Chapter 307 Above the Sky (Second Update)
Early the next morning, Sheng Jiaojiao received the news that the two car owners responsible for the accident had been arrested. They took full responsibility, and the losses to her and other affected car owners were shared by them.

The nanny car couldn't be driven. Sun Chengye drove it to repair it this morning, and Xu Linhua was responsible for all subsequent matters.

Sheng Jiaojiao hurried back to the set, so she had no choice but to pick an SUV from her garage and prepare to take Hong Yue and Sun Chengye back to D city.

My luggage was packed yesterday and I didn't take it out at night. I could just pick up the suitcase and leave.

But suddenly I heard Wen Xuyan say, "I'll go with you."

She froze for a moment,
"Are you busy with things here? There should be a lot of things you need to deal with after signing the contract with YK, right?"

"Ying Xunhui will be responsible. My vacation actually started a long time ago, but it was delayed for a few days because of YK's affairs. I have already accounted for all the matters at the law firm."

Wen Xuyan took the suitcase from Sheng Jiaojiao.
"I want to go with you."


"Hi Miss Sheng, welcome to this flight."

The stewardess with a bright smile welcomed Sheng Jiaojiao into the plane from the corridor.

She nodded slightly and walked to her seat. Wen Xuyan helped her hold her bag and followed closely behind.

The flight attendants standing side by side looked at each other and felt that it was worthwhile to switch shifts with their colleagues.

The plane ended its climb and entered a smooth flight. The first-class cabin was so quiet that only the drone of the plane was left.

"going or not?"

One of the flight attendants slapped a colleague's arm and looked at Sheng Jiaojiao, who was leaning on Wen Xuyan's shoulder and chatting with him, ready to make a move.

"I don't dare. If I let the steward know, I will definitely be scolded."

"The flight attendant just went to deliver water to the captain and co-pilot. He won't be out soon. We can go get it and come back right away."


"Stop it," the flight attendant pressed her colleague's shoulder, "If you don't want to go, I will go. I'll help you get it together."

"Then I'll keep an eye on you, go and come back quickly!"

She clenched her fists and cheered her on.

In one of the spaces, he took his notebook and pen, found the gap where Sheng Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan were talking, and walked over quietly.

"Miss Sheng, excuse me."

She was half squatting, wearing a mask and only her eyes were shining brightly.

Sheng Jiaojiao sat up straight and said warmly: "What's wrong?"

"It's like this. My colleague over there has been a fan of yours for many years. She is too embarrassed to come over, so I will come over on her behalf to say something to you."

She looked in the direction the stewardess was pointing and saw a stewardess hiding her head behind the curtain, smiling and rolling her eyes.

"Then please tell her thank you for me. Thank you for her love for so many years."

"Okay, I will definitely bring it."

The flight attendant pinched the small notebook in her hand, hesitated and handed it over tentatively, "Miss Sheng, can you..."


Sheng Jiaojiao happily agreed and took her notebook and pen, but saw that they were blank and her hand stopped.

"Sorry, is there a blank paper? I'm not very good at signing on blank paper."

The flight attendant suddenly realized something. She felt in her pockets, but couldn't find anything suitable to sign.

"I don't have any other notebooks with me..."

She said with some regret,
"Then forget it, I'm disturbing Miss Sheng."

After she finished speaking, she stood up on her knees.

Sheng Jiaojiao pulled her and said, "Let's do this. If you can't sign, do you want a group photo?"

"Is it really possible?!"

The stewardess's disappointed eyes instantly brightened up. She took out her mobile phone and turned on the camera. She moved to Sheng Jiaojiao's side, only to see her waving towards the work area.

She turned around and saw her colleague who was waiting to help her run over with her mouth covered in surprise.

"Let's shoot together."

After a while, the two flight attendants rubbed shoulders and returned to the work area holding the mobile phone like a baby.

Even if the curtains were closed, Sheng Jiaojiao could vaguely see the shadows reflected on the curtains. It was conceivable that they might be very excited now.

Sheng Jiaojiao smiled and looked away, leaning her head against Wen Xuyan again, "Sleepy..."

"Celebrities nowadays are really grand. Being on a plane is like the chairman coming in person."

Suddenly, a very yin and yang male voice came out from the quiet cabin, and the air seemed to condense awkwardly.

Sheng Jiaojiao pretended not to hear, closed her eyes and leaned against Wen Xuyan to get some sleep.

"The same goes for the current flight attendants. Are they here to work or are they just chasing stars? Doesn't it affect our rest? Tsk, it's such a mess."

The curtain was opened, and the two flight attendants from before walked to the man apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir, we disturbed you just now. I'm really sorry."

"Isn't that all it takes to say I'm sorry?"

What he meant by this was that he was not going to simply expose it.

"Call your flight attendant out. I want to see what the qualities of the current flight attendants are like?"

Sheng Jiaojiao opened her eyes, unable to sleep.

The steward who came out of the cab heard the quarrel and rushed over, "Sir, is there anything that makes you unhappy?"

"You are the flight attendant, right?"

From Sheng Jiaojiao's position, she could see the movement on the man's side just by turning her head slightly.

I saw the man looking arrogantly at the steward several times, rubbing his chin with his fingers, his eyes narrowed.
"You look much more elegant than the two of them. Your two stewardesses just asked the female celebrity for autographs and photos. They made me unable to sleep and seriously affected my rest."

The flight attendant looked solemn and glanced at the two stewardesses beside him who had their heads lowered.

"I'm sorry, our training was not in place, which caused you an unpleasant trip. We are very sorry. We will strengthen training for our employees in the future and this situation will never happen again."

"That's it for apologizing. What I suffered was actual mental damage. I don't want to pursue any more. How about this? Give me your WeChat message and I'll tell you how much I hate you when I get off the plane."

After hearing this, Sheng Jiaojiao finally understood this man's true intention.

What he wanted was not an apology at all, nor was he going to hold the stewardess accountable, he just wanted to use this incident to achieve his goal of picking up girls.

"Sorry sir, this does not comply with our regulations. How about this? We will give it to you for free later..."

"What to send?!"

The man waved his hand, very impatient,
"Just tell me whether to send it to WeChat? If not, I will file a complaint."

The steward frowned, a little embarrassed.

After all, it was indeed their fault in this matter that gave him the opportunity to exploit the problem. Otherwise, she could say that he was harassing her, and the airport would also issue a warning to the passenger or even blacklist him.

"Give you a face?"

Sheng Jiaojiao stood up, turned around and crossed her arms to look at the man,

"You said that we affected your rest just now, and now you have affected the rest of our entire cabin. Why don't I complain to you too?"

(End of this chapter)

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