Chapter 230

30 yuan!

She, An Huizhen, was down and out, but it was not her turn that Feng Ran would humiliate her with 30 yuan!

I just want to send her away for 30 yuan, it's impossible!
"Since Comrade Feng doesn't agree, Wen Jun, let's just forget about it!"

never mind!

How can I forget it!
I have the house and the money, so how can I forget it!
They finally got together!

Feng Wenjun's throat felt like a huge boulder was pressing down on him, and what he wanted to say was swallowed back alive!

"Hui Zhen,"

Feng Wenjun hugged the woman who was looking up to the sky and crying silently. An Huizhen fell into his arms and sobbed softly!

Feng Wenjun knew what An Huizhen wanted!
But he and Feng Ran have never dealt with each other since they were young!
he knows,
Feng Ran hates him!

If she hadn't been willing to accept the title of Weiguo, he might not even be able to get in through this door!
"Fengran, you, can you help Huizhen!"


Those two cold words shattered all illusions!
Asking or not asking is the same result!
A confidential unit in the imperial capital!
In the dark and damp basement, the closed iron door slowly opened!

The iron plate makes a harsh squeaking sound when it rubs against each other!
The sound is shrill and harsh, especially if you listen in a small space, it will hurt your ears!
Feng Ran frowned, inexplicably upset!
The person in charge next to him felt his heart tighten, and stopped opening the door!

"Comrade Feng, the track under this door is rusted, and the sound is a bit harsh, why don't you go up there and wait!"

Feng Ran glanced at the slit that the man had pushed open for a long time. The dull and decaying breath overflowed from the slit and dispersed in the small space!

Although the air is flowing, gradually the whole alleyway is full of decaying atmosphere!

Feng Ran nodded decisively, turned around and walked back along the original path!

The person in charge was taken aback for a moment, that's what he said, this guy really came back!

The person in charge looked at the encrypted file in his hand suspiciously!Look at the slender hand shadow disappearing around the corner!

Either he made a mistake, or the people above were deceived!
Sending such a charming young lady over here must not be a trick!
"team leader,"

The soldiers next to them were also stunned. Isn't that person here to do something for them?
"Open the door, take the person to the interrogation room, and activate Level A alert!!"


One person goes to convey the order, and the remaining people work together to push the door open to a small crack that only one person can pass through!
The two went in to lead people through the cracks, and the two stood guard on the spot!
After passing the iron gate, the smell of decay became even stronger. The two held their breath and ran quickly in the alleyway!

After passing through the iron doors, the two of them stopped at the door of the innermost room!
The two of them made a sign, one was on guard, and the other was at the only small window in the room!

There was a fat figure lying on the earthen bed in the room, with his shackles and bracelets intact!
The two looked at each other and nodded!

Click, the bullet is loaded!


The key collides with a crisp sound!
"Heh, heh, heh, here it comes, finally here!..."

The people in the room roared crazily, and the hoarse and sharp sounds made the ears hurt!
After a harsh grinding sound, the stench in the room rushed over!


Even though the two of them were prepared, they covered their mouths and noses with rags before coming in!I was also vomited directly by this stench!

The stench in the room was so bad that the two of them didn't drag the lump of fat out of the room until they spit out all the jaundice water!

After the security officer handed the person over to the people on guard outside, the two of them threw themselves against the wall and vomited everything they could and could not vomit inside!The two of them retched for a long time, until they were short of breath and dizzy, then they supported each other and walked out of the alleyway against the wall!

"It's the one who had the foresight! He's already at the door, but he didn't go in!"

Feng Ran!

I almost vomited to death last time!

(End of this chapter)

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