After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 27 Dating independently (1 update)

Chapter 27 Dating independently (first update)
There are more than a dozen items scattered on the price list, and the first one is the right to use the bedroom - 30 heartbeat coins per person.

Next is meals, which are divided into three types - homemade, box lunches provided by the program team, and dining out.

There are also bicycles, tricycles, battery cars and other means of transportation, gyms, video rooms, open-air KTV and other entertainment facilities in the huts, all of which are at different prices.

Among them, sports cars and yachts are extremely expensive.

They are 2000 and 5000 heartbeat coins respectively.

The program team is really good at making things happen...

Sheng Jiaojiao's eyes moved upward, back to the row of meals.

"It costs 20 Heartbeat Coins/person to cook for yourself, and 50 Heartbeat Coins/person for the box lunches provided by the program crew. It is unknown to eat out. Why is the packed lunch more expensive than making it yourself?"

"The director wants us to cook more, but are the ingredients included in the 20 heartbeat coins?"

Pei Yueze raised a question,

"Don't you have to pay extra for the ingredients?"

"Hey - how could our program team be so evil?"

Suddenly, Director Zheng's voice jumped out.

The people were so frightened that their hearts trembled and they all gathered towards the living room.

On the big screen was a familiar panda head. Seeing everyone coming over, Zheng Tao continued to speak.

"Everyone has seen the price list. The program team is very conscientious and the prices are not expensive."

Sheng Jiaojiao almost laughed out loud.
Does Director Zheng dare to touch his own conscience and say it?

At this price, Zuo Zhou and Lin Shilan could sleep for one night and eat one meal, and the only 50 heartbeat coins they had on them would be gone.

It really corresponds to that sentence - I had the last meal, but not the next one.

[Director Zheng, please stop talking. Didn’t you see everyone suppressing the roll of their eyes? 】

[If possible, I guess they would want to rush into the screen and beat Director Zheng]

[Zuozhou and Miss Shilan are so miserable...]

[Hurry up and hug the eldest lady and Wenlu’s thighs!They are both so cool! 】

"Just now, everyone was concerned about whether it would cost extra to cook the ingredients for your own meals. Now the ingredients in the refrigerator are for everyone to use as they please."

The panda head smiled slightly,
Before a few people could feel a little happy, 'but' came out.

"However, if there are no ingredients in the refrigerator, you need to go to the supermarket to buy them yourself~ Since everyone has handed in their mobile phones and has no money, the program team considerately provides Xindong currency exchange services.

One heartbeat coin can be exchanged for 1 yuan. Guests who want to go to the supermarket to purchase can apply to the program team. "

Sheng Jiaojiao was very calm and was used to the evil intentions of the program crew.

If converted according to the exchange rate of 1:5, the bedroom and homemade cooking are not expensive, but a box lunch costs 250 yuan - hello, price bureau?No one will take care of it?

“In addition, regarding how to earn heart coins, in addition to the heart-to-heart sessions, the program team will update the day’s labor projects and game rules on the big screen every day. Guests can choose to participate on their own, and today’s content will be announced later.

Oh, right,
Guests who successfully choose each other anonymously in the telepathy session will be directly matched and will be given the right to independently date on Sunday. The time and location can be freely determined.

We will announce the current number of Heart Coins for each person every Saturday morning. In addition to the two guests who have successfully selected each other, the guest with the highest number of Heart Coins has the right to actively invite guests of the opposite sex for a date.

The invitee can refuse, but if no one invites you again after refusing, the invitation will be randomly assigned in the end.

The remaining guests will draw lots to decide who they will date on Sunday, and the time and place will be determined by the program team.

Above, I wish you all a happy Monday~”


The screen instantly went black, and the panda head disappeared unexpectedly.

After the guests gathered in the living room silently digested the rules, some of them had already begun to make plans in their minds.

This is the first date, so the importance cannot be overstated.

Whether you can choose in both directions and whether you can get priority depends not only on your own mind, but also on your wisdom and money.

[Do you understand the rules? 】

[A bit confusing...]

[Is this still a love story? 】

[Survival + competition + part-time job + love all-in-one program... Director Zheng is awesome]

[I sorted it out, and it seems that apart from the two guests who successfully selected each other, only the guest who ranked first in the Xindong currency has some rights. He can choose the person he wants to date with (but he can be rejected, which is very humane) ).Others only have a randomly assigned fate. 】

[In short, in a nutshell, it’s just one sentence – Do you want to date the person you like?Then earn coins! 】

[Love without material things is just a pile of loose sand, it doesn’t need the wind to blow it, it will fall apart after just two steps~]

[This show is so realistic. Having coins (meaning money) has greater rights, but this right does not mean that you can buy anything. 】

[Director Zheng’s program quality remains the same! 】

[Hey, hey, someone moved!Are you going to 'work'? 】

Not long after the panda head disappeared, the screen lit up again.

The four-character title of 'Today's Task' is displayed above.

It is divided into two columns on the left and right, with "Glory of Labor" on one side and "Game of Life" on the other.

Sheng Jiaojiao, who has a huge amount of money and doesn't want to date, has no interest in making money for the time being.

She looked at the task on the screen——

Weeding, 5 Xingdong coins/square meter.

Planting flowers costs 5 heart coins for sowing, 10 heart coins for sprouting, and 100 heart coins for blooming. The unit is per square meter.

Planting vegetables costs 5 heart coins for sowing, 10 heart coins for germination, and 200 heart coins for fruiting. The unit is the same as that of flowers.

Fishing, 20 heart coins/item. (Note: Renting fishing equipment costs 100 XD coins/time)
A total of four labor tasks released today can be performed every day in the future. The locations are the lawn and artificial lake outside the hut.

When she first arrived here, she thought that the lawn outside was empty, and the program team did not decorate it with any flowers and plants.

Love is waiting for them here~
Another column of 'Life in the Game' has only one choice today - German heart disease.

If one person has no cards in his hand, the game ends. In the end, the person with the most cards in his hand will receive 50 heart coins.

Sheng Jiaojiao curled her lips.

This game seems to be easier than those labor tasks, but it is not so simple to get Xindong coins.

Playing a game, you may not have a single coin at the end, and it is a waste of time.

Not worth it.

"How about we play this game?"

Apparently, someone didn't understand the twists and turns.

The person who suggested playing the game was Lin Shilan, who had the least amount of heart coins in her hand. Zuo Zhou, like her, had already taken out the game and shuffled the cards in preparation.

"Me, me, me! Let me play! This game is so exciting!"

Yao Qing accepted the invitation excitedly and sat down on the carpet next to Lin Shilan.

"Miss, do you want to play? Let's go together~"

Sheng Jiaojiao took off the pillow on her lap, stood up and waved her hands to express her rejection.

"I won't play anymore. I'm going to the supermarket. There aren't many things in the refrigerator."

When making breakfast, although there is food and drink in the refrigerator, there are not many fresh vegetables, meat and other ingredients for cooking.

Therefore, she planned to exchange some money with Xindong coins and go shopping in the supermarket.

Let’s buy some snacks~
The only good thing about recording this show is that Sister Hua has no control over her, so she can eat whatever she wants!
"I'm coming with you, and I also want to buy something on the way."

Wen Xuyan followed suit.

Seeing that neither of them was playing, Invitation turned his attention to Yan Ying again, "Let's play, let's play~ You can earn heart coins~"

"……it is good."

Yan Ying responded,

"Pei Yueze, what about you? Together?"

She waited expectantly for his answer.

"No, you guys go ahead and play. I'm going to the supermarket with Sheng Jiaojiao and the others. We need to buy some daily necessities."

Hearing this, Yan Ying nodded and turned around.

The eyelashes drooped, covering the disappointment under the eyes.

"Let me play, the five of us are just right."

No one asked Jian Weiran, but he raised his hand to sign up and sat down next to Yan Ying very naturally.

He only has 150 heartbeat coins now, and he must earn them quickly to gain the right to actively choose people.

The game starts here,
Over there, Sheng Jiaojiao, Wen Xuyan and Pei Yueze went to Director Zheng to exchange 100, 50 and 50 Heartbeat coins respectively.

"Director Zheng, can the unused money after the exchange be converted into Heartbeat coins?"

Holding the five red RMB cards in her hand, Sheng Jiaojiao suddenly thought of this question.

The reason for exchanging 100 Xingdong coins is to consider the possibility that the money you need to buy something is too much and not enough.But they ignored it - the remaining money cannot be used in the cabin.

Director Zheng smiled evilly, "Xin Dong Coin can be exchanged for RMB, but RMB cannot be exchanged for Xin Dong Coin."

Sheng Jiaojiao felt choked in her heart.
Damn, that was a miscalculation.

(End of this chapter)

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