Chapter 172

The sisters of the Feng family were furious, and when they saw the door watching, they didn't even need to kick them. They swung their sticks and rammed towards Li Guixiang who was hiding behind their brother!
Li Guixiang was just a bastard, so when she saw this battle, she was so frightened that she fell to the ground!

The sister-in-law of the Li family gave her a sideways glance, "useless idiot!"
He stood up, lifted the chair under his buttocks, and smashed it hard, directly on the back of the person who came to beat Li Guixiang!

"Mom, okay, you surnamed Li, if you have the guts, hit me, beat me hard, beat me to death and give him a life!"

The eldest girl of the Feng family was furious, Li Guixiang was really good, she thought that they would be afraid if all her natal brothers were brought here!

"Those surnamed Li are just a bunch of cowards. Beat them, beat them hard. Now I have to peel off Li Guixiang's skin and make her talk mean!"

The aunts of the Feng family were yelling outside the door, and those who were about to start a fight were so frightened that they didn't dare to move forward. The aunts of the Feng family were planning to kill them!

It was a mess inside, and the Li family, Liu family, Ma family, and Sun family were all here!
There are so many people crowded in the small living room, they may be knocked out with a stick before they can squeeze in!
It's okay to help, but it's not worth losing a life!
They all have a family and a big family to support. If they get hurt, I'm afraid there won't even be a place to reason!
Feng Yuzhi hugged her head and shrank in the corner of the wall in fright, not daring to move!


I don't know where a broken stick flew over. Feng Laozhi was so dizzy from being hit, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and there was blood in his hand!

I was stunned and fell to the wall!Blood poured out from the wound and stained the ground!


Zhao Changlin, who had been paying attention to her all the time, saw Feng Yuzhi lying on the ground, so he stopped fighting and ran over to pick Feng Yuzhi up!
"Quickly, get out of the way and send me to the hospital!"

Aunt Feng was yelling fiercely, but she didn't dare to kill anyone!
The fighting in the room stopped, the road gave way, Zhao Changlin followed behind with Feng Yuzhi in his arms, and the others opened the way in front, those who fought and those who were beaten would panic now!

With such a big bloody hole, whether people can save it is another matter!
In this era, when two sides fight, as long as no one is killed, no one will think of reporting it to the police!
Even if someone reports to the police, as long as both parties insist that it is a family conflict, the police comrades will only give a few words of reprimand when they come. The worst they can do is write an inspection, or get the leader in and lock him up for a few days!
But killing someone is different!

Not to mention that the two gangs formed a deadly feud, the police will also find out the truth, shut it down, punish it, and possibly even kill the murderer!
At that time, the job will be gone, and the whole family will be left outside, how can they live!
After going downstairs, someone pushed a cart. Zhao Changlin hugged the person and got on the cart. A group of people pushed the person and rushed to the hospital, which made everyone's hearts twitch!
It's really that the blood hole is too big, the blood is rushing out, and the stairs are dripping with blood marks!

"Mother Yuzhi, Mother Yuzhi, how are you? Are you okay?"

The aunt who came here to fight, everyone went to the hospital when she saw everyone, and Li Guixiang hadn't come out yet. This Li Guixiang usually dotes on the eldest of her family the most, so she shouldn't be unresponsive to such a big incident!

The aunt peeped out the bag and took a look into the room, saw a person lying on the ground, and ran in immediately!
The aunt thought she was fainted from fright, and just about to pinch someone to wake him up, she felt that her breathing was weak, almost impossible to detect!With a thump in my heart, I immediately shouted at the top of my voice!

"Quick, quick, Yuzhi Niang is gone, come quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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