Chapter 216

In March and a half, the spring plowing is over, and everyone is devoted to the construction of a beautiful home!
Carrying the shovel, carrying the basket, digging deep trenches and picking up stones!The whole country worked together, and in just one and a half months, an asphalt road crossing the north and south was successfully opened to traffic!

On the spacious and flat road, cars flew by. At that moment, the whole country was celebrating and firecrackers were blasting!

The heavy iron gate opened slowly, and the car drove into a narrow mountain passage!

After walking for more than ten minutes, my eyes suddenly became bright!

Alpine waterfalls, gurgling water, a clear spring reflecting the green water and green mountains, luxuriant flowers and plants, the fragrance of flowers, and the sweet singing of birds!
Unexpectedly, there is a natural paradise hidden deep in the mountains!

Fengran pushed the door and got off the car, breathing in the fresh air of the mountains!
“What a great place!”

"Girl, here we go, let's go!"

Feng Ran followed the old man towards a mountain wall, the old man stopped in front of a mountain, and groped a few times on the uneven rock!

The mountain wall in front of me slowly moved, revealing a hey-y-y hole!
Feng Ran!

She underestimated the wisdom of her ancestors!

Surrounded by beautiful mountains and green waters, what a wonderful Feng Shui treasure land!

When all the stone doors were opened, the old man walked in with Feng Ran!
Entering inside, the eyes dimmed, and after a while, I saw the situation in the passage clearly through the dim light!

The corridor is narrow and deep, with dim yellow lamps hanging on both sides, reflecting on the smooth stone wall, dim and gloomy!
The corridor was quiet and cold, and a cold air invaded every cell in the body from the soles of the feet!
Feng Ran shook his shoulders and rubbed the goosebumps on his hands!

Take a deep breath!Step up and keep up with the old man in front!

Hearing the sound of footsteps following behind, the old man's expression softened a bit!
The girl behind her dared to follow her, firstly because she felt good, and secondly because she had the confidence!
The corridor was very long, so long that Fengran's little patience was worn out!
Finally, the old man stopped in front of the stone wall!

Feng Ran stopped about two meters away from him. It seemed like he was free, but every cell in his body was on guard!

The last three years taught her not to try to figure out people's hearts with the greatest kindness!

Human nature is evil!
She was on guard, the old man on the other side was not easy either!

Both eyes fell on the hand of the old man groping on the stone wall!
In the quiet space, every breath is wirelessly magnified!


Every gasp is like a signal, what will happen in the next second?

The smooth stone wall opened slowly, and under the dim light, the gray-haired old man turned his head and looked straight at Fengran!

Slowly took out the hand that had been hanging on the waist, spread out the palm, there was a black button lying on the palm!
Feng Ran!

old man,

Want to be buried with her, so beautiful to him!
"Old man, this thing is useless to me, even if you blow up a hole in the sky, it won't hurt me a bit!"

"You want to drag me to death, but you are not qualified! You should keep your old bones and contribute to the emperor!"

As Feng Ran said, he pushed the old man aside and walked into the stone room!

"Oh, huh!"

Feng Ran!

She said that the damn old man knew she had space, but he was still trying to get rid of it. How dare he wait for me here!
Under the dim light, a man with disheveled hair and full of stench was trapped on a square stone platform with his limbs chained by a hand-thick iron chain!


(End of this chapter)

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