Chapter 101 Farewell Gift

Wen Xuyan's eyes flickered and he coughed a few times.

He asked her to come in because she had some work to do, but it was just a bit unpleasant to see her chatting so happily with Li Hongbo.

Now that she asked, she didn't know what to say.

He thought for a while, then put down the hand covering his lips and straightened his back, "Oh yes, you and I are going somewhere now."

Sheng Jiaojiao saw him starting to pack his things,
"Are you going on a field trip? Are you going to see your client?"

"Well, it is."

Wen Xuyan picked up his briefcase,
"Pack your things, we won't go back to the company in the afternoon."


Sheng Jiaojiao, who was out on the field for the first time, was particularly excited.I have only seen lawyers and clients meeting in TV series before, but now that I can watch it with my own eyes, I will definitely gain something.

She quickly put the lipstick, air cushion, and pen on the table into her bag. When she met Li Hongbo's confused eyes, she remembered that she would not come to Watson again today or tomorrow.

Although he was not very familiar with most people, Li Hongbo did help him a lot.

"That Li Hongbo, I will not come back after I went out with Lawyer Wen in the afternoon, and I will not come to Hua Sen from tomorrow on."

Sheng Jiaojiao said, feeling a little disappointed.

Although it was only a short two days, this experience was particularly valuable.

"I didn't prepare any parting gifts either..."

She took out a stack of photos from her drawer and handed them to Li Hongbo.
"These are my autographed photos. Although they are not valuable, this is all I can give you now."

"No, no, no, it's very valuable!"

Li Hongbo took the stack of signed photos in surprise. He saw what she had been writing before leaving get off work yesterday afternoon, and it turned out that she was preparing this for them.

He is also a 5G surfer and knows that Sheng Jiaojiao's autographed photos are priceless.

She generally does not sign autographs for fans, and only provides some autographed photos or products when some endorsed brands are engaged in activities.

These are usually given to her fans by the brand in the form of a lottery, and others cannot get them at all.If you put the photos online and buy them, you can get hundreds or thousands of dollars, not just tens of thousands.

And now, he actually has a large stack of signed photos of her in his hand. Based on a rough estimate of the number, everyone in Watson should have one.

Other employees who heard the conversation between the two dropped what they were doing and gathered around.


"Missy's signed photo?!"

"Do I have it too?"

"I also want one-"


The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, Sheng Jiaojiao raised her hands, "Don't worry, everyone, I have prepared for everyone. Thank you for your tolerance and help these two days.

I didn't have time to prepare any gifts, so this is the only thing I can give you. I hope you won't dislike it. "

"No! How could you dislike it!"

"Miss, I am your dumpling! I've been holding it in for two days -"

"Me too! Miss, I am a fan of your drama! You must produce better works!"

"Sheng Jiaojiao, I didn't know you before, but from today on, I decided to watch your drama."

"Miss, you should come back often, I will miss you..."


Sheng Jiaojiao looked at the unfamiliar faces in front of her, feeling slightly hot in her heart.

"I will, I will come back if I have the chance."

She waved her hands to them and turned towards Wen Xuyan, who was already waiting at the door.

[I also want a signed photo...]

[I’m so impressed, I’m going to see if there are any for sale]

[I regret not going to Watson, otherwise I could have seen the eldest lady! 】

[Sisters upstairs, it’s still too late to change jobs. Will the eldest lady not go to Hua Sen when she is with Wen Lu? ! 】

【you're right!I'm going to write my resignation letter now! 】

[Just taking a signed photo of yourself as a gift, it’s so unintentional...]

【alarm!Sunspot haunts sunspots haunts! 】

[I'm so uninterested. The eldest lady has only stayed for two days. It's great to think of preparing gifts for them! 】

[I am an employee of Watson. I really didn’t expect that Sheng Jiaojiao would give us gifts.I always thought that a big star like him would only come here to record a show and would not have much interaction with ordinary people like us.

But she really has no airs at all these past two days. She is no different from us, just like an ordinary worker.She would also chat with us during the break, and she would patiently answer our questions.

The people are super nice!I'm a fan of hers now! 】

[Anyone who has come into contact with the eldest lady will know what kind of person she is. 】

【Sheng Jiaojiao is worth it! 】

After the two left, the office was still very lively and full of people.

Everyone got signed photos from Li Hongbo. Some of them couldn't wait to post them online, and some put them in their bags to take home for collection.

And some...

Li Hongbo stood at the door of Luo Lan's office, hesitated for a long time before knocking on the door.


He pushed the door open and walked in. Holding an autographed photo in his hand, he came to Luo Lan's desk.

"Lawyer Luo, this is... Teacher Sheng's parting gift to everyone. This is for you."

He put the photo on her desk, beating his heart.

He was present when Lawyer Luo and Teacher Sheng were choking each other in the elevator last night.

He also knows a little bit about Lawyer Luo's feelings for Lawyer Wen.

Now that he is sending Teacher Sheng a photo, will she just throw it in his face and tell him to get out?
Li Hongbo waited tremblingly for her move, but he did not wait for the photo to slap him in the face.

He saw Luo Lan pick up the photo, hold it in his hand and look at it for a while, then smiled gently at him and said, "Thank you for bringing it in specially for me. Let everyone concentrate on their work first."

The violent storm he thought did not come, but Hexi Chunfeng, "Okay, Lawyer Luo, I will go out first."


The office door was closed, and Luo Lan's smiling face suddenly turned gloomy.

The thumb and index finger holding the photo gradually tightened, and one corner of the photo became wrinkled.

She stared at the bright and bright smiling face in the photo and felt it was very dazzling.


The next second, his fingers curled up, the photo was crumpled into a ball and thrown into the trash can.

Luo Lan exhaled a breath and returned to his usual gentle appearance.

Sheng Jiaojiao...the narrative can only be mine.


After following Wen Xuyan into the car, Sheng Jiaojiao kept guessing where her destination would be.

Is it the client's home or a detention center?

However, she never expected that he would actually bring her to Shengshi Entertainment.

"The here?"

She followed him into the elevator with a confused look on her face and watched him press the button for the floor she was so familiar with.

"Well, here it is."


After a crisp bell rang, the elevator door opened, and employees passing by the door couldn't help but turn their heads and look over.

"Teacher Sheng!"

"Miss is back!"

"Wenlu is also here..."

Sheng Jiaojiao nodded to them and followed Wen Xuyan's pace.

Why does she think Wen Xuyan is more familiar with this place than she is?
(End of this chapter)

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