Chapter 197

Old Meng and his wife never imagined that they would have to travel thousands of miles away to live in a strange place when they are old!
Being carried on the back of a car parked at the door, the old lady quietly wiped away her tears. The old man clicked the pot without tobacco, looked at the familiar streets and sighed!
Fallen leaves return to their roots!

This time, he can only be buried in another country, and his soul returns to his homeland!

Meng Jiasheng and Li Dayou went around the newly opened factory, chatted for a few words with the comrades who came to take over the pickle factory, and then came back!

The factory that I built brick by brick will no longer be under their control from now on. It’s hard to say that it’s impossible!
But this time, they can't help it!
Unexpectedly, after so many years of liberation, there are still spies lurking around them. If they hadn't been watched by someone all the time!

Lijiawa is afraid that the whole village will be wiped out this time!
Those people are so cruel!

There are so many explosives buried around the village, they want to bomb the whole Lijiawa!

If Comrade Public Security hadn't come so quickly that day, Lijiawa would have been in ruins this time!

"Lao Meng, let's go, we have to catch the train later!"

"After changing the village to establish a town, Lijiawa will become the Lijiawa Commune in the future, and people in the village will also eat commercial grain, so they don't have to worry about poor harvests and people starving to death!"

"That's a beautiful thing to say. If you're not worried, why are you following me here? Why don't you just put your package on your back and sit on the tractor to wait!"

Li Dayou!
This old boy, it’s not that I don’t like how awkward you are, I pay no attention to you!
"What do you like, I built up that factory bit by bit, let's take a look!"

"I'm talking about my son becoming successful. I'll take him to the imperial capital to enjoy his blessings. I'm happy to go!"

"If you don't want to go, if you don't want to follow, you can stay. If you stay, let people bombard you, and let everyone in Lijiawa be buried with you!"

Boom again!
Li Dayou,
Are you courting death?

Meng Jiasheng was stimulated by his words, and he swung his fist directly at him!
After Li Dayou finished speaking, he came to his senses and was punched by Meng Jiasheng!
He deserved this punch!
At the door of Meng's house, young and old in Lijiawa braved the light rain and came out to see him off.

With a sound of care and a sound of seeing you, the car moved slowly, and the seeing-off team followed to the entrance of the village, stopped, and waved goodbye to the people in the car!

Farewell, my hometown!
Farewell, friends and family!
See you here, it’s far away!
A small car, three large military trucks, followed by several tractors, a group of more than 200 people, boarded the train to the imperial capital!
It has been raining for more than a month, and the roads are muddy, with large and small gullies. Even if the driver is very skilled, the road is too bad!
The old lady was so shocked that she went to see her ancestors in advance!
The old man was also leaning against the window of the car with a sick look. The accompanying lesbian gave them half a bottle of sweet water, and the two old men were forced to be carried on the train!
Lying on the train bunk with three mattresses, the couple felt that they were still alive!

Alas, the journey from the village to the county almost cost them half their lives. The imperial capital was thousands of miles away, and they would not survive the trip back!

"What are you worried about? It's not like you can't come back. The road will be paved in two or three years at most. When the car starts driving, you two can come back whenever you want!"

They don't want to sit on that thing in this life!
(End of this chapter)

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