Chapter 211

An Huizhen choked in Feng Wenjun's arms, crying so repressed and wronged you!
Feng Wenjun patted her thin back tenderly!

He didn't know how much of her crying was true!

so what!

An Huizhen approached him for the purpose of sealing him!

But so what!
An Huizhen is smart, beautiful, and has a good family background!
And he!
What does he have, what do people want him to do!
It's not Feng Ran, there is no way he and she can communicate with each other!
He expects this love extravagantly, even if it is deception!Even if he doesn’t last long!
But Fengran, why should he, why should he destroy his happiness and his marriage, why should she?
Huizhen just wants to keep her for a meal, and won't do anything to her, why doesn't she want to!

She just held grudges, hated his mother's favoritism when she was a child!
She is unpopular, and it was not caused by him. If she wants to complain, she can only blame her own bad luck and wrong birth!
"Feng Ran, what on earth do you want, you will die if you stay for a meal, right?"

"You are powerful, everything has to be offered to you, and you have to be taken care of, but Fengran, what do you have? Why do you have it?"

"Help Huizhen what's wrong! Without Grandma An, you can live until now? You can help everyone like Lao Qi, why can't you help her!"

"At the end of the day, you just dislike me. You would rather support a lump of mud than pull me! I am worse than him!"

"Feng Ran, tell me, will you die if you stay for a meal or something?"

Feng Wenjun's sanity was annihilated by anger, and he blurted out angry words!

She can help that gangster Lao Qi, and the brothers of the Liu family who have nothing to do with her, so why can't she give him a hand!
Those people in the school bullied him, alienated him, and mocked him!

And the girl he longed to protect, since we parted at the state-run hotel that day, has been unwilling to see him!
And Anhui cherishes him and protects him!

Even if it was deception, he was willing to indulge in the dream she weaved!
"it is good!"

It's just a meal, but it won't kill anyone!
It might kill her!

Sealed and dyed!

Not for anything else!

Just for the rickety figure behind the door!
Mrs. An has a long life in the original text!
She didn't want the old lady to get a box lunch in advance because of her!

It doesn't matter if you go to the workshop or not today, let's just worry about settling down!

Feng Ran stepped into the main room of the small courtyard, and the people in the room immediately stood up from their chairs!

Old Madam An was pushed in front of Feng Ran by a gray-haired old man, and when she saw her granddaughter, Old Madam Feng felt a little uncomfortable!

The person behind poked her arm to make her speak!

The old lady Feng smacked her lips a few times, but she didn't make a sound!
"Girl of the Feng family, I am your Grandpa Huang, do you still remember?"

"Do you still remember that the machinery factory hadn't built a building at that time? Our homes were neighbors, wall to wall. When you went out, you would always hit my door!"

"My house also has a small yard, and you would often climb the wall to eat dates at my house!"

whispering sound,
This damn old man bullied her into not having the memory of the original owner, right?

He even climbed the wall of his house!

Feng Simei was born in the building, she is more than one year older than Feng Simei!

"Then your courtyard wall is really short. A baby over one year old can climb over it. No wonder you feel like you are at your own home when you go to the Feng family!"

"Then my grandfather just left. You go so often, but you don't know. Have you met him before?"

"Shut up!...Shut up!,"

How dare you, how dare you!
Fengran stepped on the old lady's sore spot with a few words, and raised her hand to fan Fengran!

How dare she, how dare she say that to her!
What does she know?
What does she know!
That's a beast!


The old one is a beast, the young one is inhumane!
Those people laughed at her, talked about her, and talked about her behind her back!
Now even her own granddaughter is mocking her!
What do they know!
They don't know anything!

Feng Ran didn't hide, nor did he slap her in the face!
"Grandma, have you had enough trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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