Chapter 208

"Grandma, do you want firewood?"

In a word, the old lady burst into tears, and her old wrinkled face was soon soaked with tears!

Feng Ran took out her hand and gently wiped away the tears on her face!
"You old lady, why are you so pretentious?"


Why are you so pretentious!
Those days were so hard, she didn't even wipe a single tear, and she got through all the hard times!
"I'm getting old, so I'm going to mess around!"

"Come on, girl, go into the house and take a look at this small courtyard. It still smells the same as the original one!"

Feng Ran grabbed the old lady's other arm, and sweetly said hello!
"As long as you are here, no matter what the courtyard looks like, it will still look the same!"

"You girl, you have a sweet mouth, and your heart is destined to despise the old woman!"

"At that time, I heard you talking a lot, saying that my wife made the house like a pig's nest!"

Feng Ran smiled!

Isn't it a pig's nest?

"You used to keep saying, the pig's nest is good, if it's really a pig's nest, we won't be short of meat!"

Ha ha!
The two of them walked around the small courtyard holding each other!
The old lady cried, laughed, and brought people into her room!
Seeing the old lady directly bring the person into her room, the faces of Mrs. An and his wife were not very good-looking!

What do you mean old lady!
They received the news that someone had passed by the old lady today, so they came here overnight to clean up!

I worked hard last night and got up early this morning. I have been busy until now, and the meat and vegetables are all ready. It's fine if the old lady doesn't introduce them to them. She wiped her tears, as if she had been wronged so much!

I don’t even think about it, that time, that family’s life was easy!

She is suffering, but other people's lives are comfortable!
All she knew was to separate them out, yes, to separate them out, it didn't drag them down!

But she didn't want to think about it, even if they were separated, they would no longer be hers!
Even if they are separated, they will still be ridiculed and bullied!
She is bitter!

It's hard for their family to be crowded into a shabby thatched shed!

The wind leaks in winter, and the rain leaks in summer. The five of them lived in that shabby shed for three years!
Three years, does the old lady know how they survived those three years?
She is bitter!

There is no shortage of food and drink, and there is still enough food left to feed two unrelated little girls!

She is bitter!

We live in a brick house with a kang burning in the house, and we can still hunt for some meat every three days!
She is crying!

where are they,
When I left, there was only a pile of rags and about ten kilograms of grain. With ten kilograms of grain, a family of five managed to survive for more than half a month!
They had no place to live and slept in a thatched hut while the old lady lived in three large tile-roofed houses by herself!
When they didn't eat or drink, the food hidden in the cellar was still up to the old lady to eat as she wanted!
"What's the matter, the food is already set, and if you don't lead anyone to the table, what's the matter with you in your own room!"

Lin Qiaolian took off her apron and went to the old lady's house to call someone!
How much effort did they take to get him here? What is the old lady trying to do?
She didn't want anyone to be served to the table. When the Huang family came later, they couldn't lead them into the old lady's house!

Lin Qiaolian's words were originally meant for the old lady, and she didn't say anything at all. When the old lady in the room heard it, her face fell down!
Children and grandchildren are born to be debt collectors!

She knew what Lao San and his family were thinking!
The Huang family didn't think it was embarrassing enough to make a fuss about it!
Then come and grab Sister Ran!

The old lady of the Feng family is also old and confused. She is getting older and has no regard for her face at all!People who are almost buried are still greedy for that little thing!

The Huang family is not ashamed, but she is!

To use her as a raft, she must be willing to be the pole of the boat!
"Girl, I'm sorry, you are so busy and you still have time to go to the old lady!"

The An family only thinks that they are kind to the girl, but in fact, they don't owe her anything!

"What's the relationship between us? Even if I'm busy, I have to go to see you! I'll accompany you, chat and talk about what's on my mind!"

"Girl! The old lady knows and has put you in trouble!"

"But this man's heart is greedy, he is not satisfied!"

Feng Ran is really not worth it for the old lady!
(End of this chapter)

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