Chapter 236

Feng Ran leisurely tossed the rabbit on the fire, the golden skin and flesh were oily and juicy!

Feng Ran swallowed his saliva, the wild ones were fragrant!
Feng Ran poured honey on the rabbit again, licking it with his tongue of fire, making a sizzling sound, and at the same time, it exuded an alluring sweet fragrance!

Chu Hao!

not him!
Feng Ran glanced at him, she was deaf again!

"Sister Ran, can I eat?"

Feng Ran!

I don't know if I can eat it!
Honey, oil, oil, salt, sugar...

According to the ingredient list, seal and dye the above seasonings according to the order on the table, and brush them one by one!
"You're done, let's eat!"

Feng Ran snapped his fingers,
Honey baked rabbit!

She baked it!

Feng Ran took out a dagger from the space, the thin blade gleamed coldly, thin and sharp!

Chu Hao stared straight at Feng Ran's thin white fingers holding the dagger.

With fingers so white and thin, with a single stroke of the dagger, the flesh and bones can be separated, and all the roots can be chopped off!
Chu Hao trembled all over, fearing that the next second, a bloody scene would appear in front of them!

Feng Ran wiped the dagger with a wet cotton kerchief, turned his wrist over, and the blade trembled slightly!
Turn your wrist and the blade flies!
There are a few thin slices of meat lying on the thick leaves!
This is rabbit meat, not fish!
How could it be so thin!
The actions of wiping the knife, slicing the meat, and sealing and dyeing are done in one go!
Not only did Chu Hao stare straight at this, but Boss Ou and others next to him were also stunned!

Potions, abilities, books, and even the dagger in her hand, they can all say that she is lucky to get so many good things!

Some time ago, there were rumors in the imperial capital that Wen Jingyu was punched by her and sent to the hospital!
Who believes?

This girl is delicate and soft, like a flower, who can beat that female bully of the Wen family to the ground!

What a liar!
But this girl is good at knife skills, she cut Chinese cabbage with one hand just now!
As for force,

Ha ha!
She is a young educated youth who just came back from the countryside, she can kill a chicken or a duck!

As for beating up Wen Jingyu!
They said they had never seen it and would not spread rumors!


As the saying goes, people are not judged by their appearance!
Especially this woman in front of her!
The dyed slices were filled with meat, and the leaves filled with meat slices were placed in front of the stunned people!

The seductive sweet fragrance attracted them back to their senses, and they looked away from the small and exquisite dagger!

Feng Ran wiped the oil off the blade, and quietly observed the people sitting around the fire from the corner of his eye!

It was quiet next to the fire, and there was only a clean rabbit skeleton left on the fire!
The meat on the bones was stripped clean, only the tendons and veins at the junction of the joints were left, licked by the tongue of fire, the oil stains on the bones were roasted and sizzling!
"Cough, cough,"

As the most influential person in the base, Boss Ou was the first to speak out and break the silence!
"Comrade Feng's rabbit is roasted well, it's delicious!"

"Come on, don't hold yourself back, try it!"

As Boss Ou said, he held up the leaf in front of him with one hand, picked up the chopsticks with the other, and picked up a thin slice of meat!

Feng Ran's movement of wiping the dagger didn't stop, but the speed was getting slower and slower!

Picking up the chopsticks, picking up the meat slices, putting them in your mouth, and chewing them is all done in an instant!
In Feng Ran's eyes, it seemed like ten thousand years had passed!

Feng Ran stopped wiping, held his breath, and looked straight at the man's rolled Adam's apple!
On the slender neck, the Adam's apple rolled up and down, and a ball of food slowly fell down the throat and fell into the chest cavity!

No vomiting!

Seal and dye your lips!

She just said, such a smart little head, roasting rabbits or something, what a joke!

(End of this chapter)

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