Chapter 227

Feng Ran looked at the telegram in his hand, his brows furrowed, his face wrinkled into a bun!

Dead old man!

Do you want to treat her like this!
She doesn't know much about the relationship between husband and wife, and the battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is imminent!
They say that the most difficult part of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that she can’t handle it!
That smelly old man must be jealous of her!
Listening to Feng Ran's murmurs, Meng Chuxiao put the peeled melon seeds in front of her!

"Daughter-in-law, here, eat melon seeds!"

Eat whatever you want!
This damn man is still in the mood to eat melon seeds and kick his butt!

Feng Ran threw the telegram directly on the table. The thin piece of paper fell on the table like a heavy hammer, making a crisp hitting sound!
Meng Chuxiao opened the paper, and a crack appeared on the table. He pressed it lightly with his hand!

A hole the size of a telegram was left on the table!

Meng Chuxiao!
His wife is awesome!
Feng Ran!

Touch porcelain!

Definitely Porcelain!
As soon as she put it down lightly, why did the table rot into a hole!

"Ernie didn't look carefully when buying a table. She didn't even notice such a big hole!"

"Go back to the mountain to find a hundred-year-old tree, let's make a thick one ourselves!"

Is jujube wood two fingers thick not strong?

Meng Chuxiao nodded in agreement and pushed the fruit plate containing melon seeds in front of Feng Ran!
Thoroughly implement the correct policy of taking whatever the wife says!

I glanced at the innocent and wronged table, such a big hole, what a pity!

It's unlucky for him, who let him just catch up with his daughter-in-law's upset!

"Three sisters!"

Feng Ran's movement of chewing melon seeds paused for a moment, and he raised his eyelids!

Feng Wenjun called out the word "third sister" and waited anxiously for Feng Ran's response!

When Feng Ran raised her eyelids and met his eyes, the amusement in her eyes was undisguised!

Feng Wenjun was ashamed and embarrassed. He subconsciously avoided her sight and held An Huizhen's hand tightly!

Looking back and seeing the pleading in her eyes, the tip of her heart seemed to have been cut with a sharp knife, cut open and then sewn back together!

He thought that after that incident, there would be no possibility between them, but things turned out to be as he thought. Then after they broke up, she never came to the school to look for him!
But he didn't have the courage to meet her!

Every time he passed by the fork in the road where they first met, he silently watched the people coming and going until that familiar figure passed him by!

One and a half months, it seemed like countless days and nights, every moment, every second, I was thinking about her!

"Third sister, Huizhen and I are getting married. We want to..."

Feng Wenjun took An Huizhen's hand and brought her to Feng Ran, feeling uneasy!

Get married, these two!

In the original article, Feng Wenjun was also admitted to college. The notice was delivered to his home, and Li Guixiang was so happy that he shouted in the streets!

The whole Anjiaqiao community knew that there was a college student from the Feng family!

Everyone said that there was smoke coming out of the Feng family's ancestral tomb!A person like Feng Laoshi can also give birth to a college student!

Some people were envious, and some made sarcastic remarks. During that time, people were discussing whose child had a future wherever they went. Feng Wenjun's name was undoubtedly mentioned the most!

The Feng family had not been sick for a few days, but less than a month after school started, they saw Feng Wenjun in the hospital with weak breathing and blood all over his body!

Both legs were comminutedly fractured and the leg bones were crushed by the car. If he wanted to save his life, he had no choice but to amputate them!

It means that Feng Wenjun can only lie on the bed in the future, lingering on his last breath!

Looking at the bloody man lying on the bed, the Feng family hesitated, and Li Guixiang did not dare to put his fingerprint on the surgery consent form!

Who would dare to sign the word "Lie in bed for the rest of your life, having to be cared for when eating, drinking, and having sex"!

No one from the Feng family signed it, so Feng Wenjun was still sent to the operating room!

(End of this chapter)

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