Chapter 85

Ji Meihe was almost fooled to death by him. Didn't he say that he was the president of a venture capital company?Why are you so brainless?
She pushed the shrimp he held aside in disgust, not wanting to touch it again.

Sheng Jiaojiao sneered, finding it very funny.

"What kind of person am I? It's your turn to judge?! Jian Weiran, don't think too highly of yourself, and don't think of others too low."

She didn't bother to look at him again, pulled out her chair and was about to leave.

Wen Xuyan quickly held her arm and said, "I'll take you up."

"No, you continue to eat..."

Just when Sheng Jiaojiao was about to refuse, she felt his hand tighten on her wrist, and then heard his lowered voice, "Don't refuse me, okay?"

She turned her head and met his eyes.

It was clear and clean, with only her reflected inside.

Unfortunately, if you refuse, it will no longer be possible to say it.

"it is good……"

She was helped up to the second floor by him - more accurately, he was supported, because her feet barely touched the ground.

When he reached the door of the room, Wen Xuyan let go of his hand and said, "I won't go in."

At times like this, he had to be extra measured.

"You didn't eat much. I put those snacks back in my room. I'll get them for you."


Sheng Jiaojiao was about to refuse again, but suddenly thought of what he just said, 'Don't refuse me, okay?' ', I swallowed it back in my stomach if I refused.

"Okay, thank you."

"Don't tell me thank you."

His head was gently rubbed by him,

"Go into the room first and don't wait for me at the door."

"it is good."

This time Sheng Jiaojiao knew it and agreed directly.

Wen Xuyan came back very quickly, but he took not just a few bags of low-calorie snacks, but the original bag.

"The human body needs carbohydrates. If you don't eat rice, just eat a little of these, you know?"

Sheng Jiaojiao was forced by him to hold a large bag of snacks. Looking at the colorful packaging inside, she couldn't help but tell that she was salivating.

Now that she no longer has to play Qiu Yan, can she eat a little bit?

Just eat a little~

After convincing herself, she accepted it with peace of mind.

"Okay, I'll eat it."


At night, Sheng Jiaojiao lay on the bed but couldn't sleep.

She tossed and turned, unable to ignore her hungry belly.

You've obviously eaten some low-calorie snacks, why are you still hungry?Could it be that you were too presumptuous in the past few days and made your stomach grow bigger?

No way……

She looked at the ceiling, hopeless.

After a minute, she still couldn't bear to get out of bed, quietly opened the door, and looked around.

The corridor was quiet, and the cameras were all turned off because it was past eleven o'clock.

Sheng Jiaojiao closed the door softly, and as soon as she walked to the first floor, she heard some noises from the kitchen.

Could it be that there are people like her who come down in the middle of the night to turn on the stove?

She moved over, and when her eyes touched that person, her slightly hunched back immediately straightened up.

"Wen Xuyan?"

The person with his back to her turned around, it was Wen Xuyan.

"Why are you here?"

After Sheng Jiaojiao asked, she felt that her question was a bit unnecessary.

At this point, he appeared in the kitchen and was still cooking. He was obviously hungry!

Wen Xuyan turned his body sideways, revealing the pot on the stove, "As you can see, cooking noodles."

He used his chopsticks to stir the fresh noodles in the pot.
"Would you like some?"

Sheng Jiaojiao originally just wanted to eat something casually, but when she got closer and saw the noodles with rich ingredients in his pot, she couldn't control her appetite.

"One night!"

"it is good."

Wen Xuyan added some more water and put a handful of noodles into the pot. The noodles were slurping and the aroma was overflowing.

She waited beside him, looking at his back, a little lost in thought.

Looking at it this way, he seems a bit like a househusband...

"What do you think?"

"You are like a househusband..."


Sheng Jiaojiao didn't recover, and just blurted out the words in her head.

"No! I think you are very virtuous...No!"

She felt that the more she said, the more outrageous she was. No boy would want to be called virtuous, right?
However, when Wen Xuyan heard this, he raised his eyebrows and happily accepted her evaluation, "Thank you for the compliment."

"Aren't you... angry? I said you were like a househusband and that you were virtuous!"

"Why are you angry? I can only cook noodles but you say I am virtuous. Isn't that a compliment?"

Sheng Jiaojiao was stunned. Can she still understand it this way?
But what he said seemed to make some sense.

Wen Xuyan poured the noodles into two bowls, "Now that the noodles made by the home cook are ready, can Miss Sheng have a bite?"

He was wearing an apron, holding noodles, and stared at her eyes full of smiles.

"You're welcome, Miss."


The result of eating too much was that Sheng Jiaojiao suffered from insomnia and did not fall asleep until two o'clock in the morning. This also meant that it was almost noon when she got up the next day.

When she came downstairs after washing, she felt unusually quiet.

At this point, shouldn't everyone else be waiting in the living room to have lunch?
Turning the corner of the stairs, Sheng Jiaojiao's pupils shrank.

Even though she had known in advance that He Jingyao would come, she was still caught off guard and taken aback.

After all, the scene in the living room now... looks a bit embarrassing.

Jian Weiran, Ji Meihe, Pei Yueze and Yan Ying were not there, Zuo Zhou and Yao Qing were busy in the kitchen.

There were only Wen Xuyan, Lin Shilan and... He Jingyao in the living room.

[Wow...the program team is really doing something]

[Even He Jingyao is here. Is the director targeting the eldest lady? 】

[How dare he come?The last scandal has just been clarified, okay? 】

[An old enemy in the circle, a rumored boyfriend, tsk~ This is quite interesting]

[This really makes people suspect that the director did not do it on purpose. 】

[Don’t doubt it, it’s intentional]

[The eldest lady didn’t even dare to go out, hhhhhh, she died laughing]

[Wen Lv just came downstairs and saw He Jingyao, his expression suddenly changed without being able to hold back. 】

[If it weren't for Miss Shilan here, the atmosphere would probably be more awkward]

[Wenlu is very jealous when she is jealous, so she burns incense and prays for the eldest lady/puts hands together~]

Lin Shilan and Wen Xuyan sat on one side, chatting occasionally, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

He Jingyao was the only one sitting on the other side, looking left and right as if he was at a loss. When his eyes glanced at the two of them, he paused, as if he was considering whether to go over, but after thinking for a while, he looked away.

Sheng Jiaojiao hid behind the corner, rubbing her brows in annoyance.

She knew very well what He Jingyao...or his team was thinking.

The scandal between her and him had just been clarified, and he came to do a show with her - it was a romance show. There were too many topics for the gossip media to write about.

He Jingyao was born in a talent show, but has transformed into an actor.It is said that an actor can fall in love, but his girlfriend fans see him on the romance show and still get entangled with her. If she substitutes herself, she will be pissed off. I am afraid that some fans will lose their fans.

I really don’t know what his team is thinking...

For the sake of traffic and topics, do you even care about your fans?
When she was a flight instructor in that elective program, she knew that He Jingyao was a very shy boy in private despite being very relaxed on stage.

That's why she agreed after the show ended when she heard that he invited her to dinner and wanted to thank her.

Sheng Jiaojiao poked her head out to look at He Jingyao again, but her eyes met his.

"Teacher Sheng!"

grass!Got caught!

Now she couldn't hide anymore, so she had to slowly walk out of the corner, "'s you."

There was no surprise or surprise in her tone, and she didn't even bother to pretend.

"Teacher Sheng, it's great to meet you again!"

I really don’t know if He Jingyao did it on purpose or if he was out of his mind, but he walked up to Sheng Jiaojiao with bright eyes and enthusiasm.
"I'm really sorry for what happened last time, which caused trouble to you, Teacher Sheng."

His hair was permed and there was still a little baby fat on his face, and he looked at her sincerely.

A bit like a puppy...

But whether it is a real puppy or a puppy in wolf clothing is unknown.

Sheng Jiaojiao put on the perfect mask again. She waved her hand nonchalantly, "It's okay. Anyway, everything has been clarified. There is nothing between us. The one who is clean will be clean."

The previous statement posted online has made it very clear, and the subsequent response has been pretty good.

No matter what his purpose of coming to "Jian Lian" is, she will never have anything to do with him again.


He Jingyao took a step closer, being a head taller than her, making it easy for him to give her a sense of oppression.

"Mr. Sheng, what do I want to have with you? If you don't want to clear it up, clear it up yourself."

Sheng Jiaojiao:?

Sheng Jiaojiao:!What are you doing——

Wen Xuyan, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly clenched his fists and stared at He Jingyao's back with deep and cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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