Chapter 244 A false alarm

Hearing Sheng Jiaojiao's voice, Sheng Yi suddenly stopped and subconsciously wanted to put away the pill box on the table, but then he thought that she must have seen it, so there was no need to put it away in a hurry now.

"Why did you come back?"

He put down the water glass and put the medicine box into the drawer naturally.

Sheng Jiaojiao's eyes and nose were red, there were tears on her face, and her voice was crying, "Brother, you hid it from me again!"

Wen Xuyan watched her walk in, and after thinking about it, he helped them close the door, leaving space for the two of them.

"What did I hide from you?"

Sheng Yi's eyebrows twitched and he asked back without changing his expression.

"I've seen it all, and you're still so stubborn! Are you planning to do what you did two years ago? You make me feel like I'm a fool."

She walked up to Sheng Yi, glared at him sitting on the office chair, and questioned him.

"You said you won't hide anything from me anymore, and you will discuss everything with me. But what about you now? Brother, do you want to go back on your words?"

As Sheng Jiaojiao spoke, tears welled up again, feeling extremely wronged.

She rarely cried, and her tears seemed to have dried up when her father died two years ago.Except for crying scenes, she has hardly shed tears in front of anyone in the past two years.

But now, her tears are like a reservoir that has opened its gates, and it can't stop.

Sheng Yi reluctantly took out a tissue, stood up, held her face and wiped it for her.

"Jiaojiao, what are you talking about? Brother, how can I hide anything from you?"

Seeing that he still refused to tell her, Sheng Jiaojiao was so angry that her cheeks bulged like a little puffer fish.

"You have nothing to hide from me, so what was the medicine you just took? Why did you take the medicine?"

She was furious,

"If Xiaoyi hadn't met you in the hospital, would I still have been kept in the dark by you?"


After thinking about it, Sheng Yi finally understood why Sheng Jiaojiao suddenly came back, cried so pitifully, and said what he was hiding from her.

"I just have a stomach ulcer, and the doctor gave me some medicine."

"Look, you have a stomach ulcer..."

Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned.
"Huh? Gastric ulcer?"

Isn't it stomach cancer?
"It's a gastric ulcer. If you don't believe it, I still have the receipt from the hospital. I'll show it to you."

Sheng Yi took out the test form from the drawer. Sheng Jiaojiao took a closer look and saw the word gastric ulcer written on the doctor's diagnosis.


Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned, and even her voice weakened unconsciously.
"But Xiaoyi said... you have stomach cancer..."

Sheng Yi laughed, it turned out that was what happened.

"Then you call Meng Jinyi now and ask if I have stomach cancer."

Sheng Jiaojiao dialed Meng Jinyi's number, "Hey, Xiaoyi, you told me this afternoon that my brother has stomach cancer..."

"Stomach cancer? It's not stomach cancer!"

Meng Jinyi was surprised,
"I mean, your eldest brother has a gastric ulcer. The doctor said that if it is not treated well, there is a risk of cancer. It seemed that the signal was not very good when I told you, and my voice was intermittent."

When Sheng Jiaojiao heard this, her heart, which had been hanging all the way, was instantly relieved.Now that she thought about it, it seemed like there was an electric current when she was talking to Meng Jinyi on the phone.

So...that's it.

"Jiaojiao, I trust you now."

She hung up the phone, feeling that it was too embarrassing for her to cry so much just now.

"But you also hid your gastric ulcer from me!"

Sheng Jiaojiao frowned and wiped the tears still hanging on her face casually to save her face.

"Okay, brother is wrong. I don't want you to worry."

Sheng Yifang softened his tone. There was nothing he could do about his only sister.

"Don't you know that you didn't tell me, which made me even more worried?"

She muttered,

"Does Sheng Heng know?"

"I didn't tell him."

Sheng Jiaojiao felt a little more balanced now, but when she thought of Sheng Heng's careless look, she couldn't get angry at all.He was in Huating City and met his eldest brother often, but he didn't even know that his eldest brother was sick.

You have to give him a good talk!
"Jiaojiao, are you not angry now?"

Sheng Yi was slightly attached, tilted his head and coaxed.


She snorted softly, turned her face away, and took two steps to the side,

"I won't argue with you this time. If there is a next time..."

"Brother, I promise, there will never be a next time. I will go for a follow-up visit next time and let you know the results then, okay?"

When Sheng Jiaojiao heard this, she turned around and said, "It's agreed, you must tell me the result as soon as possible."

"Okay, what brother told you must be true."

Sheng Jiaojiao waited for Sheng Yi to finish the last bit of work and walked out together.

When Wen Xuyan heard the noise, he immediately stood up straight while he was leaning against the wall. He looked at Sheng Yi, "Brother."


Sheng nodded and turned to look at Sheng Jiaojiao.

"Jiaojiao, are you going home tonight or..."


She met Wen Xuyan's gaze,
"I'm going back to Jiangyao Huating, which is closer to the airport. Since it was a false alarm, I have to rush back to Province J tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then please pay attention to safety on the road, and give Big Brother a message when you get to J Province."

"Well, then you remember to take your medicine on time, follow the doctor's instructions, don't overwork yourself, and eat well every meal, okay?"

Sheng Jiaojiao looked into his eyes and warned him seriously.

"I know, don't worry."

He Shengyi separated downstairs from the company, and the car drove smoothly to Jiangyao Huating.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I misunderstood. My eldest brother just has a stomach ulcer. He is so busy that he often doesn't eat well."

"It's fine."

After a day of frightening and frightening, Sheng Jiaojiao's tense spirit relaxed and she couldn't help but feel a little tired.

She yawned, her eyes narrowed, and a blinding white light flashed.

She looked back in the rearview mirror and saw a black car with high beams on behind them.

Sheng Jiaojiao glanced at it without paying attention and looked away.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the traffic on the road was dwindling. She glanced out again in a daze, and frowned in confusion.

"There seems to be a car following us."

At least 10 minutes have passed since she discovered the car just now.The car neither overtook nor changed lanes, but followed them leisurely, not too far or too close.If he hadn't turned on the high beam and dazzled her eyes, she might not have noticed it.

Wen Xuyan looked back through the rearview mirror in the car, "How long have you been following him?"

"It should have been twenty minutes, can't it be a paparazzi?"

She came back suddenly today, without any plans at all, and without announcing her itinerary. How could there be paparazzi following her?

Could it be that she was photographed when she arrived at the airport?

"I'll get rid of him."

After Wen Xuyan finished speaking, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and Sheng Jiaojiao suddenly held the handle of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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