Chapter 202

"Zhiqiang, please!"

beg him!

Liu Zhiqiang is really convinced!
How can this woman speak!

Liu Zhiqiang tilted the handlebars, his feet hit the ground a little, and the bike flew off!
Sun Yong!

Young people today!
Glancing at the sun in the sky, don't want to eat lunch!

Zhu Lanfang froze in place, tears came out of her eyes!

"Zhu Lanfang, what's going on? Didn't you say we met each other? Why are you wiping tears here? It's not because they are ignoring you, right?"

The sarcasm of the questioning lesbian pierced people's hearts!

Zhu Lanfang wiped the corners of her eyes and twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment!
The woman's contemptuous and mocking gaze pierced like a sharp knife, peeling off her disguised skin to nothing!
Acquaintances, folks!

She doesn't deserve it!
But is she wrong?
No, even if she came again, she would still make the same choice!

"Comrade Lin has filled out the form, can he go back?"

Zhu Lanfang's words hit the pain point of the visitor!
"Hmph, it's none of your business whether you fill it in or not, and no one is stopping you if you want to leave!"

"Isn't it just chosen, why not!"

Zhu Lanfang,
She'll be pissed off!
Seeing the people who would not give up until they trampled her into the mud in the past, this time they left without saying anything harsh!
Zhu Lanfang looked at the direction where the figure disappeared!
If you leave in such a hurry, you should still have her in your heart!

Where there is love, there is hatred!
It's okay to be ruthless!
At least you still have me in your heart!

When Liu Zhiqiang was halfway down the road, he remembered that there was one less person in the car and immediately turned back!At the corner not far from the Art Institute, I saw Sun Yong who was sweating profusely as he walked away!
"Comrade Sun, I'm sorry, I was in such a hurry that I forgot about you!"

Seeing that he had calmed down, Sun Yong dared to sit on it!
He said in his heart that it was good to forget him, otherwise, with his crazy look just now, even if someone asked him to get in the car, he would not dare to sit in it!
It is better to die than to live. Even when he is alone, he still wants to live well!

"Comrade Liu, it doesn't matter. No one is young. There are some things that should come and can't be avoided, and some people that should go and can't be kept. Look away!"

This old boy, if he had known he would not come back, he would have been so exhausted by letting him walk back on his legs. He was a lonely old man, and he didn't understand life at such an old age, and he even said that he had called him!
"You old man, your mouth is worse than that of a mother-in-law!"

"I can't see it from there. I'm afraid that if I run too slowly, I'll be entangled by that woman!"

"Old man, tell me, what if she hugs my thigh and doesn't let go in front of so many people!"

"So many people were watching, and a girl was holding my lap and crying. What they knew was that I was dumped, but what they didn't know was that they thought I was a heartless person!"

"Can I not run?"

Liu Zhiqiang kept nagging for a long time, but Sun Yong didn't even respond. When he looked back, he said, good guy, you can fall asleep on a bicycle and you're not afraid of falling and killing you!

Liu Zhiqiang was disgusted, but slowed down the speed of the car and tried to go to a flat place!

Sun Yong, to be honest, is really good!

Fortunately, he was there to help them focus, make plans, and explain doubts, so that they could understand and understand those books in such a short period of time!
When they were reading, he was also reading. When they were resting, he was not cleaning up the books they messed up, or helping them fetch water and food!

Yesterday afternoon, they were notified that they had been busy all night, and they couldn't bear it in the middle, so they would find a place to squat for a while, but he, writing and drawing, didn't close his eyes all night!

These are written in the book, and the people are selected. I am revising and revising in the afternoon. I just wait for everyone to arrive tomorrow. The roles are assigned in the morning, rehearsed a few times in the afternoon, and I can set off with the team the day after tomorrow!

He didn't dare to think about what the future would bring. They had to seize this opportunity even to the death!
He didn't blame Zhu Lanfang, who would want to stay in the mud if he had the opportunity to climb up.

He just, pity that unlucky child and hopes that he will keep his eyes open the next time he chooses a candidate, so that he doesn't cast the wrong baby!

(End of this chapter)

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