Chapter 190

The pigs were slaughtered in the yard, and the people in the building ran into the corridor, stuck their heads out and looked out!

The white knife goes in and the red knife comes out. One stab goes down and kills him immediately. Blood flows out along the cut!

The bloody smell attracted the birds in the sky, and they stopped on the branches, chirping!
Lin Wenhua silently tidied up the dusty things piled up in the corner, saying it was a pile of things, rather a pile of garbage!
Half of the comic book was missing, the wooden horse was missing a foot, and the iron box was pressed to the ground. Lin Wenhua picked up the iron box, carefully wiped off the dust on it, and gently pushed the lock!
With a sound of "click", the iron box did not strike because it was compressed and deformed. When he heard the sound, Lin Wenhua was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on his face!
"Fortunately, it's not broken!"


Lin Wenhua closed the lock, and carefully put it in his coat pocket!

Lin Wendong's daughter-in-law was sharp-eyed, and when she saw him carrying the iron box in her arms, she thought it was a good thing he had hidden, and immediately screamed!

"Second boy, what are you putting in your pocket? Is it yours? Just put it in your pocket. You are not the only one who lived in this house. Maybe that box belongs to my Shunzi!"

"Really, the sister-in-law is looking for someone to ask, what can I do for your Shunzi with the things in my own house!"

"Not to mention this box, everything in this house belongs to me. No one can lock it in if I want to take it."

As soon as Lin Wenhua said these words, before the Lin family's sister-in-law could explode, Shunzi's wife started howling first!

"Your house, the house you came from, at the beginning, you said that you wrote a document, and this house belongs to me and Shunzi. Then you didn't say it was your house! Why, this will climb up to Feng's house and make it for others. The door-to-door son-in-law has a hard back, and if he wants to find a job, it depends on whether I agree or not!"

Mrs. Lin also hurriedly agreed, fearing that Lin Wenhua would make a fuss about asking for a house, so she hurriedly blocked his mouth with words!

"That's right, Hua Zi, my family gave you money at that time, and they said that there was also your red handprint on the receipt. This is true, and you can't rely on it if you want!"

"It's hard to come back from the countryside. Don't think about what you have. The Feng family is willing to let you be the door-to-door son-in-law, so you just stay in the Feng family honestly. Don't think about blackmailing me and your brother!"

"We have raised you so much, and when you go to the countryside, we buy things and give you money and tickets. I thought it would be more difficult for us, but we also want to make it easier for you in the countryside."

"As for you, you haven't even received a letter for three years since you left. Your brother and I were so anxious that we couldn't even eat. If we hadn't been stumbling at home and couldn't walk away, we had to go to the countryside to look for you!"

"Second boy, a man doesn't take you like this. When you come home, you don't even say "brother and sister-in-law."

"Shunzi's daughter-in-law just gave birth, and the baby is still so young, you made me cry! Second child, you can't be so heartless. I think I owe you nothing for being sister-in-law with your brother. !"

"I'm just asking, you just open your mouth and say, everything in this house is yours, second child, you are not satisfied, are you trying to blackmail our house or something!"


"Lin Wendong, you are a wimp, but you should say something. I have treated him with all my heart and soul all these years, and I have suffered!"

Aunt Lin burst into tears, not to mention how aggrieved she was crying, those who didn't know thought Lin Wenhua was a white-eyed wolf!

But the worker’s college is only a little bigger, and Lin Wenhua was already fifteen or sixteen when Lin Wenhua’s parents were gone, so they need to be raised there!

He said that the subsidy given to them by the factory was clearly divided at that time. There were three brothers and sisters, one room for each person, and one work quota. My brother-in-law!

The daughter of the Lin family gave it to her own man, and now she also lives in the family courtyard, but it's farther away!
As for Lin Wenhua, considering that he was still studying, the factory kept his work quota for him and moved the house next to Lin Wenhua's house, just so that the two brothers could take care of each other!
Heh, taking care of it is taking care of it, the house and work indicators are all taken care of as his family's!

Lin Wenhua looked at the hysterical madwoman in front of him, and suddenly felt that what Feng Ran said was right!

A job index, a house, and getting rid of a group of blood-sucking bugs, he earned it!

After getting the most important thing, Lin Wenhua didn't want to argue with a lunatic here. Today is a good day for him and Feng Meiyu, and the bride is still at home waiting for him to pick her up!
"What's in the box are photos of my parents, and my eldest brother also has them. If my sister-in-law wants to fulfill her filial piety, she should go find her!"

(End of this chapter)

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