Chapter 48 In Arms with Beauty
You can't see your fingers, and the background music playing is also eerie.

Sheng Jiaojiao swallowed her saliva.
According to the order of the team that just entered, Ying Xun opened the way at the front, followed by Chen Gaoyi, You Wan and her in the middle, and Wen Xuyan was at the bottom.

The cameraman who had been following also stayed outside because he could not come in. The live broadcast had to be temporarily interrupted. The program team sent them a Go Pro to record.

"Wen Xuyan, are you there?"

In this dark and unfamiliar space, the only one who can bring her a sense of security is the familiar Wen Xuyan.

The next second, a warm hand held her arm, and his voice rang in her ears.

"I'm here."

Sheng Jiaojiao felt relieved.

"Is there no light in here? It's so dark."

"You should be looking for a switch. Let's feel around to see if there is anything like a light."

Ying Xun in front spoke out.

The one he chose for Wen Xuyan was based on an ancient background. Considering that Sheng Jiaojiao might not have played in the Chamber of Secrets, the level of horror is not high, but only slightly scary.

After he finished speaking, the background music playing suddenly stopped, and an old voice began to tell the background of the story.

They were invited by friends to have a wedding banquet, and they were late because of an accident on the road.But when they arrived at the villa, they found that everyone was gone, including the bride, groom, and guests.

And all they have to do is solve the mystery.

Sheng Jiaojiao took small steps, and tentatively stretched out her hand to feel around.

She has been filming all year round and is very sensitive to various props.Plastic-textured leaves, cement-poured walls, and stone lanterns made of foam.

"found it!"

She shouted, then groped on the stone lantern, and soon she felt a shape like a light bulb.

There should be a switch next to it...


After a light mechanical sound, the light suddenly brightened.

As the stone lanterns light up, like the tide spreading, all the colored lanterns hanging on the fake bamboo forest light up, but the color is weird green.

Coupled with the water mist sprayed from nowhere, the atmosphere became even more 'dead'.

After there was light, everyone saw clearly that the place they were in was a closed room. The floor was covered with artificial grass so it rustled when walking on it. It was surrounded by a fake bamboo forest, several stone lanterns and two water tanks.

If it wasn't slightly smaller, it would be more like a courtyard.

The only way to get out of the courtyard was to open the door in front of them, but it was locked.

Everyone searched in this 'courtyard', and You Wan successfully fished out a key from the water tank.

The door opened, and Sheng Jiaojiao followed them into a room that looked like an ancestral hall.

Two red candle lamps were lit on the table next to the wall, which could barely illuminate the small space.Two futons can be vaguely seen on the ground, next to rows of wooden benches.

It's still a confined space, but this time you can't even tell where the door is.

Sheng Jiaojiao felt that Ying Xun must be a fearless person, because she saw him approaching the altar - the altar with a window above her head.

Haven't eaten pork before, haven't you seen a pig run?
Even though she had never made a horror movie, Sheng Jiaojiao knew that there was a high probability that some kind of 'ghost' would pop out of that window and scare them.

Sheng Jiaojiao had three fears in her life, one was feetless, the other was many feet, and the third was 'ghosts'.

Even if she knew that this place was all fake, and that the one who frightened them was an NPC played by a living person, Sheng Jiaojiao was also afraid.

She doesn't like things that are beyond her control.

So at this time, she followed Wen Xuyan closely.

"Aren't you going to have a look?"

She looked up and asked him.

Ying Xun, Chen Gaoyi, and even You Wan all came to the altar table. Only Wen Xuyan stood here, motionless and let her pull the corner of his clothes.

"No, they'll untie it."

Wen Xuyan knew that Ying Xun was able to recommend this store to him because he must have had in-depth experience.Now he is pretending to delay time, he is acting for Sheng Jiaojiao.

Sheng Jiaojiao felt that he had an inexplicable trust in the man named Ying Xun, and when they were assigning roles outside, Ying Xun seemed to have called him 'Old Wen'.

"Wen Xuyan, do you know them? He seems to be very familiar with you."

Thanks to the dim light at this time, otherwise she must have seen a little guilty expression on his face.

"I don't know him, maybe he is familiar with me."

Ying Xun, who is solving the puzzle:...

Sheng Jiaojiao gradually loosened her tension, maybe because she had been here for a long time.

He started to squint his eyes and look around.

"Wen Xuyan, have you ever played the Chamber of Secrets before? This is my first time... ah—"

A sharp scream suddenly sounded, and Sheng Jiaojiao almost jumped three feet high, and her body instinctively hugged Wen Xuyan, who was nearest to her.

"There's a ghost!"

She clung to Wen Xuyan like a koala, holding him tightly with both hands and burying her head on his chest.

Wen Xuyan, who is pregnant with a beauty, now affirms Ying Xun's words that the escape room is very suitable for dating.

He calmly looked at the bloody NPC behind the window, bared his teeth and left silently.

"Don't be afraid, it's already gone."

He patted her on the back, lowered his head slightly, and said softly.

Sheng Jiaojiao, who was trembling in Wen Xuyan's arms, heard this and asked again uncertainly, "Are you really gone?"

"Well, let's go, I won't lie to you."

After receiving his assurance, Sheng Jiaojiao tremblingly turned her head to look at the window.

Sure enough, there was no one left.

As if she was surviving a catastrophe, she let go of the hand holding Wen Xuyan, while the other hand still grabbed his arm like a life-saving straw.

After recovering for a while, he realized that his back was covered in cold sweat.

"I'll never play it again in my life."

Sheng Jiaojiao had already blacklisted the escape room.

When Ying Xun heard the movement behind him, he knew it was time to unlock the level here.

He turned the four mechanisms on the table, and heard a 'creak' in the darkness, and the door opened.

It was pitch dark behind the door, and they didn't know what was waiting for them, so Sheng Jiaojiao didn't even dare to move.

At this moment, the background music was heard again, and it was still the old voice, telling them that they must pass one by one.

"Ladies, may I?"

Ying Xun asked.

When Sheng Jiaojiao heard You Wan say that Ying Xun was a guard and could accompany her there, she looked at Wen Xuyan with bright eyes and grabbed his arm harder.

"Wen Xuyan, please accompany me."

She would never dare to go in alone.

In the darkness, Wen Xuyan raised the corners of his lips and said hello.

Of course there is only one person, Chen Gaoyi.

Behind the door is just a long corridor, brighter than the room just now, with wall lamps on the walls on both sides, and the five people passed through safely.

After passing through two more secret rooms, the five of them came to the entrance of a maze. The background music that had been playing to create a scary atmosphere was replaced by the sound of bells.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Sheng Jiaojiao, who was a little relaxed, became nervous again.

Stop it, please.

(End of this chapter)

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