After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 251 The Movement of Night (2 updates)

Chapter 251 The Movement of Night (Second Update)
So Sheng Jiaojiao introduced the lover's travel variety show to Wen Xuyan, and then quietly waited for his answer.

After a while, a crisp sound of 'click' came from the dark space. The warm yellow bedside light dispersed the darkness and dimly illuminated this small area on the bed.

The sudden bright light made Sheng Jiaojiao squint her eyes subconsciously. After she got used to it, she slowly raised her eyes and saw Wen Xuyan's expression clearly.

With his back to the light, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of golden down.His eyes were bright and he stared at her without blinking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sheng Jiaojiao was a little embarrassed to be stared at by him. His eyes were too hot. She lowered her eyelashes to avoid his burning gaze.

"If you don't have time or don't want to participate, then I won't accept that variety show."

Although Wen Xuyan participated in "Love Now", after all, he is still an amateur and works as a lawyer, so he may not like to appear frequently.

"Jiaojiao, I'm very happy."

He held her face, forcing her to look at him, unable to avoid it.

What makes him happy?Wasn't she asking him if he'd like to be on the show with her?

"I'm so happy that you included me in your life, work and future."

"Today's Love" was planned by him on his own initiative, in order to meet her and be with her.During the recording of the show, they met almost every day, lived in the same space, and got along day and night, as if they had truly become a part of each other's lives.

But after "Love Today" ended, although they dated, there wasn't much intersection between them.

For several months after she joined the group, they could only talk and see each other through communication devices.He didn't pray to be with her every moment, but he longed for as much time together as possible.

And now, he waited.

"So, would you like to join me?"

"of course."

He couldn't ask for it.

"But what about your job? Can Ying Xun give you leave?"

Wen Xuyan rubbed her face, "Have you forgotten? I am Watson's partner, and my leave does not need to be approved by Ying Xun. I have settled all the cases on my hands during this period, and then I will start taking my leave." annual leave."

"Oh—yes, you and Ying Xun are equivalent to the same level."

She only remembered that he said lawyer, but she forgot that he was also Watson's partner.

"Then it's agreed. I'll ask Sister Hua to put on that variety show. Then we can travel to various places. It's equivalent to a vacation. I can only wrong you for these three days."

"Don't feel wronged,"

Wen Xuyan put one arm around her waist and the other gently caressed her back.The hand on her waist slipped under the hem of her pajamas and felt the softness of her hand.

"Just give me some liquidated damages~"

The moonlight was shining brightly outside the window, and the room was beautiful.

The sound of the quilt being rubbed mixed with the suppressed breathing was the best piece of music tonight.

"Didn't you say you were tired today? Why are you still so energetic?"

"Because the food you cooked is delicious and I'm full after dinner."

"Shouldn't you be sleepy if you're full?"

"But... I also want to have some midnight snacks."

"Then I'll make you something later?"

"No, the best late night snack is already in my mouth."

"Wen Xuyan! You gangster...ugh!"


"Sister Jiaojiao, do you want to cover up the... thing on your neck?"

Hong Yue accidentally saw the marks on her neck, her face was flushed, and she reminded embarrassingly.

It's an interview later, it wouldn't be good if it was seen, right?

Sheng Jiaojiao quickly covered her face and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She trotted into the bathroom in the lounge, turned her head in the mirror, and sure enough she saw a small patch of red at the junction of her neck and shoulder.

"Wen Xuyan..."

Gritting her teeth, she took out the concealer from her bag and carefully covered the ambiguous red marks.

When she gets up in the morning, no one can see her clothes. However, the weather is still a bit hot now. She wears short sleeves. If the clothes around her neck are not covered, she can see them at a glance.

It took her a long time to cover it up in the morning. This small area must have been scratched by her clothes before Hong Yue saw it.

Finally, the red mark was completely covered. Sheng Jiaojiao checked other areas and was relieved after confirming that the other areas had not been rubbed off.

Sheng Jiaojiao put the concealer back in her bag, and after thinking about it, she was still angry, so she sent a WeChat message to Wen Xuyan.

[You must be a dog! ]
He was well fed, and it was all her fault.

They kept arguing until the early hours of the morning, and she was so tired that she cursed him for not being a human being and only caring about his own enjoyment.

But what did he say?

"Jiaojiao, you are obviously very comfortable, aren't you?"

Although...although it is good, but he is simply unrestrained. If she is not so tired, he probably won't end it.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, and Sheng Jiaojiao came to her senses.

"Sister Jiaojiao, the reporters are already waiting outside. It's time to start."

"Okay, I'll be right here."


There aren't many announcements today and it's still early after the end.She and Wen Xuyan went to the detention center to check on Aunt Song and were relieved to see that she was in good condition.

Visits are time-limited, and once the time is up, the two must leave.

"Xiaoyan, you have to treat Jiaojiao well, you know?"

Song Chun warned through the glass.

"Aunt Song, don't worry, Ayan is very good to me."

Sheng Jiaojiao held Wen Xuyan's arm and spoke warmly.

"You have to take good care of yourself. We will visit you from time to time."

"Don't come to me to see,"

Song Chun refused.

"The nature of your job is special. If you frequently go in and out of the detention center, it's not good to be photographed by others. The same is true for Xiaoyan. Don't always run to me. It's very good here. You have everything, and you don't have to worry about food and clothing. , I’m used to it.”

"Aunt Song, what you said is wrong."

Sheng Jiaojiao looked disapproving.
"Those paparazzi dare not and cannot take pictures here, don't worry. You are the elder of me and Ah Yan, and we will definitely come to see you."


Song Chun wanted to say something else.

Wen Xuyan: "Aunt Song, just listen to Jiaojiao."

"...Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

After the visit, when he came out of the detention center, Wen Xuyan said he wanted to go back to Jinqiu Garden.

"I haven't been back for a long time. Aunt Song is not at home. The house is probably dusty. I want to go back and clean up."

"Okay, then I'll go back with you."

On the outskirts of the detention center, it was already dark when we arrived at Jinqiu Garden.

Going up the old stairs, you can smell the aroma of food wafting from other homes.But only the front of his house looked a little desolate.

The doormat was kicked by someone and curled up in the corner, and the door handle was covered with a thin layer of dust.

Wen Xuyan inserted the key into the lock and turned it twice gently.

When the door opened, a unique smell of a closed space hit the nostrils, indicating that no one seemed to have lived there very soon.

"Jiaojiao, please wait outside for a while, and I'll open the window."

Sheng Jiaojiao pulled him and met his eyes, "No, let's go in together."

(End of this chapter)

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