Chapter 275 Just in case (second update)
"Well, no one but you."

Wen Xuyan deliberately lowered his voice, and the sound coming through the speaker carried some electric magnetism, which made Sheng Jiaojiao's ears tingle.

She thought that Hong Yue was still listening, so she moved closer to the screen shyly, covering the faces on both sides with her hands, "Yueyue is still here, please put it away."

His love words really caught her off guard. He obviously had an innocent face, but why did he keep saying these words again and again.

Hong Yue, who stood in the corner and acted as a transparent person, said that she could pretend she didn't hear anything and you could say more.

"Okay, I'll tell you only when you call it a day."

Wen Xuyan chuckled,

"Go and eat, eat more, don't be hungry."

"Well, you too, don't deal with eating."

After being with her, under her supervision, his diet became much more regular, but he didn't gain much flesh.

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Jiaojiao wanted to sit up straight, but her movement hurt her waist, and she frowned fiercely.

"Sister Jiaojiao, please apply some more medicine."

I was halfway through applying it when I was interrupted by a sudden call from Brother Wen.

Sheng Jiaojiao nodded and lifted up her clothes again, feeling glad that Wen Xuyan hadn't noticed her just now.


after lunch,

"Check Wia again to ensure the artist's safety."

The assistant director warned several wire masters sitting on the roadside.

"Okay, Director."

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong. We checked it this morning."

"Don't worry about me doing the work, brother."

One of the wire masters came forward, and when he spoke, he was obviously much more familiar with the assistant director than the others. It was the one who said his hand was cramped in the morning.

"Pay attention, this is the crew."

The assistant director pushed him away.
"Don't make any mistakes for me, otherwise I won't be able to help you."

"Whatever happens, I always handle things properly."

"I don't know you yet,"

The assistant director glanced at him and said,
"How much did you drink last night? I was an hour late this morning. If it hadn't been for Xiao Chen, do you know I would have been scolded to death by the director?"

Xiao Chen was the young man who replaced the wire master in the morning. He was holding Teacher Sheng's wire normally, but the late master came over and suddenly took over, causing the wire rope to shake.

"Yes, yes, I promise it won't happen in the future. I didn't drink too much because I was happy yesterday. If it weren't for you, brother, I wouldn't be able to do as well as I do now. Thanks to you, brother."

The assistant director has been in the entertainment industry for so many years. He has never met anyone and heard such flattering remarks.

He waved his hand, a little impatiently, "Okay, stop flattering me and get ready, the filming is about to start."

If his aunt hadn't asked him to do it, how could he have let this cousin with no achievements and no emotions join the crew and find him a job as a rope roper.

His cousin has nothing to do at home every day. His favorite thing is to drink with his group of bad friends.He originally didn't want to agree to let him join the crew, but his mother had taken good care of their family since childhood, and he didn't want to make his aunt sad, so he bit the bullet and agreed.

Now I just ask his cousin to cheer him up and don't create trouble for him.

In the afternoon, I still have to watch Wei Ya. I filmed the scene where Liang Yun fought bravely to repel the rebels, but was plotted and almost fell from the city wall.

Because of the danger, the crew had already laid out safety mats at predetermined points, stacked three layers up and down, covering an area of ​​about ten square meters, just to avoid any accidents.

"Brother, is this too exaggerated?"

The wire masters were ready. Xiao Chen looked at the safety measures over there and asked curiously,
"There are several of us pulling it. Do we need to lay out so many mats?"

"What do you know? Do you know who Sheng Jiaojiao is?"

Xiao Chen touched his head, "Isn't she the heroine?"

"Yes, she is the heroine, but she is also the daughter of the Sheng Group, the largest investor in the crew. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. If something happens to her, something will happen to our crew."


Xiao Chen understands,

"It really needs to be foolproof. Should we check it again at Wia? Be on the safe side."

"No, didn't the assistant director's brother say that he checked it this morning?"

The master's tone was a bit sarcastic, as if he didn't deal with the assistant director's cousin.


Xiao Chen just wanted to say that the assistant director's cousin was late in the morning and probably didn't have time to check the wire.

"Stop nagging, filming will start soon, get ready."

"Okay, brother."

The doubts in Xiao Chen's heart were instantly covered up, and he no longer thought about it.There are so many cushions, and with them pulling them, nothing should happen.

"All units are prepared,"

Wang Ce said into the walkie-talkie,


Liangjun rushed up to the city wall. Neither she nor Mu Wenye expected that the other party would actually have a backup plan.

The archers who suddenly appeared on the city wall just now almost caught them by surprise. Fortunately, they are outnumbered. Archers have an advantage at a long distance, but they have no power to fight back in close combat.

Catapults, rockets... They will be wiped out in no time.

She led the soldiers up to the city wall, preparing for the final round of settlement.

"You go over there, you go over here with me."

"Yes, General!"

The rebels who were still alive on the city wall had long since lost the power to resist, and those who were willing to surrender were spared their lives, and those who resisted to the death were killed with a single blow of their sword.

"General, they're all here."

The men pressed a dozen captives with their hands and feet tied in front of Liangyun. She glanced at them and said, "Well, take them down and leave them to His Majesty."


The city wall became quiet. She walked to the city wall and looked down. Below were the lifeless corpses of the rebels. Among them were their soldiers walking around to check if there were any lucky ones left alive.

"Father, brother... I finally avenged you."

She raised her head and saw that the originally gloomy sky turned blue at some point.

"General Liang..."

Mu Wenye's voice came from below, Liangjun lowered his head and looked -


Suddenly there were footsteps behind her. She reacted immediately, turned around and raised her sword, inserting it into the attacker's chest with a pop, and his hand also pushed her shoulder...

Sheng Jiaojiao leaned back, and the strength of Wia on her waist gradually weakened, which meant that she was about to shoot the falling scene.

She was slightly less nervous this time because of her experience in the morning.She relaxed her body as much as possible and handed herself over to Master Wia.

Although it was said to be a falling scene, she did not actually fall. The moment Liangjun was pushed down the city wall, she clung to the wall, and was then pulled up by the male protagonist Mu Wenye.

So she only needed to shoot a falling shot first, and then a shot of clinging to the city wall.

"Okay, get ready--start!"

(End of this chapter)

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