"

Feng Ran!


The original owner's father!

"Director Zhang, right? If you haven't fulfilled your worker's quota, you can skip work early?"

"No, it's not very possible. You heard it wrong. That person asked for leave for something, so he left early. He was saying that his job is not to ask his fellow workers to help catch up with the work, so as not to delay production!"

Deputy Factory Manager Zhang stuttered and asked for help, but Feng Ran couldn't listen to a word!
Feng Weiguo went to the school to look for Feng Si, and as soon as they left, the principal of Beijing University called!

Feng Ran didn't want to pay much attention to that family!

However, in the book, the original owner’s father, the man who had been honest all his life, heard about the tragic death of his daughter!
That man was silent without saying a word, but disappeared the next day!

When the heroine returns to the city and finds the small mountain village, those who have hurt Fourth Sister Feng will be disabled and dead!

Although the book doesn't say who did it, this cowardly man who has been cowardly all his life has never appeared before!
It's not that this man doesn't love his children, he's just trying to live!

Feng Ran walked to the corner filled with debris, passed his hands through the narrow operating table, and gently dusted off the dust on the brim of his hat!

Feng Weiguo raised his head and looked at the girl's bright smiling face, with a pair of missing teeth exposed on her dusty face!

Seal the country!
Damn girl,

The mouth is still so poisonous!

"Dad is not ugly,"

"How can others see how beautiful my daughter is!"


"Without you being an eyesore, others can appreciate my beauty more!"


"Then, who made you my daughter?"


"Old man Feng, I like what you say. Come on, your daughter is recovering from her illness today. Let's go to a restaurant and eat dumplings!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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