Chapter 328 Extra Story [-]
The travel variety show was recorded just before the Spring Festival. As soon as Sheng Jiaojiao got home, she wanted to lie down on the bed and not move.

"It's so tiring...even more tiring than filming."

She rarely records variety shows, let alone a regular guest. "Today's Love" is her first regular variety show. The recording process is relaxed and enjoyable, which is her favorite rhythm.

But this travel variety show really opened her eyes.

There were several popular travel variety shows in the past, and she also watched them in short videos.The show showed all kinds of conflicts, quarrels, and quarrels, and she still thought that maybe it was the script or the acting.

But later insiders in the industry told her that the scenes where the guests were tearing each other up in that show were all real. The program crew went crazy laughing because there were exciting material to edit, and at the same time they became bald trying to coax the guests to continue recording.

She originally thought that strange people would not be encountered often, but she did not expect that she would encounter them.

It was a good couple travel variety show, and it almost turned into a breakup conference.

Fortunately, the recording only lasted for more than half a month, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to keep going.

"Jiaojiao, take a hot bath and rest."

Wen Xuyan put down his hand packing the suitcase.
"I'll get you some hot water."

He said, getting up and going into the bathroom.

Sheng Jiaojiao turned over on the bed and hugged his waist from behind, "You are more tired than me, so you should wash up first."

He carried the suitcase and let her sleep on it, but she was not tired anymore.

"I'm fine. I can clean them in time before washing them."

Sheng Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, pulled up the hem of his shirt, and put her hands in, "Then... let's wash it together."

Her voice rang in his ears,

"Save water~"

The next second, she was picked up horizontally.

The bathroom door closed and the water gurgled.

Sheng Jiaojiao didn't know how long she took this bath, but she definitely failed to save water.

sin, sin.


"Your movie has been postponed and will be released on the third day of the Lunar New Year."

When Sheng Jiaojiao received Xu Linhua's call, she was still a little confused.

"So soon? Didn't you say at least next year?"

"It is said that you want to submit it to the GN Film Festival quickly. If you can get nominated, it will be very beneficial to your international development. The subject matter of your new movie is actually very competitive. I have a feeling that this time it will definitely exceed our expectations. .”

Xu Linhua's tone was full of confidence and hope.

"Sister Hua, if you say that, then I'm waiting to win another Best Actress trophy~"

she teased.

"Jiaojiao, you are worth it."

It’s been nine years, and it’s time to get a trophy to crush the voices that doubted her.Let them know that Sheng Jiaojiao deserves the title of Best Actress!

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Jiaojiao tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Wen Xuyan dried his hair, lay on the bed and held her tightly in his arms.

"what happened?"

"The movie is going to be released on the third day of the Lunar New Year."

"Is it the one you finished filming before "Today's Love"? It was with Pei Yueze."

"Well, that's the one."

Sheng Jiaojiao said in a deep voice,
"The subject matter of that movie is a bit heavy. I was worried that it would not be popular if it was released on the third day of the Lunar New Year, and it would affect the box office."

During the Chinese New Year, everyone likes to watch some festive and funny movies.Her movie is about domestic violence, I'm afraid...

"Didn't you say that the ending is good? Although the subject matter is heavy, in the final analysis it is about women's destruction and establishment, and about women's strength and bravery.

In the new year, say goodbye to your past self and welcome a new self.Actually, I think it's quite suitable. "

Hearing what he said, Sheng Jiaojiao's heart calmed down a little.

"How about we go see the live effect on the day it's released? I want to see the audience's real reaction."

"it is good."


On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the two heavily armed men sneaked into the cinema five minutes after the movie started and sat in the last row.

After the commercial, the lights dimmed completely, and the audience who had been speaking consciously shut their mouths.

Only now did Sheng Jiaojiao dare to raise the brim of her hat a little. When she saw the word 'hair' slowly appearing on the big screen, she let out a heavy breath.

These two short hours were two hours of incomparable suffering for her.

The heroine in the film suffered domestic violence from her husband shortly after her marriage.She endured and chose to endure for the sake of her newborn baby.

When she saw her husband kneeling in front of her, crying and saying that he was wrong, she chose to forgive.

Thinking about it, he was probably confused for a while.

But what I get in exchange is that day after day, I get worse.

The theater was too dark and she was sitting in the last row, so she couldn't see the audience's expressions.

But she could hear the heroine's breathing when her husband beat her and dragged her by her hair to the corner.

You can hear the sighs of the heroines when they tried to resist several times but failed due to the disparity in strength between men and women.

You can hear the heroines gradually becoming numb and allowing their husbands to beat and scold them, and their hatred is unyielding.

You can hear their cheers when the heroine suddenly realized that she had successfully divorced her husband and sent him to prison with the help of the women's protection team.

You can hear their faint sobs when the heroine went back to the barber shop to cut her long hair after recovering from her injuries.

The sun is good and so are you;
Say no to violence and be bravely reborn!

The ending song played and the lights were turned on. Sheng Jiaojiao came back to her senses and quickly put down the brim of her hat and lowered her head, taking Wen Xuyan with her.

It wasn't until the audience stood up and walked out of the theater one after another that the two of them followed behind.

"Cry me to death..."

"When I saw Gu Ke being beaten, I really wanted to rush in and beat that scumbag to death!!!"

Gu Ke is the name of the heroine of the film.

"Who isn't? Pei Yueze plays the role of a scumbag so well. It makes people angry just looking at him."

"Fortunately, Gu Ke was freed in the end and got rid of the scum and lived a new life..."

"Yeah, I don't know how many girls failed to resist like Gu Ke before and simply gave up. It would be great if every girl who suffered domestic violence could be as brave as Gu Ke."

"I have to go and score it quickly. This must get a score of 9 or above!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too! More people have to see this film!"


Sheng Jiaojiao, who was walking at the end, undoubtedly heard the reaction of the audience in front of her.

"Ayan, am I...successful?"

"Well, very successful."

He said.

"Actually, Sister Hua didn't want me to take on this book at that time because the subject matter was too special and I didn't know if it would be released or not. But I wanted to film it and I wanted to film it so that women can see it.

Even if only some people are willing to watch it, then as long as the girls among them who may be suffering from domestic violence can see it, it will make them more brave. "

They are flowers and should grow towards the sun.Instead of having their roots broken off, they can only be buried in the dark soil.

When she received the Golden Rooster Award nomination for Best Actress, she thought - she might have succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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