Chapter 224

The depressing atmosphere in the ward, the rancid and dull air!

People who are overwhelmed can't breathe!
The putrid smell filled their nostrils, destroying their only sanity from the outside to the inside!
Faith collapses only in an instant!

The hope that had just been ignited was shattered before my eyes!

The old chief sighed, bowed his waist, and stomped out of the ward step by step. The old man didn't dare to stop, he was afraid that he would not be able to move his feet if he stopped!

The country is poor, the family is poor!
He can't fall yet!

The old man walked out of the ward with his back bent, looking at the clear sky outside!
Lost father, lost son, lost wife, and now even the last blood relative has to leave!


Ergouzi cursed,
"Everyone has a sad face like a dead father, and they are all blind!"

I didn’t see his daughter’s face turning pale from exhaustion!
These idiots!

Come up with this kind of thing that hurts you and harm people!

They invented the medicine, but they treat people!

Don't harm his daughter!
One by one, they stood there like quails!It’s upsetting to watch!
"Fuck, what a bunch of idiots!"

Ergouzi roared for a long time, but no one in the ward made a sound!
"Your uncle, you look down on me, right? Okay, just ignore me, that's exactly what I want!"

"Daughter, if people don't care about us, let's not stick to others' cold butts. Come on, daddy will take you to find something to eat!"

"Whoever wants to stay in this stinky place can stay there!"

Er Gouzi cursed and kicked all the way out of the ward!


Ergouzi grimaced in pain, "Fuck!"
It hurt him to death!

damn it!
This hellish place, what a fucking iron gate!
Iron doesn’t cost money, right?

"Girl, come, give daddy a shout!"

"Cough, cough, cough, water,..."

"Wake up, wake up!..."

Three days,

After three days of high fever coma, someone finally woke up!
On the quiet mountain road, the breeze caresses gently, and the birds sing!

Feng Ran leaned on the back seat, his eyes lingering among the mountains and forests, and he took a deep breath. The unique fresh air from the mountains flowed into his mouth and nose from the nose, blending into his organs and blood!

Hold your breath and savor the aftertaste, with a faint taste of grass in your mouth!
Fresh and pleasant!
The flowing water is gurgling, light and pleasant to the ear, and it is said that the fish in the mountain stream are fresh and plump!
It's a rare trip, and there happens to be a waterfall deep in this mountain. If you don't taste the delicious food in the mountain stream, wouldn't your trip to the mountains be in vain?

"Meng Chuxiao, stop at the waterfall later!"

Meng Chuxiao looked at the time and it was only after ten o'clock. He said "Hello" and slow down slowly!
The mountain road was rugged. Meng Chuxiao took into account that Feng Ran was pregnant and was afraid of weighing her if he drove too fast. The speed was not very fast!

Besides, this car was bought by Feng Ran. It is full of high-tech technology, not to mention the shock-absorbing technology!

Walking on a mountain road is almost the same as driving on flat ground. It doesn’t weigh or shake, it’s easy to drive, the seat is soft, and you don’t feel pain in your buttocks after sitting for a day!
Thinking about three or four months at the most, the first batch of domestically produced cars in the factory will be out of the workshop. At that time, brand new cars will speed by on the newly repaired asphalt road!

How beautiful is that picture!

The car parked smoothly on the side of the cliff. Meng Chuxiao got out of the car, opened the door neatly, bent half of his body and leaned into the car, and skillfully lifted the person out of the back seat!

Feng Ran hooked his neck, with a rippling smile on his face!
Seeing that delicate little face with a bright smile again, Meng Chuxiao felt relieved!
After the rain, the sky clears up, now this matter is over!

I was so tortured by this girl last night that my eyes were fighting now, but it finally stopped now!

He is really afraid of this girl!

(End of this chapter)

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