tenth year of teaching

Chapter 267 Management

Chapter 267 Management
Quiet - talk less and listen more; Slow - do things steadily, not impatiently; Tolerance - tolerance is wisdom; Let - take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter; Light - many things will become clouds over time; Ping - calm and balanced. ——Nan Huaijin.

In the early morning of summer, a magpie landed on a lamp stand with a branch in its mouth.The tall lighting lights at the four corners of the playground were removed from the middle and lowered by half due to safety concerns.Although the sycamore tree that had its excess branches and leaves pruned last winter was full of green leaves, it was still disliked by magpies like a bald office director.

Two people were arguing under the tree.

"I don't want to get into high school."



"How can it be meaningless?"

"I feel that the class I attended last month is not suitable for me, so I might as well check for the gaps myself and fill in the gaps."

"But after all, we are now in the transition stage to the new college entrance examination. We have invited teachers from the urban area to provide some special tutoring. There will be some new information. I don't know which one will be useful?"

"What a waste of time. I have my own review plan."

"Look, let me tell you about my experience. When I was in my third year of high school, the school organized classes at key schools in the city, and hired a senior teacher from No. 12 Middle School who was in charge of competition projects to give lectures. I took a lot of classes, and one of them was, I still remember that the senior person handed out two and a half inference questions in the last lecture and told us to go back and do it again. There must have been inferences back then, and because it was a newly added content, it must be from the textbook. I listened, and then I just did it, and then I completed the original question with [-] points in the college entrance examination in one go, and then I became the top student in the school in physics. "

"Teacher, that's you, not me. I have my own plan." Ren Long pondered for a moment, and then added: "But because it was you who persuaded me, I'll stick to it for another month. Anyway, after the second mold, I will definitely not Participate, I have made my own schedule, and this class will affect my final progress of checking for omissions and filling them in."

The boy opposite is about 1.7 meters tall, slightly thin, with a long face. He looks gentle, but his eyes are firm and sharp.There was nothing he could do about it in the early summer. This Ren Long had not shown any prominence since the first year of high school, then ranked first in the second year of high school, and finally ranked among the top five in the district by the third year of high school. He was the most special child in this class.

Because the head teacher of my first year of high school was a history teacher, I chose liberal arts in my second year of high school.In fact, the chemistry score is also very good. If it is put into the new high school subject selection system, the score should be better.Chu Xia shook her head, getting rid of the messy thoughts, and opened her mouth to say something more, but it was obvious that the boy had already tightened his lips to show his firm determination.

"Forget it, then make your own plan and review carefully. Not everything taught in class may be suitable for you. Make your own plan and ask more questions." Chu Xia still gave up her persistence.

The key to Ren Long's current achievements is that he has always adhered to his study plan. During the winter and summer vacations of his freshman year of high school, he shared the next semester's textbooks with his teacher, previewed them in advance, and sketched out questions.After school starts, focus on listening to the lectures based on the questions. In addition to the tasks assigned by the teacher, you will also ask the teacher for suggestions and do some additional practice questions in a planned way.

During the study exchange, Ren Long also said that he would borrow some study method books, go to the library to review on weekends, and make some mind maps to connect historical events into a timeline.In short, this is a very independent student who has been able to do so for three years.

Chu Xia thought that even her high school could not do this. Ren Long, as a key subject of attention, has always been asked by teachers and leaders.So this time, Chu Xia paid special attention to his feedback in the district's tutoring program for top students.

Tutoring for top students, Chu Xia thought about it a lot, and finally decided to do it in a competitive way.Before each exam, an enrollment notice is posted in the corridor, and registration is open to the public. Students who want to register voluntarily sign the poster posted on the wall.After the exam, students are selected according to their grade rankings, from high to low, and the test scores are accumulated. When reaching the first model, students are selected based on the cumulative ranking of midterm, final, and first model scores in the first semester of senior high school.Of course, the most important thing is that this selection is two-way.

You sign up and I select.I can choose, and of course you can choose to abstain.Because teachers are invited from urban areas to teach, they don’t know what kind of information they will bring. This is the most critical issue for leaders to consider.Chu Xia's original intention was to stimulate the competitive consciousness of the top students, but she didn't expect that the top student in the grade would abstain from voting. In the hope that Ren Long could improve his grades, she still tried hard to persuade him.

Although the effect was not great, I knew that Ren Long's own review plan was quite detailed, so I felt somewhat relieved.In fact, leading grades has something in common with leading classes, which is to focus on the two ends and lead the middle.

Top students should work on their tails, but the classification and stratification has been completely completed before.Basic majors who have no hope of taking the undergraduate examination can apply for admission. Art students who have not passed the joint entrance examination or media school examination should follow the recommendations.This is all work in advance, and there are of course twists and turns. It is also right for parents of special students and special needs to insist on their own rights.

The most important task now is to do a good job as a critical student. It was initially called a marginal student. In early summer, I wanted to change the soup without changing the medicine. No matter what I call it, it means the same thing.

This year's reform is very vigorous. We must not only study the reform trends of the college entrance examination, but also obey the general trend of school reform.After the class hours were completely standardized, there were five self-study classes a week, one a day. However, many students in the No. [-] Affiliated High School had poor self-control ability, and it was rare to see someone like Ren Long in ten years.

Before the self-study, the head teacher tried to arrange it independently, but all the self-study students could do anything while sleeping.Then he encouraged the teacher to assign tasks, but as a result, he was rushed into class and the students were unhappy.In the end, grade-level tutoring and lesson preparation groups were combined, but the effect was not very obvious. Human nature has no way to deal with this.

Any top-down decision-making will be resisted, and the effect will inevitably be greatly reduced.So in the end, we had to revert to class self-control, and experienced teachers would assign subjects to answer questions. In any case, the classroom effect without teachers would still be much worse.

Chu Xia was a little anxious. She had a headache when she looked at the two large bags of mobile phones in the cabinet.There is a so-called severe crackdown every month, but mobile phones can never be banned. One or two will be confiscated when entering and exiting the classroom at will, because there have been countless conflicts with students about mobile phones.

Many students have learned to use models instead of handing them in, or they may bring two or three of their own, or they may want to buy new ones. The most exaggerated thing is to encourage their parents to ask their teachers for them, crying, making trouble, or hanging themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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