After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 63 Is it a confession (2 updates)

Chapter 63: Is it a confession (second update)
Because the mobile phone issued by the program group in her hand can't access the Internet, she can't read Weibo and doesn't know what's going on outside.

Unexpectedly, even the eldest brother was alarmed.

Xu Linhua quickly made amends.
"If someone posted a Reuters picture on the Internet, everyone would know."

Sheng Jiaojiao nodded,
When I was recording in the afternoon, there were some tourists around, and there was also a group of people surrounding me. I couldn’t tell whether they were fans or local residents.

It seems that someone took a photo of the scene and posted it online.

"Then you told my eldest brother and Sheng Heng that there is nothing serious about me?"

"As I said, after I saw the news, I immediately contacted Director Zheng to understand the situation, and then explained it to them so that they didn't need to worry."

Although Xu Linhua said so, with the personalities of the two calf-guards in Sheng Jiaojiao's family, she would have to kill them directly to see them with her own eyes before she could rest assured.

"That's good."

She and her eldest brother had some bad arguments before, and now she was hurt again. She was afraid that he would kidnap her back home and stop her from staying in the entertainment industry.

"Agent Xu, today our program team was too comfortable and did not check the safety hazards of the event venue, so Teacher Sheng was injured."

Zheng Tao came over and said sincerely,
"Don't worry, something like this will never happen again. Teacher Sheng's medical expenses and follow-up treatment costs will all be borne by our program team. We will do our best to ensure the safety of artists in subsequent activities."

Such compensation measures are normal for the program team.

Xu Linhua's face looked a little ugly and she just hummed in a low voice, but Sheng Jiaojiao didn't want to stalemate their relationship with Zheng Tao, so she took the initiative to lighten the atmosphere.

"Director Zheng, this cannot be completely blamed on the program team. I am not too careful myself. I will not delay the recording of subsequent programs. Sister Hua is also too worried about me. Don't be surprised."

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person. Although Xu Linhua has a status in the circle, Zheng Tao is also a famous director and has abundant resources.

There is no need to make it unpleasant for such a small injury.

Sheng Jiaojiao secretly hit Xu Linhua with her elbow, signaling her to say something.

"Director Zheng, I was too anxious just now."

Xu Linhua finally softened her expression,

"Our Jiaojiao has also worked with you before. Of course, I feel relieved to hand her over to the program crew. It's just that her foot is injured, and Xiaoyue and I can't be by her side. During this time, the program team may need to be a little bit more careful. Take care."

"Don't worry, we will take good care of you."

Zheng Tao vowed to provide guarantee.

Besides, they want to take care of her, but there are people who are more eager to take care of her than they are.

It's past twelve o'clock in the night,

Xu Linhua has a meeting tomorrow and has to rush back to Huating City overnight, but she left Hong Yue behind.

"Xiaoyue will stay here for you. If you have trouble with your feet, she can help you."

Sheng Jiaojiao had no objection, "Then where will she sleep?"

Only one person can sleep in her tent.

"I rented another tent for her and will follow you for the next two days."

"Okay, then please pay attention to safety on the way back. Xiao Sun, drive slowly."

After seeing Xu Linhua off, Hong Yue helped her into the tent, watched her lie down in the sleeping bag, and then waved her hand to find the place where she would sleep tonight.

As late at night, it became increasingly quiet.

It was obviously a tiring and frightening day, but Sheng Jiaojiao still suffered from insomnia.

After the anesthesia wore off, the soles of her feet began to sting one after another, reminding her that there was a wound on the soles of her feet, so she had to be careful even when turning over.

In the darkness, she turned on her phone screen.

1: 08.

He rustled out of his sleeping bag, put on a thick coat, pulled down the curtain, and sat at the entrance of the tent.

The director's tent not far away was also out of light, and the seven tents next to it were also dark, and there was still faint snoring.

I don’t know who it is, but it seems that he is really tired.

She chuckled and just looked at the sea dotted with tiny stars quietly.

The question that was interrupted by the field staff just returned, that a confession?

But she just wanted to show her gradual attraction to the camera. Her attitude when facing Wen Xuyan was normal, right?

Could it be that she gave him some illusion?
"Can't sleep?"

The sudden sound frightened Sheng Jiaojiao's heart.

She turned to look at Wen Xuyan who was sitting at the entrance of the tent next to her, "When did you come out?"

Why is there no sound at all?

"Just when you're thinking hard."

Sheng Jiaojiao leaned back and asked tentatively: "You shouldn't have heard anything, right?"

Couldn't she have been too absorbed in thinking and accidentally said it?
Wen Xuyan met her eyes,

"Should I hear something?"

"No, no, I didn't say anything."

Sheng Jiaojiao breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

For a while, it was quiet again, except for the white noise of the waves crashing on the beach.

After all, it was Wen Xuyan who couldn't help but speak first,

"The answer to the game really don't remember it?"

Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned, "You mean the first kiss?"


He stared at her profile, eager to get the truest answer.

"I really don't remember. I drank too much that time and lost my voice." Sheng Jiaojiao shrugged.

Wen Xuyan pursed his lips,

It turns out...she was drunk.

"how about you?"

Sheng Jiaojiao asked back, since I can't sleep, why not come and hear the gossip?
"When was your first kiss?"

Boys like Wen Xuyan must have been the campus idols in their student days, and campus love should be commonplace.

"18 is old."

Sheng Jiaojiao was excited, "18 years old, just coming of high school? Campus sweethearts?"

Did she guess right?


Wen Xuyan paused,
"Same as you, at the bar."

This time it was Sheng Jiaojiao's turn to be stunned. She blinked, "What a coincidence?"

I can't tell, Wen Xuyan looks like the kind of obedient guy who has never been to a bar.

She couldn't imagine how he could liberate himself in a smoky bar.

"Then next time we have a chance, we can go together. I know that there is a shop opened by insiders, so don't worry about paparazzi or anything."

Wen Xuyan frowned and said 'OK'.

Then he stared at the side of her face and asked, "So what were you thinking about so deeply just now?"

Sheng Jiaojiao scratched her face, why did he bring this up?

"It's really nothing, I just thought about it."

She had almost forgotten it, but now she was forced to remember it. His words, 'Not everyone, except you' were like a curse that could not be removed from her mind.

Even she felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward now.

"You wonder if my words were a confession, or just a random thought?"


He is a liar!He also said he heard nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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