Chapter 180

Feng Ran walked slowly on the muddy street with someone on his back. Feng Weiguo let her drag the two of them away with a mournful face!
All the good and bad words along the way, this girl didn't even say a word!
Diagonally opposite the hospital is the Public Security Bureau, and I walked for more than half an hour in a daze!

The cold rain wet the already thin clothes, and the spectators huddled together in twos and threes to keep each other warm!

Nothing can resist that curious gossip heart!

Look, there's another one in a wheelchair!
Hmm, it looks familiar!

Feng Weimin!
Can you not be familiar with me?
As soon as he came out of the ward, he saw this girl, picking up Li Guixiang, not caring that she was only wearing a hospital gown, so he took her outside!
What day is it now!
It was seven or eight degrees below zero, and there was still light rain in the sky, and he was shivering from the cold wrapped in a thick padded jacket, so how cold was Li Guixiang!
That's her own mother, she can pull people out like this, so his family's!

Feng Weimin thought that his wife's illness was just an act, and he trembled, stopped peeing, and slunk back to the ward with his neck scrunched up!

The couple murmured in the ward for a while, and finally they came together and borrowed a wheelchair from the nurse. Feng Weimin pushed his wife, far behind the crowd!
Feng Wenjun followed the crowd, gritted his teeth, and punched the tree trunk next to him. The rain on the tree hit him to the core!
"Who is so wicked, what kind of tree is there to worry about when you are idle, I really don't want to live, hit the wall!"

The man was cursing, Feng Wenjun tightened his fists, loosened them!
Before he was about to swing his fist, a soft little hand spread their palms and slowly slid into his fingertips!

The fingers are clasped together, soft and warm!
At this moment, Feng Wenjun has completely fallen!

Enough people gathered, Feng Ranti slipped Li Guixiang into the Public Security Bureau!

It's been so long outside, even if the comrades in the Public Security Bureau pretend not to know, it's impossible!As soon as someone came in, someone immediately took Li Guixiang from Feng Ran's hand!
This little ancestor is really good at tossing people, look at the frozen lips are purple!
Wrapped in a thick military overcoat, holding a hot tea mug, if it wasn't for the water in the tea mug, Li Guixiang would have thought she was dreaming!

She never thought that if she had to be strong for a lifetime, she would be lifted out of the bed by her own daughter. In the winter, she would be almost naked in the rain blowing cold wind!

At that moment, she wanted to close her eyes and never open them again!
Almost feeling her sinister gaze, Feng Ran stared back coldly!
Li Guixiang was trembling with fright, she must have been a magic wand just now, otherwise she would have the guts to look at her with that look!

This kind of person would have been killed by him in the last days!
You should be glad that this is a peaceful era, and the Dharma is taught everywhere!
Li Guixiang,
Although the girl didn't say anything, the bloodthirsty and murderous intent in her eyes couldn't be concealed!

She wants to kill her!
That damned girl wanted to kill her!
This is scary!

He is just a bully and a bully!

It's no wonder that the Feng family sisters in the article have a worse life than the other, and she herself is the result of being left alone and helpless by Zhao Changlin!
Thinking of the tragic death of Feng Simei, the disappearance of Feng Weiguo, the misery of Feng Meiyu, and the two brothers, one had his leg broken after fighting for a woman, and the other did all the bad things and was shot in the end!
Feng Ran really wanted to lift him up and throw him in the mud for a roll!
Ignorance, stupidity!
Such a person is not worthy of being a mother!

It's a pity that now is a society ruled by law, and she is a good law-abiding citizen!

Leave everything to the police uncle, don't be too comfortable!
Feng Ran turned around and started her long speech!
Everyone is equal before the law, and all privileged ideas must be severely punished once they violate the bottom line of the law!

Listen to the party's command in everything, firmly follow the party's pace, and fight against all evil forces!

Comrade Public Security was stunned by what she said, this was just an ordinary fight, it couldn't rise to that level!

But they understood what she meant!
(End of this chapter)

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