After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 255 Surprise and fright (2 updates)

Chapter 255 Surprise and fright (second update)
In the conference room, others continued the meeting.Luo Lan retracted her gaze and watched Wen Xuyan go out. Thinking of the face that flashed past the door just now, she felt as if she had seen it somewhere before.

reception room,
As soon as Meng Jinyi ran in and sat down, the door was pushed open the next second. She immediately covered up her gasp and smiled seriously at Wen Xuyan who pushed the door open and said, "Hi."

"Did Jiaojiao ask you to come?"

Wen Xuyan went straight to the point without being polite at all.

"No, can't I come to your law firm? What if I come as a representative of the Meng Group?"

Meng Jinyi pretended to be calm, but he didn't expect that he seemed to have guessed her intention before she even opened her mouth.


Wen Xuyan said quietly,
"Go to my office and talk."

He turned around and walked towards his office first. Meng Jinyi carried her bag, took a deep breath, and then followed.

The two passed by the public office area and entered the office one after the other.The employees who were not looking sideways immediately got together and whispered.

"Who is this? A new customer?"

"It doesn't feel like it, and I feel it looks a bit familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."

"Won't it be Wen Lu's another peach blossom?"

"No way. Is there anyone who doesn't know that Wen Lu has been dating the eldest lady? He has been married for a long time. I heard that even the parents have met him."

"I know, I know, but we can't control other people's other thoughts..."

Zhou Hui has already joined the discussion in the gossip group here. She used to be a CP fan of the Shengwen couple, but now she has become the eldest lady’s dumpling again.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone fell silent, knowing in their hearts who the 'other' in her words was referring to.

"Okay, stop talking, stop talking, their meeting should be over, go back to your seats."

The colleague who was in charge of the lookout heard the noise coming from the conference room over there and quickly reminded him.

After a period of confusion, the public office area returned to calm.

Luo Lan followed the other participating lawyers out. When passing by Wen Xuyan's office, she looked through the gap in the blinds and saw clearly the woman who was sneaking around the door of the conference room just now.

Her mind turned and she remembered who this person was - Sheng Jiaojiao's friend.

The last time she and Wen Xuyan went to have dinner with their college classmates, the two of them were listening.

That day, she really lost all face.


"Miss Meng, is it business or private that you came to see me today?" Wen Xuyan pushed the steaming teacup in front of her and asked.

Meng Jinyi's eyebrows twitched, but fortunately, he also had a showdown with him, "I came for a surprise inspection on behalf of Jiaojiao."

She swept away her guilty conscience, crossed her arms, and raised her chin slightly.

"Spot checks?"

"Yes, I'm worried that you and Jiaojiao are in a different place now."

Wen Xuyan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Are you worried, or is she worried?"

"it's me."

Meng Jinyi looked solemn,
"Jiaojiao trusts you very much, but I am worried, so I came here to take a look. Jiaojiao said that you are very busy during this period, so busy that you don't even have time to reply to her messages. Now it seems..."

She glanced at the pile of case information on her desk.

"But your office environment doesn't seem very reassuring."

She had seen everything Luo Lan did in the conference room just now.

Wen Xuyan knew what she was referring to and said without changing his expression, "I will tell Jiaojiao about this. You don't have to worry."

"I have nothing to worry about. If you can like her, then there is no difference between you and that scumbag Yu Wenguang."

She didn't know what Jiaojiao was thinking, but Jiaojiao had experienced what happened to Yu Wenguang before. Since Wen Xuyan could make Jiaojiao accept him and agree to be with him, she was willing to believe him.

"Okay, that's it for today,"

Meng Jinyi picked up the bag,
"Maybe I will come for a surprise inspection later..."

"Lawyer Wen, our tickets have been booked..."

The door to the office suddenly opened, interrupting her.Meng Jinyi turned around and saw an uninvited guest.

"Ah, you have a client here, sorry."

Luo Lan was very sorry, smiled at Meng Jinyi and retreated.

Her sudden entrance and exit caught Meng Jinyi off guard. He thought of what she had just said and looked at Wen Xuyan.

"Your tickets...are you and her going on a business trip together?"

We can't go on a trip together, right?

"No, it's a trip organized by the company, with all employees of the company together."

Wen Xuyan explained.

"It's really a trip. Where are you going? Does Jiaojiao know?"

Apparently, Jiaojiao didn't know.Otherwise, I wouldn’t have agreed to let her come for a surprise inspection.
"City D, I haven't told her yet, please help me keep it a secret."

"City D, isn't that where Jiaojiao is? Are you going to Hengdian?" Meng Jinyi asked, "Also, why keep it a secret? She must be very happy to know."

They haven't seen each other for half a month, but she knew Wen Xuyan was going to her place, so she must have been crazy happy - after all, a breakup is better than a wedding.

"Hengdian is one of the stops,"

Wen Xuyan paused,
"I want to give her a surprise, so please don't tell her."

"Oh, I get it,"

Meng Jinyi suddenly realized,
"So you are so busy during this period because you have to travel. If you don't actively reply to her messages, you want to surprise her when the time comes."

Now, she finally understood why Wen Xuyan, who was so clingy and charming, was so uncharacteristically cold.


"But I have to remind you, be careful, don't let your surprise turn into a fright."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

But Wen Xuyan, who is full of confidence now, did not expect that his surprise would be full of twists and turns...


"How is it? Is he really busy?"

Sheng Jiaojiao received a call from Meng Jinyi as soon as she finished the show, and her first reaction was to ask her this question.

"Don't worry, I checked carefully. There is nothing wrong with your boyfriend. Everything is normal."

Meng Jinyi sighed inwardly.

Xiao Jiaojiao looked very free and easy, as if what happened before had no effect on her.But in fact, she is still a little insecure.

She is afraid.

"I'll just say it,"

Her tone instantly became relaxed,
"Then you didn't go to Watson again. It was okay this time. There was no problem if you went two or three times, but others thought there was a problem."

"I know, am I such a brainless person?"

Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan know who she is, but other employees of Watson may not know. Her frequent visits to Wen Xuyan will inevitably lead to speculation about her relationship with Wen Xuyan.

At that time, it will not only be Jiaojiao who will be in trouble, but also herself - after all, her current boyfriend is no less jealous than Wen Xuyan.

"Oh, by the way, are you busy with dramas lately? Are you busy?"

(End of this chapter)

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