After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 267: Roots and Miaohong (2 updates)

Chapter 267: Roots and Miaohong (Second update)
Hong Yue's mind was spinning very quickly, and she quickly realized what Brother Wen's words meant.

The statement consists of a few lines. For netizens who see it, whether they believe it or not depends entirely on their own ideas.But if there is footage and conclusive evidence that allows them to see that Sister Jiaojiao was not the cause of the fire, then they will have nothing to say - and the best evidence is Sister Jiaojiao's heroic deeds just now.

"You can go find the people who fought the fire with Jiaojiao and ask them to serve as witnesses. Then check to see if there are cameras around the fire point and try to get surveillance footage. Also, I noticed that Jiaojiao and the others were When we were putting out the fire, there were passers-by taking videos, so you can look into this aspect as well.”

Wen Xuyan provided her with three ideas, each of which was extremely convincing.

"By the way, generally fire fighters will have special personnel to record and take photos when they dispatch the police. If the fire brigade can come forward, then nothing else is needed."

Nothing is more credible than theirs.

Hong Yue recorded all these in her mobile phone, in case her bad memory made her forget.

"Brother Wen, it's a shame that you don't do public relations."

Who else can think more comprehensively and thoughtfully than him? Brother Wen really hasn't neglected anything regarding Sister Jiaojiao.

"As a lawyer, if you do this kind of thing a lot, you will have experience."

Wen Xuyan chuckled softly,

"Then I'll leave this matter to you. If you need help later, just let me know. Jiaojiao is still waiting for me in the room, so I'll go back first."

"Brother Wen, go back quickly, thank you~"

When Wen Xuyan returned to the room, Sheng Jiaojiao came out of the bathroom refreshed after washing her hair.

" feels so comfortable. Before I took a shower, I felt like my whole body was dusty, as if I was wrapped in flour."

She wiped her wet hair with a towel, and the next second a pair of hands took it over and wiped her more gently than herself.

"By the way, have you been out just now? I heard the sound of the door opening and closing inside."


Wen Xuyan stood behind her, moving constantly,

"Go and talk to Ying Xun about something."

"Oh," Sheng Jiaojiao didn't ask further, "Are you going back to Huating tomorrow?"

"Yes, the plane at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

His tone was deeper, with a bit of reluctance.

"Then you have to get up at six o'clock?" Sheng Jiaojiao calculated the time, "Then you should go to bed early tonight, traveling is really not as good as resting at home, it is very tiring. Plus your schedule is so tight, you can More tired."

"I'm not sleepy, I can go to bed later"

Wen Xuyan's eyes fell on her fair neck, his eyes dark.

The hot breath suddenly sprayed on her skin, causing her to tremble slightly. She shrank her neck and subconsciously wanted to run forward, but he pinched the back of Destiny's neck and pecked her carefully the next second. The kiss fell unexpectedly.

"I'm a little tired today..."

Sheng Jiaojiao's voice trembled, she said so, but her body's reaction was very honest.

Wen Xuyan pinched her tender earlobe, his voice was so hoarse that it seemed to be charming, asking her to obey unconditionally, "Well, you don't have to move, I'll just do it."

His words were not convincing at all to her.Because Sheng Jiaojiao knew that even if she was lying down, she would be very tired.

As it turns out, that is the case.

When she came out of the bathroom again with him in his arms, she was so sleepy that she fell asleep in his arms. When she opened her eyes again, he was no longer around her.

The bed next to him had already become icy cold, without his warmth.

Sheng Jiaojiao looked at the time, it was almost 09:30, he should be on the plane already.

It's just that why did he leave so silently without waking her up? At least she could take him to the airport.

But Wen Xuyan, who loves her dearly, is not willing to let her who has been tossed by him for half the night get up early to see him off.

No matter how reluctant you are to leave, you have to leave.

Fortunately, in more than half a month, she is about to wrap up.

Sheng Jiaojiao had nothing to do in the morning, so she didn't get up. She stayed in bed and opened Weibo after a long time. The next line was the familiar red 99+.

She clicked through to see what fans were saying to her, then casually clicked on the top one.

[Ahhhhhhhhh-sister!You are so brave!Fan, you are indeed right! 】

Sheng Jiaojiao:?what's the situation?
She clicked on other private messages one after another,
[Sister, I will present you a pennant! 】

[Miss/Cry, I really love you to death. You dare to rush forward in such a big fire. What if you get hurt? 】

Seeing this, Sheng Jiaojiao understood what was going on, so now the Internet knew about her firefighting last night?Did someone post the video they took online?

She opened the hot search list non-stop, and as expected, she saw the entry at the top of the page with the word #生佳杰狠火#, followed by the word "pop".

The pinned post on Weibo that became a hot search topic was a video—or a surveillance screen.

The video is not high-definition. At first, you only see a person running quickly from the upper right corner of the screen to the lower left corner, which is where the fire started.

This person was wearing a weird mask, no one else knew who it was, but Sheng Jiaojiao knew it because it was herself.

In the picture, she and the passers-by who were anxiously trying to put out the fire but didn't know what to do said something, and then took off the mask on their faces, and now the somewhat blurred surveillance screen revealed the truth behind the mask. come face.

Then, there was the scene of Sheng Jiaojiao running out of the surveillance camera with the dozen or so people, and then returning several times with the fire extinguisher and bucket.


Sheng Jiaojiao was not surprised that she was filmed by surveillance, but she was curious as to why this surveillance was posted online and became a hot search topic?

She clicked on the comment section,
【sister!From now on, you will be my only sister! 】

【Now let me see what those sunspots have to say】

[Open your mouth to make a rumor, but run away to refute it. 】

[Sheng Jiaojiao must be too brave. If I were scared to death, how could I dare to rush forward to put out the fire and lead others with me in such a clear mind]

[Shouldn’t this be an award for bravery?No one awarded us!I was at the lantern festival at the time, and when I heard the fire, I was so scared that I ran away. I had no idea that Sheng Jiaojiao was the one who worked hard to control the fire before the fire fighters came. She is so awesome! 】

[The firefighters are also working hard, salute]

After exiting the comment area, Sheng Jiaojiao had already guessed what was going on.

She continued to look down the page of this hot search, and several Weibo posts posted by amateur accounts were also posted on it.She looked at it and saw that these Weibo posts were all about what happened after fighting the fire with her, and they should be some of the dozen passers-by.

"Jingle Bell--"

The incoming call page suddenly popped up, covering Weibo.

The caller ID showed two words - Sister Hua.

"Hey, Sister Hua, what's going on online..."

"This matter has been almost settled, you don't have to worry about it. Now there is a new situation, and I need to ask for your opinion."

Sheng Jiaojiao: "What? Tell me."

"Because of your brave behavior in fighting the fire, the fire squadron over there wants to invite you to participate in the fire publicity publicity day. What do you think?"

"Of course it's no problem,"

She agreed immediately,

"This kind of publicity is very necessary. If my influence can contribute to the cause of firefighting, then I will definitely do it."

Listening to her speech, Xu Linhua had to admit Hong Yue's evaluation of her - Gen Zheng and Miao Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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