Chapter 289
Because there was still filming the next day, the bonfire party didn’t go very late.Before eleven o'clock, everyone had eaten and drank enough and went back to the hotel to rest.

The flame went out, and white smoke rose up.

Sheng Jiaojiao was the last to leave. After everyone else had left, she and the chef from Shengshi Jiangling and the cleaners invited to clean up the place and not leave any garbage behind.

"Okay, Miss Sheng, don't worry."

Several cleaning aunties patted their chests and made promises.

"We'll keep it clean and make it look exactly like before. Not a single bone will be left."

"Thank you for your hard work. The balance will be transferred to your account by my team within one day after you finish your work."

"Okay, Miss Sheng, we can't rest assured. You are such a big star and a young lady from a big group. You can still run away, haha~"

These aunties were all found by Yueyue in Hengdian.Because the site was cleaned relatively late, many cleaning ladies were unwilling to take on the job. They tripled the price before finding someone.

"Then I'll leave first, you guys are busy."

Sheng Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan got into the nanny car and drove to the hotel.

Other production crews passing by also had headlights on, obviously they were catching up with the night show.

Wen Xuyan was about to look away, but his gaze paused. When he wanted to take a closer look again, the car had already turned and drove away.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

Sheng Jiaojiao saw him lowering the window and looked back, thinking he had left something behind at the bonfire party.


Wen Xuyan raised the car window and shook his head.

"I saw someone, but I must have seen it wrong."

"Do you know anyone else in Hengdian? Who is it? Are they also artists?"

she asked, a little surprised.

As far as she knew, before he joined Jinlian, apart from her, he had no interest in the entertainment industry and never paid attention to celebrity gossip.

"No, I didn't see it clearly either."

Wen Xuyan narrowed his eyes.

He really didn't see clearly. The car was going a bit fast, and the figure seemed to be leaning against a dark corner, a little blurry.

Sheng Jiaojiao said lightly "Oh" and didn't ask any more questions.Since he didn't say anything, there was nothing to ask.


He turned his head and called out,
"That Chen Hui, try to stay away from him in the future."

"Chen Hui?"

Sheng Jiaojiao couldn't remember who the name he mentioned was a little strange.

"That's Xiao Chen, the wire master of your crew."

"Oh him,"

Now she remembered that she was used to being called Xiao Chen, so she was not too sensitive to his name.
"Why should you stay away from him? Is there something wrong?"

She was a little puzzled.

She and Xiao Chen only had a few words tonight. She had never noticed him on the set before.If it hadn't been for Wia's incident, she might not have even recognized him after the filming was completed.

"I think something's not right with him."

Wen Xuyan said in a deep voice, and his eyes were a little dark.

"How to say?"

Sheng Jiaojiao knew that he usually did not interfere with her work, and he respected her work environment and colleagues.

What made him think there was something wrong with Xiao Chen?What's the problem again?
"He came over to talk to you just now. He said he likes you, so he should be your fan."

"should be,"

Sheng Jiaojiao nodded, moved closer to him, and said in a teasing tone,

"What? Are you jealous because I have a male fan?"


How could Wen Xuyan be jealous because of this? He raised a helpless smile on his lips and touched her face.

"I'm not that jealous yet."

"What's the matter?"

"Since he is a fan of yours, what was his first reaction when he heard you said that it was an accident that you dropped Wia?"

Sheng Jiaojiao thought about it for a moment, "He said - shouldn't it be intentional? That's pretty much what he meant."

She forgot exactly what Xiao Chen said at that time, but the meaning should be very similar.

"Yes, there is a problem here."

Wen Xuyan looked into her eyes with a serious and solemn expression.
"Think about it, if you like someone very much, whether they are an artist or an ordinary person, and they suddenly have an accident, what will be your reaction after you find out that it was an accident?"

"It should be fear,"

Sheng Jiaojiao thought for a moment,

"Also, I'm glad. I'm glad that he's fine. It was just an accident."


Wen Xuyan tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers.
"Most people's reaction is to be thankful, rather than thinking it's artificial. But what about him?"

Now, Sheng Jiaojiao understood.

"Moreover, our investigation was conducted privately, and we did not say that we suspected anyone of intentional harm. And he was the first to find Sister Hua, and pointed the finger at another Wia master on the grounds of providing clues."

She analyzed,

"But... maybe his thinking is different from ordinary people? Or he thought that the wire master was fired, so he thought it was the wire master who did it.

Ayan, do you suspect that he has something to do with me dropping Wia?No way……"

If it were him, he would be too bold, and his psychological quality would be too strong.

Wen Xuyan neither said 'yes' nor 'no', "I can't be sure, but my intuition tells me that there is something wrong with him, so I want you to stay as far away from him as possible."

"it is good,"

Sheng Jiaojiao agreed,
"You are Attorney Wen, I trust your intuition."

Although what she just said was just Wen Xuyan's guesses and conjectures, she still chose to believe him.

After returning to the hotel, it was already a little while after washing up.

Sheng Jiaojiao didn't drink tonight, but Wen Xuyan drank a little. Even though he had taken a shower, there was still a faint smell of alcohol in his breath.

Through breathing, through body seemed to make her slightly tipsy.

"Jiaojiao, I have to go back to Huating tomorrow."

He suddenly said something in her ear.

"Hmm... um... hmm?"

Sheng Jiaojiao regained some consciousness, put her good hand around his neck, and slightly opened her misty eyes.
"Didn't you say you were on vacation?"

"I was in a hurry when I came. There are some things in the office that haven't been finished yet...I promise, I'll be back soon, within three days."

He frowned lightly, and Sheng Jiao gently stroked the sweat from his forehead, "The work still needs to be done. It won't take three days. Just come back as soon as you're done."

"Three days, I can only bear it for three days."

He wanted to see her soon, to be with her, to see her smile, to see her full of life, instead of lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed like that day, making his heart feel like it was being beaten hard by a hand. The ground is clenched and painful.


Wen Xuyan left the next morning. Sheng Jiaojiao didn't wake up when he got up. It wasn't until she heard the sound of the zipper of her backpack sliding that she opened her eyes drowsily and saw that he had already put his bag on his back.

"Um...are you leaving?"

It was so late last night that she didn't even have time to ask him what time his flight would be today.

"Well, wait for me to come back."

Wen Xuyan possessed him, placed a kiss on her forehead, and then helped her tuck the quilt,

"Sleep a little longer. It's still early. I'll set the alarm clock for you."

"It's considerate, so considerate." Sheng Jiaojiao was so sleepy that she closed her eyes and talked to him. She rubbed her face against the quilt and her voice was as soft as a little kitten with no attack power. "Be safe on the road~"

After a moment, with the sound of "Gada", the door of the hotel room was closed, and the room returned to silence, with only the long and faint sound of breathing heard.

(End of this chapter)

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