After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 35 Intimate Embrace (2 updates)

Chapter 35 Intimate Embrace (Second Update)
Sheng Jiaojiao quickly backed away, even if her back bumped into Wen Xuyan behind her, she couldn't care less.

Close the door, lock it, all in one go.

Wen Xuyan, who was hit hard, reflexively held her waist to steady his body.

If he took even half a step back, he would hit the shelf behind him, and the sound would definitely be loud.

The storage room was very quiet. Sheng Jiaojiao didn't dare to move, and even her breathing slowed down.

The footsteps outside the door were approaching, and her heart skipped a beat.

don't come...don't come...

At this time, Wen Xuyan's entire attention was taken away by the delicate body in his arms.

The waist wrapped around the arms was so thin that it seemed as if he could cut it off with a little force. Her shoulders, her back, her buttocks... were all tightly attached to him at this moment.

Ambiguous to the extreme.

Wen Xuyan closed his eyes, his senses clearer in the darkness.

Her taste, her softness...everything about her seemed to be owned by him.

Seven years later, he was so close to her again.

"Click click."

The doorknob of the storage room was pressed,

"Bang bang bang."

The door panel was knocked several times.

Sheng Jiaojiao's heart was in her throat. Although the door was locked, if it was knocked open...

Her plan is about to be revealed...

The result of being too nervous was that she shrank more and more into Wen Xuyan's arms, tightly grabbing his arm around her waist.

Wen Xuyan thought that this was probably God's compensation for his seven years.

He despises his own shamelessness and greed.

But he couldn't help but hug her tightly and tighten his arms around her waist again - as if he was also nervous because he was afraid that the door would be opened.

"Is this door broken?"

Outside the door, Jian Weiran's voice sounded.

"No way? Didn't Sheng Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan go in and get tools yesterday?"

And Yan Ying's voice.

"But I didn't open it just now."

"Is it possible that the lock is broken? Why don't you tell the director later and have someone come over and fix it."

"Well, that's all there is to it."

"Go down and eat. Qingqing and Zuozhou are almost ready."

The footsteps of the two gradually moved away until it became quiet outside the door.

Sheng Jiaojiao waited for a while to make sure there were no other sounds, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared me."

She patted her little heart and exhaled.

"If it is opened, our heartbeat coins will fly away."

Wen Xuyan chuckled,

"I thought you were afraid of being...caught by them."

After all, the current posture of the two of them really seems to be doing some sports that are not suitable for children.

Sheng Jiaojiao paused, and suddenly realized that she was completely embraced by Wen Xuyan, and there was basically no gap between them.

Before she could struggle, Wen Xuyan let go first.

"Sorry, the situation just now is not suitable for too much movement, otherwise it will hit the shelf behind."

He spoke very sincerely, and Sheng Jiaojiao could clearly feel the apology in his tone.

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as it's not discovered."

And she was the one who asked him to come to the storage room, besides, it's okay to be hugged.

Just think of it as filming.

Sheng Jiaojiao shook off the messy thoughts in her head.
"Then I'll go out first, and you can come out later."

"Okay, you go first."

Sheng Jiaojiao opened the door quietly, looked around to make sure no one was around, and then quickly stepped out.

Wen Xuyan was the only one left in the storage room.

In the darkness, suppressed laughter sounded.

After a long time, it gradually became quiet, and then there was the sound of rustling clothes.

The door was opened, and a figure swaggered past the camera...

[Why did Wen Lu come out of here? 】

【When did you go in?Why did I not see it】

[I saw Wen Lu coming down from upstairs about 10 minutes ago. I thought he went to the first floor. Why is he here? 】

[What is this small room for? 】

[Storage room, this is where they got their hoes last night]

[But Wen Lu doesn’t have anything in his hand now. Why did he go in?Is there a camera in the storage room that broadcasts a split screen? 】

[There is no split screen. Did the director miss this? 】


[Why does Wen Xuyan wear his coat around his waist?He doesn't usually have this free style, right? 】

[It feels like something happened that we didn’t see/laughs]

[Since Wen Lu was inside just now, why didn't he open it when Jian Weiran and Yan Ying were banging on the door outside? 】

[...Thinking carefully is terrifying! 】

【I see!There must be more than Wen Lu in the storage room! 】


"Director, some netizens sent a private message to the official Weibo saying that there is no camera in the storage room."

Zheng Tao was eating rice with big mouthfuls. He didn't even raise his head when he heard this, "I know, it was added last night, but it wasn't live broadcast."

He swallowed the food in his mouth,
"Wait and see if there's anything interesting."

A quarter of an hour later, Zheng Tao stared at the two clearly embracing each other in the night vision mode on the screen, laughing until he lost his eyes.

Last night when he saw Sheng Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan going to get tools from the storage room, he discovered that there was no live broadcast camera installed in the storage room.

I originally planned to install one, but then I changed my mind immediately.

The whole hut is under the surveillance of the camera, there is such a space that they thought was private, what unexpected things will happen?
The director saw Zheng Tao's "insidious" smile and silently "mourned" for Teacher Sheng and Lawyer Wen.

"Director, should this cut into the first feature film?"

He could imagine that if netizens saw this scene, the number of views of the show would definitely increase!

"No feature films."

Director Zheng took another bite of rice.
"Publish the second preview."

Director Dawu, if you release a preview of such exciting content, you don’t have to worry about the number of views of the second episode, the popularity of the live broadcast next week, and the discussion of the program.

Zheng Tao deserves to be Zheng Tao...

"The thing about Teacher Sheng and Lawyer Wen leaking the gift..."

He thought about this problem again,
"Do not care."

Zheng Tao waved his hand,
"If we let them exchange gifts again, wouldn't it expose the secret of the storage room? Let them go according to their plan. I have a hunch that Sheng Jiaojiao and Wen Xuyan... must be our show The biggest attraction!”


After dinner, Yao Qing suggested that everyone watch a movie together, so eight people gathered in the living room.

The headlights were turned off, leaving only a dim floor lamp, and the light suddenly became dim.

Movements and expressions became blurry at this moment.

Sheng Jiaojiao sat on the carpet with a pillow in her arms, crossed her legs and ate snacks.

The movie on demand on TV was played by a senior actor she liked very much, so she watched it very carefully.

She didn't react until a heat source suddenly came close to her ear.


It's Zuozhou.

When the movie starts, he appears to be sitting on the couch behind her.

She tilted her head back in confusion, "Huh?"

"Have you heard my song?"

Sheng Jiaojiao:?

Why did you suddenly ask her this question?
Most of Zuozhou's songs were love songs, still kind of sad, and she hadn't heard them often.However, Hong Yue played it often, and she also listened to it a few times.
Is this considered...heard of?

"I heard some."

She answered as tactfully as possible.

Zuo Zhou, who was behind him, felt happy, "That's good."

He threw out three words and said nothing more.

Sheng Jiaojiao, who was waiting for his next words, looked confused.

Wen Xuyan, who was sitting behind her on the right, glanced at Zuo Zhou who couldn't hide his joy in the dim light.

He knew the purpose of Zuo Zhou's question to Sheng Jiaojiao, wasn't it to hint at the gift he had prepared.

When he went downstairs for a run at seven o'clock in the morning, he saw Zuo Zhou sitting in the restaurant early in the morning, holding a computer and typing away, and looking upstairs from time to time.

He was obviously waiting for someone.

Combined with the questions he asked Sheng Jiaojiao now, Sima Zhao's intentions were known to everyone.

Wen Xuyan stared at the round back of Sheng Jiaojiao's head and her bulging cheeks.

There was a slight hint of contentment between his eyebrows.

No matter how much Zuo Zhou hints, what she will choose tomorrow will only be his gift.

(End of this chapter)

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