After the top movie queen, the love drama set collapsed

Chapter 81 Can I hold hands (3 updates)

Chapter 81 Can You Hold Hands (Third Watch)
Sheng Jiaojiao was really shocked by his shameless appearance. Even when it was her turn to draw the stick, Yao Qing had to scream twice before she heard it.

"Ah... oh! I've got me."

Wen Xuyan was obviously a handsome young man and a humble gentleman as gentle as jade when we first met him. How come he has become like this now?
She thought doubtfully as she pulled out the wooden stick.

She was the third one, and it was relatively easy.

Before Sheng Jiaojiao could see clearly the mission on the wooden strip, Yao Qing next to her leaned her head over and read it out loud.

"Close your eyes and touch your hands to find the designated person of the opposite sex~"

This is...a big adventure?

Did she commit Mercury retrograde this year, Yao Qing and Jian Weiran before were telling the truth, and when it was her turn, they would draw a big adventure?

When it comes to this stage, the most excited person is Yao Qing.

Sheng Jiaojiao was pulled by her to sit down on the sofa with her back to everyone, then she took off the decorative silk scarf tied on her casual shirt and covered her eyes.

"It's too easy to cheat if you close your eyes. It's safer to cover up."

The silk scarf blocked the light, and her eyes were completely dark. She really couldn't see anything.

"Miss, can you see me?"

There was a breeze blowing in front of the door. Yao Qing must have waved his hand in front of her to test her.

Sheng Jiaojiao shook her head honestly,

"Not visible at all."

"OK, then your mission is to find Wenlu. Is there any problem?"

How could Yao Qing, a fan of the rising couple's CP, miss such a good opportunity to make sugar.

"……no problem."

There was no chance for Sheng Jiaojiao to refuse. For 50 heart coins, she had to participate in this big adventure.

【hhhhhhh Qingda University is really amazing!She didn't come to fall in love, she came to have sex at close range. 】

[Let us say together: Thank you Qingda! 】

[Compare your heart/love]

[If it wasn’t randomly drawn, I would suspect that Wenlu and Qingda colluded]

[Perhaps Yao Qing was the assist arranged by Wen Xuyan on his way to pursue his wife~]

[When the warming couple gets married, she must be the head table! 】

Yao Qing ordered Pei Yueze, Zuo Zhou, Jian Weiran and Wen Xuyan to stand up in the living room, and then led Sheng Jiaojiao to the first person.

"Okay, Miss, you can start."

Sheng Jiaojiao felt Yao Qing loosen the arm holding her and take a few steps back.

She took a deep breath and began to guess people by touching her hands.

When vision is blocked, people tend to feel insecure.

She raised her hand and tentatively stretched it forward, and then she touched a piece of hardness - someone's chest.

Sheng Jiaojiao touched both sides and felt her hand along her arms without pausing for much.

There are thin calluses on the fingertips, and although the nails are trimmed and rounded, there is still some length left.

She only touched it for a while, and she already had the answer for this person.He should be Zuo Zhou. He learned to play the guitar when he was young, so he has calluses on his fingertips, and his nails are kept a little longer to make it easier to play the guitar.

"Not this one."

She eliminated one and moved a step to the right.

The second person's hands are somewhat thick, but there are no other obvious distinguishing features.

Sheng Jiaojiao touched it for a long time, but she didn't know who it was. Fortunately, she put it aside and continued to touch the next one.

By the third time, she not only carefully touched the top, bottom, front and back of her hand, she even didn't let go of her wrist.

The fingers are slender and the nails are round. She can tell that they are a pair of beautiful hands just by touching them.But, I can't be sure whose it is.

For a while, some of them were stuck in a bottleneck.

She frowned slightly, suppressed the irritability in her heart, and touched the last one.

However, the last person's hand is very similar to the third person's, and it is impossible to tell the difference just by touching them.

Sheng Jiaojiao felt a little confused, so she took two more steps to the left, returned to the second one, and touched it again.

She had seen Wen Xuyan's hand before, so this one shouldn't be him.

"Not this one either."

Now there are only the last two left. As long as you find out which of the two is Wen Xuyan, you will get 50 heart coins.

She thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea flashed, "Can I hold hands?"

Because she didn't know where the others were, she just turned her head casually and asked.

Sheng Jiaojiao's request was naturally something Yao Qing liked to hear.She, Lin Shilan and Yan Ying looked at each other, and seeing that they both had no objections, she replied: "Okay."

After getting the answer, Sheng Jiaojiao felt that victory was in sight.

Without hesitation, he held the hand of the third person. The palm was generous and warm, so big that it almost covered her hand.

Just when she was about to let go and hold the fourth person's hand, the third person tightened it as if reluctant to let go, then let go without leaving any trace.

Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, and the answer gradually came to her mind.

After a brief shake with the fourth person, she let go.

"I already know, the third one is Wen Xuyan."

Her tone was calm but full of certainty.

Yao Qing: "Are you sure?"


She nodded, raised her hand to untie the silk scarf, and the light shone into her eyes, causing her to squint reflexively.

As she guessed, the one standing on the far left was indeed Zuo Zhou, followed by Jian Weiran.

Wen Xuyan was the third one.

Sheng Jiaojiao stood opposite him, and before the distance between them could close, her eyes fell on his hands.

The joints are clear and slender, and the red mole at the tiger's mouth is still sexy.

[How did the eldest lady tell the difference? 】

[I feel that Wen Lu’s hands are similar to Teacher Pei’s]

【I know I know!Wenlu's hands are extra long!You have forgotten that when the eldest lady went to Wenlu's room to talk to him about changing her cooking partner, the camera showed a close-up of Wenlu's hand. 】

[I took a screenshot!I was licking the screen for a long time!Onryu’s hands are at least 20cm long/color]

[When the two of them held each other, it was obvious that Wen Lu's hand was bigger than Pei Yueze's, so the eldest lady must have recognized it. 】

[The two of them held hands before when they were on the suspension bridge. The eldest lady probably still feels familiar. 】


"Teacher Sheng, we have been filming together for four months, and you haven't even guessed my hands."

Pei Yueze, who was next to him, joked.

Sheng Jiaojiao smiled.

Four months is four months, but in the scenes between her and Pei Yueze, she was beaten by him.His hands were either grabbing her hair, pinching her neck, or hitting her.

There wasn't even a hand-holding scene, so it was strange that she could recognize them.

Several rounds followed, and the game was not over until the wooden tower collapsed when Yan Ying was drawing.

Before we knew it, it was lunch time. Everyone cooked something to eat and then went back to their rooms to take a nap.

When Sheng Jiaojiao woke up, she saw that it was almost five o'clock.

She washed her face to wake up, and when she got downstairs, she saw Pei Yueze and Lin Shilan who were already making dinner for everyone.

After returning from the beach, she clearly felt that Lin Shilan's attitude towards Pei Yueze had changed.

If she was always shy and timid towards him before, it is much more natural now.

Is Lin Shilan... not chasing her anymore?

(End of this chapter)

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